YellowPanda2001 — Asiasylvia rhynchofrons

#bird #30myh #rainforest #futureevolution #speculativeevolution
Published: 2021-06-15 08:56:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 2825; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 1
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Description In the secluded rainforests of southeast Asia, 30 million years in the future, small descendants of Holocene vireonids are found. Although, instead of being descended from the native asian Holocene genera, the Asiasylvia rhynchofrons is a descendant of the american yellow-winged vireo, being part of the new Old World family, the allovireonids. These have become fairly widespread across the old world, being sister to another family that stayed in the Americas, also descended from the yellow-winged vireo. The allovireonids fill guilds similar to warblers and have expanded to even dry environments, namely in Africa. They coexist with native descendants of asian vireonids, however, which are restricted to the south asian rainforests after all this time, not being as successful as their counterparts. Asiasylvia rhynchofrons is considerably sized, measuring 14 cm in length. It is an avid rainforest insectivore.
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