YAMsgardenART β€” Gilded Demon Lord

#demon #gilded #legend #link #lord #majora #mask #sword #weapon #zelda #ghirahim
Published: 2014-11-20 21:50:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 19578; Favourites: 618; Downloads: 0
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Description TUMBLR: yamsgarden.tumblr.com/post/103…

I saw that picture one time on the internet where Ghirahim
was compared to the Gilded Sword in Majora's Mask Β 
and turns out, I LOVE THAT IDEA
They really do look similar
The main reason is probably only because of the diamonds shapes but still...
They're both yellow

Would you imagine if the creators would have made Ghirahim the spirit of that sword and your companion back then?!

Made with my tablet and Paint Tool SAI
All characters belong to Nintendo
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Comments: 65

POTTYMOUTH2099 [2021-07-21 02:22:16 +0000 UTC]

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MetalBrony823 [2021-01-29 23:54:59 +0000 UTC]

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The-Max765 [2020-05-19 23:55:18 +0000 UTC]

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AngelOfDarkness089 [2018-03-01 20:43:13 +0000 UTC]

That's such a cool looking artwork and I also love your idea with the sword. I still wonder what happened to Ghirahim and if he is still alove or not after the events in Skyward Sword. You drew this perfectly. I love Link's face so much. Very well done

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AnaxErik4ever [2017-10-10 05:04:27 +0000 UTC]

Is that Tatl by Link's side? Β My goodness though, if Ghirahim was the spirit of that sword, it would be just as fabulous and bloodthirsty as he is.

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ChinchillerD [2017-10-09 14:52:50 +0000 UTC]


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WarriorofFire161 [2016-10-12 14:59:54 +0000 UTC]

Ok, so I'm not the only one who thought the same thing when I saw that sword!

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Jolsma [2016-09-16 21:26:22 +0000 UTC]

.... dis moi que j'ai l'autorisation de violer Ghirahim ;~;

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LinkTahuterasuSpirit [2016-07-19 16:12:10 +0000 UTC]

Link: who are you?

Giraham: oh youll find out soon enough, when a war breaks out in Hyrule (Hyrule Worriers)

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Niukuja [2016-06-05 08:02:29 +0000 UTC]

Link's face XD
Awesome work

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XxRobothumanxX [2015-10-07 18:00:50 +0000 UTC]

Pffffffft Links face!! He's like 'wtf'

But I really like this drawing

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AkioKuro [2015-07-20 08:59:03 +0000 UTC]


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YAMsgardenART In reply to AkioKuro [2015-07-31 00:21:45 +0000 UTC]

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Akita-Nix [2015-06-03 23:35:56 +0000 UTC]


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ShadowSlyIX [2015-05-11 23:24:47 +0000 UTC]

nice job on the white rombuses around Ghirahim.

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YAMsgardenART In reply to ShadowSlyIX [2015-05-13 13:15:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot

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ShadowSlyIX In reply to YAMsgardenART [2015-05-13 15:05:09 +0000 UTC]

Np. It reminds me of Shadow Sly when i see it. Just by a little.

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UsagiYogurt [2015-03-18 18:43:35 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness! Link's FACE! Β 

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tchannekoi [2015-01-24 02:24:51 +0000 UTC]

Aha! So I wasn't the only one after all who thought of that! I even talked about this with a friend of mine, but since she didn't play MM I had to explain how the Gilded sword looked like.
But seriously, if the Kokiri sword has nothing special to it, why would it be hidden away in a mystical forest protected by a giant tree?? (Faron Woods reference anyone? The very FIRST PLACE we meet Ghirahim?? Not a coincidence for me)
I can only think that, after his master was defeated (and of course we cannot forget the mistreatment Ghirahim suffered by the hand of his own master, I mean it must've HURT LIKE A REDEAD to have someone extract your blade from within yourself!) ghirahim was so weak that his blade changed and he got stuck inside it till he and the blade recovered. And after some reforging (like happened with Fi) why wouldn't he be finally strong enough to regain form?! Oh, and of course from staying so long in a place protected by good energy he got purified more?
Actually, tons of things could've helped him be purified...
Sorry I'm rambling, but I totally would love to see a story explore this possibility in a Majora setting (or sometime after Majora setting, whichever).

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Heronsage In reply to tchannekoi [2015-10-02 18:36:44 +0000 UTC]

has really hit the nail on the head with this one!
And I totally AGREE with the Gilded sword resemblance to our fabulous Ghirahim. Ooh! It would've been sooo freakin' AWESOME if that happened for real in MM for the 3DS!!!
I would've been jumping of joy all over!!!
Yup! My thoughts EXACTLY.

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tchannekoi In reply to Heronsage [2015-10-02 23:30:47 +0000 UTC]

YESSSSS I know I kinda jumped the first time I played SS because of the tongue scene, but heck he's a villain to respect!! I'd feel SOO FREACKING HAPPY to see him too!! <3

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Heronsage In reply to tchannekoi [2015-10-02 23:40:33 +0000 UTC]

Ooh! I just imagine our fabulous Ghirahim emerging from the Gilded sword not to just give info to our young Link-- but to also fight alongside him! Simply dreamy!!!

