Xylinthia — Blue Painting

#beach #beachpainting #canvas #college #collegeart #collegeproject #oil #oilpaint #oilpainting #stilllife #stilllifepainting #traditional #traditionalart #stretchedcanvas #handmadecanvas #xyliart
Published: 2023-03-15 21:33:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 514; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description Spring Quarter of Freshman Year of college. Final painting project, prompt was "narrative". We built a still-life inside a cardboard box by our easel, clamp light aimed inside. I was the one idiot in class to use a colored bulb, and it made it hard to capture the color properly, and it caused all kinds of eye strain.
Oil on Handmade Canvas, 14" × 32"
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