Yankiey β€” Mileena after mk X draw this again

#mk #mileena #mortalkombat #mileenamortalkombat #mileenafanart #mortalkombatx
Published: 2018-08-29 19:27:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 7616; Favourites: 165; Downloads: 38
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Comments: 15

MaTcHuMeN [2021-04-04 07:42:16 +0000 UTC]

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BlackNBoom [2019-06-21 18:32:29 +0000 UTC]

The Last Mileena

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Wait0wat [2018-10-01 04:59:00 +0000 UTC]

Oooh, I really like this: the detail is great, and the scenery is much improved,but I feel the cloak is lacking...”character”....the other two had the cloak become a character of sorts, something that had a bit more personality. Still amazing though.

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lightman2120 [2018-09-22 18:04:39 +0000 UTC]

I wish they didn't kill her in the game. But then again, there are ways how she could be back.

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BlackRoseWolfQueen [2018-09-01 23:56:29 +0000 UTC]


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TheHook1 [2018-08-29 19:36:02 +0000 UTC]

Man I hope we see Milee a after MKX...

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TheEyebrow In reply to TheHook1 [2018-08-29 23:37:25 +0000 UTC]

She's my favorite MK girl she better be in more games...

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TheHook1 In reply to TheEyebrow [2018-08-30 01:36:36 +0000 UTC]

She's a huge fan favorite with a long history of having clones and duplicates. I don't think they'll let her story end in MKX

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TheEyebrow In reply to TheHook1 [2018-08-30 20:21:58 +0000 UTC]

Good. I sure hope not.Β 

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caput4ever In reply to TheHook1 [2018-08-29 22:54:38 +0000 UTC]

I know! She's such a beloved character, it would devastating if she's not in the next game!Β Β 

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TheHook1 In reply to caput4ever [2018-08-29 23:05:46 +0000 UTC]

If her ending is any indication, there might be more Mileenas where she came from.

I want to ask, just hypothetically how would you feel about Mileena coning back as a more morally neutral or even heroic character. The Mileena we know is dead, so if they give us a new one they could do anything they want with her.

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Yankiey In reply to TheHook1 [2018-10-30 11:28:46 +0000 UTC]

In my headcanon I see her more like antihero character,without desire to regain her throne and more like person who need a time to figure thinks out,but in mk11 she might be more neutral or u dunno :/

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caput4ever In reply to TheHook1 [2018-08-30 22:56:39 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, since there's a whole army of Mileena clones (at least according to her ending), that's definitely a possible way for her to return.

I don't think I'm crazy about the idea of Mileena becoming a heroic character. While I don't think she is necessarily pure evil for evil's sake (like Quan Chi or Shinnok), she is still psychotic and twisted, and that's a big part of her charm. And she acts only to benefit herself (and Tanya and perhaps Shao Kahn), so I don't see her fighting selflessly for what is righteous or heroic. She could possibly stray a little closer to neutral, but again, this is a character who is sadistic and enjoys inflicting pain, so that in itself isn't very morally neutral. And that crazy, vicious side of her is a big part of what makes Mileena who she is, and is a big reason why she's so popular. It would be tricky to stray too far from that.Β 

I interpret her ending to mean that Mileena and her clones have a hivemind, meaning they share the same soul or mind, since it is stated that they all share the same thoughts. So even if a physical version of Mileena is dead, all her clones would still be the same "person". That's my thoughts at least.

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TheHook1 In reply to caput4ever [2018-08-31 01:12:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, part of the reason fans love Mileena is that she's struck a subtle balance between a petulant little girl and a ruthless sadist. Moving her too far from the "Chaotic Evil" end of the spectrum might ruin the insanity we all know and love.Β 

Still though, with Kitana ruling as Queen of the Netherrealm alongside Liu Kang, I imagine things for Mileena will be very interesting in the next game. Assuming Boon has enough brain cells to rub together to realize that you shouldn't let fan-favorites with easy excuses to come back to life stay dead.

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caput4ever In reply to TheHook1 [2018-09-02 21:58:50 +0000 UTC]

Exactly. Mileena has a well developed, distinct personality that people love. Giving her (or any character) some more depth is perfectly fine if done properly, but she shouldn't stray too far from the traits that define who she is.

Yeah, I would like to see where next Mileena's relationship with Kitana will go (hopefully in the next game), especially given their current states. Could make for some interesting new territory for the two of them to tread. And I definitely agree on your last point as well...it would be very risky for Boon and NRS to not at least make Mileena playable in the next game. At this point in MK's history, she's just become such a popular character, it wouldn't make sense even just from a business/marketing perspective if they left her out.

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