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tchannekoi In reply to Heronsage [2015-10-02 23:58:33 +0000 UTC]

YES YES YES YES THIS WOULD BE ABSURDLY AWESOME AND EPIC CHOCOLATE CREAM WORTHY! I wonder if Ghirahin would be able to attain back his 'Choco-him' version too for more serious battles...?

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Heronsage In reply to tchannekoi [2015-10-03 05:03:32 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah!
Hrmm. I think it would be possible by reforging further and then Ghirahim would gain the Chocohim form changing ability.

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tchannekoi In reply to Heronsage [2015-10-04 01:20:43 +0000 UTC]

Well, Fi needed three flames and the bless of a goddess... if with just a normal reforge (I SUPPOSE that forge on MM was a normal one, but since the 'Ugo' guy was... eh... what was he actually?) we can get Ghirahim back, I suppose with sacred flames we could get Choco-him!

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Heronsage In reply to tchannekoi [2015-10-05 03:26:09 +0000 UTC]

Ghirahim's second form could be definitely when the Gilded sword is reforged with the three sacred flames.
I imagine that young Link would have several special side quests to search for the three sacred flames in three special places located in three of the four compass locations or something like that.

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tchannekoi In reply to Heronsage [2015-10-06 00:13:20 +0000 UTC]

Yup! Plus I wonder what changes would happen in the sword itself, like we see the changes from Goddess' Sword to Master Sword. We know what Ghira-kun will probably look like in the end, but what about his blade? Will it turn gigantic like it was in Demise's hand or will it be something else? I frickin' want to try and draw that one day!

Also, there is a possibility that Ghira-kun himself might get some changes in appearance since he'll no longer be a corrupted Demon Lord. One of the first things I think could change would be the color of his Jewel(though maybe not).Β 
Explaining: I take my example from looking at Fi's design. Her function is basically be a guide, and for that she's full of knowledge to aid the Hero. Since knowledge is a trait of Nayru, her jewel and most of her theme is blue(with a part of purple, maybe representing a little of Din's power since she IS a weapon and pretty powerful). In Ghira-kun's case, he represents the Power that his master was after while in that war for the Triforce; so a Red jewel. If he was reforged and purified, he might still maintain the Red(Power) part he represents but would he get Courage or Wisdom to the side?
I think Courage. After all, it would take a great deal of it for him to 'betray' his master and now aid the hero. But then again that's me. Maybe his cape would be green and yellow? Maybe his sickly expression would turn a bit more healthy..? I think at least those purple markings under his eyes would change. They make him look like an insomniac.

Which places would you think the sacred flames would be now? Most of the map for the world they know changed from game to game, so taking into account where the flames WERE, which points in the game would be likely for them to be found in the future?

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Heronsage In reply to tchannekoi [2015-10-06 00:35:10 +0000 UTC]

There are so many choices and possibilities indeed!
Hrmm... About the location of each one of the sacred flames...it will depend of the story given to the side quests, that would determine the location of each one I suppose.:3

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tchannekoi In reply to Heronsage [2015-10-06 05:09:08 +0000 UTC]

Yes that's true. Plus if it happens after Majora's Mask it would need to be a location IN Hyrule's kingdom since Clock Town was kinda another dimension. We'd have to consider then the timeline / game where it'd happen. Would it still be like Ocarina of Time, or something more towards Twilight Princess?

I think now I have to check again the Hyrule Historia for that timeline...

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Heronsage In reply to tchannekoi [2015-10-06 14:43:30 +0000 UTC]

Yup! Definitely worth a check in Hyrule Historia. But I still think it'll be between OoT and TP.:3

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YAMsgardenART In reply to tchannekoi [2015-05-01 22:19:16 +0000 UTC]

Love your comment
I really wish Fi and Ghirahim will by any super-mega-giga chance
appear in the new Zelda Wii U or like make a tiny appearance.
We don't know exactly where this game takes place in the timeline,
but if it is after SS, it can definitively be
My real fantasies though are that someday Link would have Ghirahim as his partner insted of a flying lady

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tchannekoi In reply to YAMsgardenART [2015-05-02 02:28:46 +0000 UTC]

Weell they DO make appearances on the Hyrule Warriors game, so the possibility kinda dropped for that I'm afraid. Even with the postponed deal about that new Zelda U (why can't they at least TELL US which name will the game receive??), I can only hope for a sword spirit appearance there.

Remember, Link is a LADY magnet; no matter the race they're from. Sooo... Wouldn't count of that. I think the only game his helper/partner wasn't a female (when he did had a partner, I mean) was Minish Cap; all other games either he didn't get one or it was female somehow.

