Whitestar1802 — Galactic Symphony

Published: 2012-08-09 21:09:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 6855; Favourites: 417; Downloads: 491
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Description It's a crossover! OMG How long has it been since I made one of these!?

But, yes. I've been in a Star Wars mood lately and couldn't help but try converting one of Padme's outfits into pony. Honestly, I just love these films so much, Star Wars is what got me into fantasy! I mean, the first few minutes of Phantom Menace were cool and stuff, but they mentioned "queen" and being a ten year old I think "ermine, big pointy jewel crown" cliche queen. And then this beautiful woman with the strangest hairstyle, clothing, and make-up I've ever seen appears and then...just.. Her entire wardrobe is like one massive masterpiece to me.

Someone actually recomended I use this dress, as it's not as popular as a few others: [link] Of course, the sleeves were hell to convert, but I think it turned out alright. I had to find several refferences for the hair too. Originally I was going to draw this with Rarity, but I have a Marilyn Monroe pic planned with her so I went with another pony known for her beauty in the fandom: Octavia! I think it turned out better because I used an Earth pony, since Rarity's horn would've gotten in the way quite a bit.

Also, I hid several Easter eggs in here: In the circles at the top, I added in the symbol of the Galactic Republic, and at the bottom the Galactic Senate logo. In the filigree at Octavia's sides I incoorperated her Cutie Mark, and her name is spelled in Arubesh in the circle surrounding her head. And, to top it off, the sheet music is in fact the first few notes of "the Force" theme, a.k.a Binary Sunset.

And my first time trying out an Art Nouveau style. I might try this again even though it took way too long.
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Comments: 97

LTblackcoat [2013-11-27 14:52:22 +0000 UTC]

Wow that's good and fitting.

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FeanorKelsick [2013-08-02 17:22:38 +0000 UTC]

oooooooh perrty

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JohnPetrelius [2012-11-06 06:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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Whitestar1802 In reply to JohnPetrelius [2012-11-06 14:35:44 +0000 UTC]


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Pink--Champagne [2012-10-15 21:42:42 +0000 UTC]

I don't know how I missed this, but it's amazing.

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Whitestar1802 In reply to Pink--Champagne [2012-10-15 21:43:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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bardotbaby [2012-08-30 17:29:47 +0000 UTC]

Pony Amidala? I can work with this...

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Whitestar1802 In reply to bardotbaby [2012-08-30 20:09:24 +0000 UTC]


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ZeroZi [2012-08-23 21:45:16 +0000 UTC]

sweet i love it

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Whitestar1802 In reply to ZeroZi [2012-08-24 01:15:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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ZeroZi In reply to Whitestar1802 [2012-08-24 04:40:36 +0000 UTC]


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BrosubTaco [2012-08-23 01:53:08 +0000 UTC]

This is pretty dope!
Shirt i need this to be on one!

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Whitestar1802 In reply to BrosubTaco [2012-08-23 01:55:45 +0000 UTC]

Maybe if I learn to make shirts, I'll use it in one.

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RedMarkerRellik [2012-08-22 20:56:09 +0000 UTC]

This is beautiful.
Very nice work.

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Whitestar1802 In reply to RedMarkerRellik [2012-08-22 23:29:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. ^^

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MagicMan001 [2012-08-18 18:09:21 +0000 UTC]

Beautifully done, with neat easter eggs to boot. I'm not a big fan of Star Wars anymore, but even so, Rarity fits here.

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Whitestar1802 In reply to MagicMan001 [2012-08-18 21:01:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, but I changed it to Octavia.

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MagicMan001 In reply to Whitestar1802 [2012-08-18 21:24:07 +0000 UTC]

Oh. That's Octavia? Oh God, am I stupid. Just goes to show how much I need to read the notes first before commenting. Hell, the title should've been a giveaway.

But still, a great picture.

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Whitestar1802 In reply to MagicMan001 [2012-08-19 01:42:01 +0000 UTC]

It's fine.

