Comments: 17
macair120 [2017-07-28 19:04:54 +0000 UTC]
buen trabajo
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PaintDemColors [2017-05-19 01:52:05 +0000 UTC]
Oh man I recently played through the Hanged Man also...I love this! Your art's so nice!
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BorelightArt [2017-05-18 21:58:32 +0000 UTC]
Espera, ellos son los protas o los monstruos? me confundi ;-;
Habia oido de The crooked man, pero no lo juguè por que parecia muy oscuro y me daba mello (?
Pero eso ya hace mucho xD, creo que reabriste mi interes por los RPG's de horror jaja
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ximsol182 In reply to BorelightArt [2017-05-18 22:13:23 +0000 UTC]
Son los protas.
Ssssep. The Crooked Man es el que mas miedo da, pero tiene el mejor plot y buenos personajes. Podrias intentar jugar los demas para que veas de que va la saga.
Acaso tu RPG no era de horror?
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BorelightArt In reply to ximsol182 [2017-05-18 22:32:23 +0000 UTC]
Descargare los 4 a ver que tal..
Y pues si, ironico no? xD aunque no se si lo termine y ni siquiera es que digas "woah ezto ez terror sicolojico" (?
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NoCreativo [2017-05-18 20:24:58 +0000 UTC]
Haven't finished The Hanged Man yet, but considering the game up to the part I've played, it might become my second favorite after The Crokked Man
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ximsol182 In reply to NoCreativo [2017-05-18 22:04:52 +0000 UTC]
Hey, it´s you again! (You commented about how dissapointing was PM in the end). The Hanged Man is fine, but Will's character is too relatable it's almost scary.
P.S: Do you speak Spanish?
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NoCreativo In reply to ximsol182 [2017-05-19 03:31:47 +0000 UTC]
Sí, de hecho hablo español como lengua materna.
Los protas de los juegos de Uri son de lo mejor de sus juegos, incluso Sandman (a mi gusto el peor, pero sigue siendo muy bueno) destaca en eso. De hecho estoy casi seguro que Sophie, Will y quizás hasta David habrían sido villanos en el típico juego de horror
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TakumixXx [2017-05-18 14:59:47 +0000 UTC]
Super love this! >///<
Omg! keithhh!!!~For me i love Boogieman more ^^
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ximsol182 In reply to TakumixXx [2017-05-18 21:59:27 +0000 UTC]
The Boogie Man is my second favorite series. But I prefer David because he was so likeable (and it was good to see his character development between series!).
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Manaprizm [2017-05-18 06:58:47 +0000 UTC]
I have yet to play Hanged Man but what I see so far is interesting!
Ah but I agree with the Crooked Man being a favorite as well, there only so many games that brought me so many feels. ;w;
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