Yakra — Study Session

Published: 2007-01-08 10:34:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 922; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 9
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Description I need to stop making nonsense and work upon things that actually need to be done! Does this happen to you all too? How do you manage to concentrate?!

Medium: Acrylics, watercolors, markers and pencils on parchment
Time: 3 days?

Another pointless sketch that popped up while avoiding the actual work that needed to be done. It was actually fun though, since I never really colored like this - inking first and then coloring with pencils (I've only worked like that with pure black and white acrylic/ink/marker drawings), it reminded me of coloring in a kiddy coloring book or something? (Ek! I need to use some other word besides color! D: ) But grah! The colors ended up too flashy and bright! (Wa! Blinding green! >.< )

[I think I liked it when it was just plain lineart better... (I also realized I like inking with acrylics better! They don't spread!)]

Random piccy of a younger Fenrir and Oghma. Do they even look like they could be those two? Kweh... Oghma looks even more girly than the little kiddy Aidin.

[Utterly random: I really, really hate little kids so I never really noticed them much. But they grow so fast! I never realized 1 year old kiddies are so... big! (So... em... Aidin in this piccy is supposed to be 2-ish?)]

[*sticks a story in for the sake of... eh... sticking a story in* On a fine summer's day, little Aidin left the Calfas manor on a grand adventure. While braving the wide green lands all around she spotted two huuuuge creatures, one of which most certainly was dead. And so, like any inquisitive heroine, she went forth to pull the hair of the first, slobber over the great tomes of knowlege, before poking the dead one in the eye. (...And what came to pass after this act earned Fenrir little Aidin's eternal wrath for life! ^_^ )
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Comments: 39

mysia [2007-02-16 10:55:07 +0000 UTC]

I have no idea how to concentrate. x) I always have had problems with that.
Anyway, this looks very nice. The colors are a bit bright but that little one is just so cute that I have to ignore the colors and just go aww. Sleeping people are always a win in my case. x)

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Yakra In reply to mysia [2007-02-21 09:04:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^_^ Little kids are a bit worrying to make... I don't want them to look like squeezed down adults!

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bananamonkey [2007-02-12 12:03:41 +0000 UTC]

It's the color, the positions, your skill with your materials, the life in this picture!

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Yakra In reply to bananamonkey [2007-02-13 10:50:07 +0000 UTC]

^_^ Thank you! (Life? In this random scribble! Wheee! XD)

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bananamonkey In reply to Yakra [2007-02-13 12:12:03 +0000 UTC]

But it's true! At least, for me

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just-joey [2007-01-27 00:31:19 +0000 UTC]

Awwwww...sleeping Fenrir is adorable! =^^=

love the uniforms (blue and gold always go so well together) and the gardens are gorgeous...I wouldn't mind studying in a place like that... ^^

I love the texture that the colored pencils give the picture too...turned out really well. ^_^

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Yakra In reply to just-joey [2007-02-13 10:47:59 +0000 UTC]

Squeeee.... I'm so lazy in reply that I even forgot about your comment here! I'm so, so sorry!

Sleeping Fenrir was fun to draw! Though... it was hard to imagine him younger? Does he look so? But overall, it was a fun pic to scribble upon! With the watercolors and pencils and everything in the already inked lines - it was like coloring in those kiddy coloring books! XD

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just-joey In reply to Yakra [2007-02-16 05:06:20 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I think he does. ^^
It could just be because the hair's shorter, but he also has a more innocent look when he's asleep. Completely adorable.

And coloring books rock. ^^

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arashi-yukawa [2007-01-11 10:15:26 +0000 UTC]

I love her story! XDDD I adore your works X3

you ink after colouring? O_o wow, people's way of making art are unique, huh?? XD

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Yakra In reply to arashi-yukawa [2007-01-14 12:34:36 +0000 UTC]

Heh heh... I'm glad the silly story is appriciated! XD And thank you!

You ink first too? I'm starting to feel like I'm the only odd person here!

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arashi-yukawa In reply to Yakra [2007-01-22 03:46:45 +0000 UTC]

hey, one should be proud with their uniqueness

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azmin [2007-01-10 07:18:20 +0000 UTC]

oh wow, I didn't know pencil colouring could look so nice! That's a good picture, I like the atmosphere. It's the kind of atmosphere (and weather) I'd like to be in right now.

About concentration: I don't have any, either. None at all. If I have work to do, I just sit ad stare at it for days and weeks (and, like you, produce countless sketches instead of focussing on the work), and then finish the night before the deadline.

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Yakra In reply to azmin [2007-01-14 12:10:22 +0000 UTC]

The weather is like this over here! (well... atleast for one hour a day... ) But really? It actually looks nice?! Thank you!

Aaaah... that's exactly what I do too! But more like spend the last week making 5 paintings (or more) non-stop and weeping away! It's nice to know someone else is as woonked as I am! XD

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culchy [2007-01-10 03:01:23 +0000 UTC]

very cool!

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Yakra In reply to culchy [2007-01-15 10:22:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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culchy In reply to Yakra [2007-01-17 00:46:03 +0000 UTC]

Your very welcome!

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Majidora [2007-01-09 14:36:51 +0000 UTC]

Very, very beautiful. : )

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Yakra In reply to Majidora [2007-01-15 10:19:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^_^ (and for the fav too!)