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YAMsgardenART In reply to tchannekoi [2015-05-16 14:23:42 +0000 UTC]

Yes they do, and thank god, you can control them!!!
I agree with you, so sadly I guess it probably will never happen
OMG I KNOW! I really hope the title isn't going to be The Legend of Zelda: WII U!!!!!!!
it's just going to ruin the magic in my opinion Thats actually what they did for the 4th Super Smash Bros.
That part really disappoint me

Yes indeed, link is a lady magnet! But also a man magnet
Yes in Minish Cap he had the hat, named Exelo and dont forget tha tin Wind Waker he had the boat, the Kind of Red Lions !

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tchannekoi In reply to YAMsgardenART [2015-05-16 21:04:37 +0000 UTC]

Ah, yes I forgot King Daphnes... Sorry sir. ^^' Silly me. (and I friggin' HAVE that game!...)

I like to play with Fi more than I do Ghirahim. Guess her attacks are kinda better for multiple opponents... but of course Chocohim have a MEAN hit as well. XD

WE both hope that won't be the name... though they showed so little we have few ideas for possibilities. The one that keeps popping in my head is something with 'World' somewhere. Though I also think those different arrows the main character use might have some deeper purpose. (I'm probably wrong, though) The other thing I hope is that it's NOT another 'Link Crossbow's Training' kinda game. -.-

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YAMsgardenART In reply to tchannekoi [2015-08-18 04:45:37 +0000 UTC]

OMG i haven't touch HW during this summer
I was too absorb into Splatoon!
Yeah Link's Crossbow trainning was more like the equivalent ofΒ  a DLC game...
I heard it sold more than Skyward Sword :iconzoomniplz:

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tchannekoi In reply to YAMsgardenART [2015-08-23 18:43:39 +0000 UTC]

WHAAAAAT?! It sold more than Skyward??? HOW?!?!?! O.O

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YAMsgardenART In reply to tchannekoi [2015-09-20 23:33:01 +0000 UTC]

I dunno
Maybe I'm wrong but last tie I checked that's how it was!

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Kazaharya [2015-01-16 08:09:19 +0000 UTC]

So great idea... xD
'love Ghirahim posture and little smile :]

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YAMsgardenART In reply to Kazaharya [2015-01-18 04:02:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much
I hope we'll see him again in the future games

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Kazaharya In reply to YAMsgardenART [2015-01-18 13:17:03 +0000 UTC]

I hope so too. I do not like Yuga that much (too superficial), but Ghirahim has a great charisma and presence.
As Fay lives on (theorically) during so much time, there is no reason for Ghirahim to not reappear one day. And that would be cool if the Link of this age could own it

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YAMsgardenART In reply to Kazaharya [2015-01-24 19:47:29 +0000 UTC]

OMG I could die as a happy fan girl if Link ever owned Ghirahim I mean have him as a companion
I actually thought about it so many times! How would have been their relationship ?
Like you say, he's got great charisma and presence he'd be an amazing male companion if you ask me.
I'd literally call him all the time even if I don't need his help

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Kazaharya In reply to YAMsgardenART [2015-01-26 17:56:14 +0000 UTC]

And that is true in fact that a male companion for the hero is very rare in the Zelda series. Never thought about is before but that would be cool (f*ck the parity). We already had the cynistic Midna, so... ... gosh, I just imagine how our poor lawfull good hero would be with a combo-party like Midna and Ghirahim lol.

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YAMsgardenART In reply to Kazaharya [2015-03-24 15:06:59 +0000 UTC]

Someone reminded the other day the Red Lion King
But that totally slipped out of my mind
He's male right?! How did I forgot that mwahahaa
but I still hope Link's gonna get a male companion someday

I remember though the creators saying that they like their hero being accompanied
by a girl just like in the 70s movies and fictions where the male protagonist was oftenly accompanied by a beautiful lady assistant

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Kazaharya In reply to YAMsgardenART [2015-03-24 19:55:53 +0000 UTC]

You really forgot that? XD

But what do you mean by "the red Lion King"?

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YAMsgardenART In reply to Kazaharya [2015-03-24 20:03:41 +0000 UTC]

haha yes

I meant the boat in Wind Waker
I think it's actually the King of Red Lions
My bad!

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Kazaharya In reply to YAMsgardenART [2015-03-25 10:00:24 +0000 UTC]

Ah right! He is indeed a male companion (though he is not... living, it's still the case XD)
Yes it is the King of Red Lions. French translation doesn't help to get instantly what you meant ^^" We call him litteraly the "Red Lion".

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Lyoko-fan [2015-01-10 20:45:37 +0000 UTC]

I can imagine Ghirahim just laughing his head off..."Oh goodie, I'm stuck with this brat!"

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YAMsgardenART In reply to Lyoko-fan [2015-01-18 04:03:54 +0000 UTC]

haha true
Link would think "whoa what did these blacksmith brothers do to that sword ?!"

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thedragonlover95 [2014-12-16 13:03:20 +0000 UTC]

Ok if this was in the game or Hyrule Warriors damn this woulda've been awesome

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YAMsgardenART In reply to thedragonlover95 [2014-12-17 18:57:37 +0000 UTC]

I would have love to be able to play Young Link
he's always been my favorite warrior!

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