zephuko — Silence before the Storm

Published: 2016-03-26 02:18:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 868; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 6
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Description AHAHHAFINALLY *dies* only two hours of sleep last night weren't the best idea buuut at least it's finally finished XDD ddaamn, no idea how that mistake happened or how I kept misreading the tasks... XD OWELL.
dunno if it still counts but I wasn't at home all day so noidea XD either way, just so glad it's finished haha

After the checkpoint Raphael and Ragna invited Riley to team up with them, now he wasn't exactly a fan of company but Zazu had told him lots of great things about Raphael especially, so maaybe he could make an exception... A little chat now and then from experienced horseman to experienced horseman couldn't be so bad.
As night was approaching they started preparing their camp and a little fire to warm up a bit and warm their food. Only Dáma seemed to sense something and it took Riley a little until he had calmed her down. Even though he had to admit... it felt like someone was watching. Or. Something. Hmpf he blamed it on his little head issues and decided not to speak his suspicion. Instead he thanked Raphael for taking care of his silly colt in the meanwhile. But... just in case... kept his rifle close to his hand in the tent. <.<
(hope story is okay like that, valachhim <3)

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 Phase 3 -> Kunerma / Karam / Baykal (doesn't exactly make sense here but things got mixed up and moved backSRY XD)

 Rider: Riley Clancy
 Stable & Country: WindChimeStud  Austria (AUT)

 Main Mount (right): Davaj
 Packing Horse 1 (middle): Dáma
 Packing Horse 2 (left): Velox

Raphael (right) and Cheasad  (very right) from valachhim

Artwork by me
wolves  and background (roughly) referenced
Velox, Dáma, Riley, Davaj belong to me
Raphi and Cheasad to valachhim
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Comments: 6

Helsinge [2016-04-01 19:54:45 +0000 UTC]


That fire though <33 Such pretty lighting

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zephuko In reply to Helsinge [2016-04-27 19:47:04 +0000 UTC]

thank youu

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GinasDream [2016-03-27 11:46:29 +0000 UTC]

Woah, diese lauernden Augen überall. Macht das Bild echt gruselig, aber ein absolutes Meisterwerk, weil man sich aus allen Ecken beobachtet fühlt. 
Ich glaube ich mag diesen Painting-Stil echt gern.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zephuko In reply to GinasDream [2016-04-27 19:46:42 +0000 UTC]

awww dankeschön, freut mich dass es so wirkt : D so lieb zu hören danke  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

valachhim [2016-03-26 14:26:37 +0000 UTC]

OHH das nenn ich mal eine Überraschung Find ich jetzt voll lieb dass Raph Davaj streicheln darf, da freut sich sicher jemand besonders arg! Und die Spannung in dem Bild ist so enorm, ich bekomm richtig Gänsehaut wenn ich die leuchtenen Augen in den Bäumen sehe OAO shit is about to go down...Es sieht so genial aus wie du im Vordergrund alles warm beleuchtet hast und es im hintergrund bedrohlich kalt wirkt. Und maww Chady hat den schönsten Booty überhaupt xD Ahh ich bin immer aufs neue begeistert wie toll du Pferde malen kannst! Danke für das tolle feature Und die story ist super, keine Sorge!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zephuko In reply to valachhim [2016-04-27 19:44:02 +0000 UTC]

aaww aber natürlich : D er's einer der leute den Riley ohne große bedenken an seine pferdis ranlässt XDD und gegen eine kleine streicheleinheit hätte davaj sicher nur selten was einzuwenden XD
oohh yeees it is right about tooo ~ bbaawww dankeschön, so viele komplimente <33 freut mich so sehr T.T

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