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MajorBrons [2012-08-12 05:31:56 +0000 UTC]

I never got in to Star Wars but, this is totally righteous. love this style of art man!

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Whitestar1802 In reply to MajorBrons [2012-08-12 05:37:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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equigoyle [2012-08-12 05:06:59 +0000 UTC]

That's pretty cool.

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Whitestar1802 In reply to equigoyle [2012-08-12 05:17:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Flashfire212 [2012-08-10 14:06:05 +0000 UTC]

...I knew I recognized the background art. I'm a massive Star Wars fan. Not so big a pony fan, but the Arubesh and the Republic Emblem were perfect additions to this. If only you could be bothered designed a Mandalorian....pony or not, seeing a Mando would be cool.

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Whitestar1802 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-10 14:12:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm not sure what a Mandalorian is, but I'm actually designing a (non pony) Bothan atm. I mean, Jedi Werewolves? Hell yeah.

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Flashfire212 In reply to Whitestar1802 [2012-08-10 14:16:22 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yeah. And a Mandalorian - try the Fett family. Or even better, look it up on Wookiepedia. Mandalorians - mercenary farmers, who go from killing back to the harvest. Plus lightsaber-proof armor, intense talents, etc...yeah, my Star Wars FCs are normally Mandos.

And a Bothan? SCHWEET! Sure, Borsk Fey'lya (New Republic senator) bugs me, and there was another Bothan, an X-wing pilot (from X-Wing: Wraith Squadron called Grinder) who was an interesting character...but Bothans are still awesome.

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Whitestar1802 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-10 14:18:02 +0000 UTC]

Ooooooooh. I'll need to look them up. And maybe read up on a few others species since my knowledge only goes about as far as the movies.

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Flashfire212 In reply to Whitestar1802 [2012-08-10 14:23:54 +0000 UTC]

...eh, I'm no expert, but Mandos are a group, accepting of all races. Mostly human, but their armor is awesome.

Believe me I can suggest a few good races.

Trandoshan - lizardmen.
Zeltron - blue-skinned party animal
Twi'lek - ...uh...they were slave girls....um, can't say much about Twillies.
Gotal - force-sensitive things with horns on their head.
Nohgri - lizardmen with knives. And epic assassination and combat skills. Loyal to Vader, and later, Leia.
Kel Dor - ...can't describe, but involves gas mask.

...and...yeah. I know more, but meh, those were the first to come to mind.

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Whitestar1802 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-10 14:26:00 +0000 UTC]

Wow....I REALLY need to read up.

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Flashfire212 In reply to Whitestar1802 [2012-08-10 14:29:24 +0000 UTC]

Haha, you're talking to a collector of the miniatures (discontinued, damn Wizards), trading cards (discontinued -_-) and novels. Don't worry about it, I even scare a few other hard-core Star Wars fans with what I know. Mostly because they stick to the cartoons.

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Whitestar1802 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-10 14:35:01 +0000 UTC]

Well I think it's awesome. Though, that's kinda weird, I thought the cartoons weren't that popular?

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Flashfire212 In reply to Whitestar1802 [2012-08-10 14:38:38 +0000 UTC]

Amongst most hard-core fans, nope. They bombed, and drove the author pushing for Mandalorian to become a full language to quit when they ignored her works completely and made the Mandos pacifists. I hate them purely for that reason. Oh well...

However, they do tie in the EU in extremely well. I mean, they show Z-95s, Mk I Y-wings, ARC-170s (barely), uh, the things people dubbed W-wings (Torrent fighters or something), a number of planets, the Force-witches of Dathomir (ruined them as well, but meh, I can live with it)

Oh, and another species for you - Zabrak. It's Maul's species. And speaking of Maul, he's another thing that was weird. They resurrected him. Sure, the comics did that years ago. But having him still alive? Weird...