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merriya [2007-01-09 12:47:44 +0000 UTC]

I'm not the sort who goes "oooh what a cuuute kid" Either(by far). But Aidins story is so cute! I'd Say Oghma's lookin younger(instead of girlier). And if it's any consolation(?) Fenrir looks manlier? Not that I had an issues with the so called "girlier" Fenrir.

*is afraid the whole concept bishi-ness will eventually fade away and give rise to macho, muscle bound *gasp*short haired MANLY men*

The colourings really nice. I almost always do the lineart first and then color. Unless I decide line art might save a pic from looking superugly. I also scan/photograph the piccie before I continue to the next potentially disastrous step(coloring).

Any way, really love the mood in the pic, sort of nostalgic and *looks at Fenrir* relaxing... Pointless pic are fun!

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Yakra In reply to merriya [2007-01-14 11:43:46 +0000 UTC]

The story actually popped up after the sketch was completed! XD This was originally just a 'Ooo! I wanna make a young Fenrir and Oghma!'

Heh heh... finally Fenrir looks manly! (Kwa! Fenrir's sad fate! Doomed to become more girly-looking with age! ) I hardly think though the long haired bishies are going to become extinct species (not with you around! XD )

[Ah..! I just realized! I have a lot of short haired guys amongst meh charries! Though muscular they most definately are not! (*Luc tries to flex a non-existant muscle*) ]

I scanned the lineart for once! *brain was working* XD

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merriya In reply to Yakra [2007-01-19 10:40:01 +0000 UTC]

....... It just struck me, I'm so slow! That's Aiden, as in Oghma's fiance/spouse! Oh how silly of me! It makes the pic so much more endearing! And very very unpointless (how psuedo-pratchett of me). It's like a precious gem of a moment!

True, yes no rest until we see as many pretty men in the media as we see pretty women!(hedonism from a bum like myself...wow!) world domination!11111 *rolls eyes at herself*

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Yakra In reply to merriya [2007-01-20 10:58:50 +0000 UTC]

Yes indeed, that be the same Aidin who shall be Oghma's future fiance/spouse (though... I suppose they never got to the fiance stage..? ) But pointless it still is!

Your pretty men campaign is pretty convincing! I can't believe I'm actually making paintings about it (for exhibitions!)

[It you and your pretty smiling elvern bishies' fault! XD]

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merriya In reply to Yakra [2007-01-22 16:23:08 +0000 UTC]

I really want to see that painting now!

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Kazuki88 [2007-01-08 22:53:27 +0000 UTC]

Nice pic! I like the little swirlly litte texture design you add to the tree!

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Yakra In reply to Kazuki88 [2007-01-14 11:44:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Swirly-ness be a result of laziness! (when in doubt, make random designs with brush! XD)

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Kazuki88 In reply to Yakra [2007-01-14 17:16:28 +0000 UTC]

YOur welcoem!

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auralwhiplash [2007-01-08 17:34:25 +0000 UTC]

The coloring isn't bad - vibrant colors such as these aren't a problem.

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Yakra In reply to auralwhiplash [2007-01-14 12:27:42 +0000 UTC]

They just seemed so very shockingly bright..! Especially after I put the first green wash on the ground. (For some reason, that ugly green keeps popping up in all my recent paintings... >.<

But I'm glad you think they're ok. ^_^ Thank you!

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dodostad [2007-01-08 15:48:04 +0000 UTC]

Really great picture : D I seriously envy your coloring skills. I also like the story behind this

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Yakra In reply to dodostad [2007-01-14 12:25:38 +0000 UTC]

Yay! You liked the story! XD Thank you! Your coloring skills are quite, quite amazing!

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dodostad In reply to Yakra [2007-01-14 19:07:18 +0000 UTC]

Ahaha, thanks xD

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Loa4eVER [2007-01-08 13:03:35 +0000 UTC]

Great shading and expresions in the chaarcters.

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Yakra In reply to Loa4eVER [2007-01-14 11:59:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^_^

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Loa4eVER In reply to Yakra [2007-01-14 17:15:02 +0000 UTC]

No problem

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Exarrdian [2007-01-08 11:54:03 +0000 UTC]

:giggles: This story is.. priceless heehee~ really really cute piccie ^___^!!

Hey you first colour and then add ink? O_O; I always do lineart first then colour.. *ponders* >_<;

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Yakra In reply to Exarrdian [2007-01-09 12:33:50 +0000 UTC]

XD I'm glad you liked the story! It actually popped up after everything got made!

Really? You ink first? Actually that makes more sense when one thinks about it... My ways of inking actually differ with each medium. I suppose with markers or simple black and white stuff (meaning the black acrylic wash stuffs) I would ink first? For the gouache on wasli, I work on the lineart first too. But for watercolors and pencils I always inked later somehow? I always felt the lineart gets dulled by working over it? Or the lineart would run and blur (if done in markers/pen).

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Exarrdian In reply to Yakra [2007-01-10 15:28:45 +0000 UTC]

I use only markers ; don`t have any other mediums .. nor ever learned how to use anything o_o; aside of some simple art classes till 9th grade *scratches head* x_x;;
Yes the lineart usually gets dulled but then I usually end up repeating it XD;

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Yakra In reply to Exarrdian [2007-01-14 11:59:32 +0000 UTC]

I don't think I actually learned to use anything either (except for gouache in the miniature technique)! I just started messing around with everything like a fool!

Wa! I never have patience to repeat my lineart! I guess that's why I ink in the end...

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Exarrdian In reply to Yakra [2007-01-27 12:21:00 +0000 UTC]

messing around with everything sounds like me XD

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