Comments: 20
aatosiwa [2017-01-01 20:39:43 +0000 UTC]
I see a white horse crossing a path during winter. The horse is decorated with gold bands while surrounded with blue sparkling snowflakes suggesting that something magical is in the air.
I like the color choices for the piece. It sets a good background mood that not only fits the winter season but also gives the sense that something special has crossed our path. The head of the horse is very well done. The cheeks are well defined, the ears are well drawn and the top of the mane frames the face for us.
The one area for improvement would be proportion. The body seems too big for the head and the legs don't flow out of the core of the body that reflects the underlying anatomy or skeleton. Your picture, Sheer Power from 2014 is a good example where you drew the head and body closer to a proper proportion. Proportion can be hard to learn by eye alone. You may want to take a horse photo, divide it into sections of the body and then use a ruler to measure each section. This will give you a sense of multiples. You may then use these to create practice body outline sketches and then, apply what you've learned to future drawings.
The setting itself is done very well. The path narrows as it moves to the top of the page creating the proper perspective. The trees frame the overall scene while the addition of the evergreen helps reinforce a little winter Christmas feeling.
I thought this picture had a really good core idea so I rated you highest in vision and impact. Some areas of your technique are right on, but the anatomical structures are a little out of balance. Since the horse is the central figure, it's why I rated technique the lowest. Overall though, I could sense the magic in the piece and it left me with a very positive feeling. Well done!
PS - That's a neat logo you drew over your name.
Note: If you would like some details behind my approach to critiques, you can read my two journal posts titled, How I Critique, for more information.
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aatosiwa In reply to Witchcraftsy [2017-01-03 21:35:36 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. I enjoyed looking at this piece and your art. Keep up the good work!
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ellipsiem [2017-01-02 23:07:20 +0000 UTC]
ahh this is so amazing!! I love the atmosphere, and she looks great! Thank you so much <33
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KayStarlit [2017-01-02 20:22:16 +0000 UTC]
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SundaysPony [2017-01-02 07:59:33 +0000 UTC]
This is wonderful and very magical^^
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DesryKaizer67 [2017-01-02 03:58:08 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful artwork! You have talent! Keep up the good work! ย Lovely!
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xIcepelt [2017-01-02 03:05:54 +0000 UTC]
So pretty!
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