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SM51 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-22 20:58:40 +0000 UTC]

They made Mandos PACIFISTS????!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!!??! THE MANDOS ARE WARRIORS! Was there a good reason for this change, because despite my love for Star Wars, I haven't really done much with it recently.

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Flashfire212 In reply to SM51 [2012-08-27 11:40:21 +0000 UTC]

No, I don't think so. Other than to create a love interest for Obi-Wan, which could have been from any planet. Basically, the Mandos we know and love are terrorists. Death Watch, all over again -_-.

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SM51 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-27 18:05:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah the New Mandalorians. I forgot bout those guys. Aside from them and Death Watch, the true Clans of Mandalore, the ones we all love, were and are the same. In fact in the EU, the New Mandalorians are eventually defeated and Mandalore is returned to the Clans.

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Flashfire212 In reply to SM51 [2012-08-28 11:32:51 +0000 UTC]

YAY! Eh, I'm more Legacy era, rather than Clone Wars, but I'm a Mando'ade, through and through.

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SM51 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-28 13:49:51 +0000 UTC]

I personally like the New Republic and the Old Republic Eras.

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Flashfire212 In reply to SM51 [2012-08-29 06:08:02 +0000 UTC]

Old Republic isn't bad, nor is New Republic, but the post NJO-era (so...post Yuuzhan Vong War) has to have some of my favorite books.

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SM51 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-29 13:43:16 +0000 UTC]

I haven't really read many post NJO-era books so I can't really say.

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Flashfire212 In reply to SM51 [2012-08-30 04:15:17 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, they're pretty new, compared to NJO. If you do start, I'd recommend the Black Nest Crisis trilogy, it sets the scene for the next Skywalker lineage Sith Lord.

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SM51 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-30 15:27:24 +0000 UTC]

Is this before or after Jacen Solo's fall?

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Flashfire212 In reply to SM51 [2012-08-31 12:48:31 +0000 UTC]

Uh, very start of it. You see him use powers most others don't, like the first real appearance of Flow Walking, mind rubbing, etc. Jacen's fall is awesome, though.

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SM51 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-08-31 14:17:34 +0000 UTC]

Okay, so that is the start of the Legacy era. I was always just a little saddened by his fall, even though a Jedi falling to the Dark Side is always cool.

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Flashfire212 In reply to SM51 [2012-09-01 13:05:08 +0000 UTC]

Yeah...but damn. It's also one of the most awesome Star Wars book series I've read. Jacen/Darth Caedus was one of the most well-written Sith in a long time...although Vestara Khai from the Fate of the Jedi, as a reverse-fall (Born a Sith, becomes a Jedi, then falls back to Sith in the end) is a close second.

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SM51 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-09-01 16:59:35 +0000 UTC]

Alrighty then! Looks like I need to get back into to Star Wars like I used to be.

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Flashfire212 In reply to SM51 [2012-09-02 12:31:26 +0000 UTC]

Haha, well, if you ever need someone to recommend a book, or clarify something, try Wookiepedia. Or me.

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SM51 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-09-02 13:12:59 +0000 UTC]

Ok, what books can you recommend?

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Flashfire212 In reply to SM51 [2012-09-04 12:18:29 +0000 UTC]

Well, as I said, the Fate of the Jedi series is one I've been digging recently, but like I said before, the Black Nest Crisis trilogy is a good place to start for the Legacy-era. Then it's the Legacy of the Force, which has Jacen's final decent into Sith, and then finally FotJ, with a temporary Jedi/Sith alliance. Other than that, I hear Revan's good for the Old Republic novels, as is the Darth Bane books.

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SM51 In reply to Flashfire212 [2012-09-04 15:10:34 +0000 UTC]

I LOVE of those guys. They are both what it means to be a Sith, at least during the Old Republic. My fave SW book is Bane: Path of Destruction.

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Flashfire212 In reply to SM51 [2012-09-05 06:02:22 +0000 UTC]

Damn straight! Lost Tribe have the same ideals, as well. Makes it interesting post-Rule of Two.

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