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| Armonis
# Statistics
Favourites: 125; Deviations: 89; Watchers: 37
Watching: 70; Pageviews: 22739; Comments Made: 4358; Friends: 70
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: RembrandtFavorite movies: The Matrix
Favorite bands / musical artists: Muse, Garbage, Foo Fighters, Pink Floyd
Favorite writers: Terry Goodkind
Favorite games: Mass Effect
Favorite gaming platform: PC
Tools of the Trade: Intuos Wacom Tablet
# About me
Now in technicolor!
Current Residence: Ephraim, Utah
Favourite genre of music: Rock 'n' roll
Favourite style of art: Realistic
Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: Winamp
# Comments
Comments: 332
jurell644 [2015-02-28 15:05:27 +0000 UTC]
Nate! HAH I found you! I'm taking a photography class and thought I'd say whats up.
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The-Poison-Study [2011-02-23 00:37:22 +0000 UTC]
long time no chat~ how you been mm?
Haven't been on the F@nboy$ forums in forever...maybe I should go back.
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grimmjow--jaggerjack [2010-01-12 17:56:36 +0000 UTC]
i just made a xanth deviant group if u want to join go to
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MistaKitteh In reply to Armonis [2009-08-09 22:16:43 +0000 UTC]
XDD damn yoouu!! the accursed secks!1
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Armonis In reply to The-Poison-Study [2009-07-18 05:55:08 +0000 UTC]
I know, right? I check this like once a month because there's this stupid porn blocker for my internet that I can't get rid of easily and it pisses me off.
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The-Poison-Study In reply to Armonis [2009-07-18 17:43:16 +0000 UTC]
awwws D8 stupid porn blocker. lol.
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Juarezandanocamina [2009-05-01 01:58:48 +0000 UTC]
jujuju your gallery is so interesting and funny.
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Juarezandanocamina [2009-05-01 01:58:43 +0000 UTC]
jujuju your gallery is so interesting and funny.
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shortynme [2008-12-10 22:32:14 +0000 UTC]
This whole damn place is run by Furries Nathan! lol Hahaha!
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Armonis In reply to shortynme [2008-12-10 23:39:15 +0000 UTC]
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shortynme [2008-12-04 23:57:12 +0000 UTC]
I took the book back and they said thank you. lol I don't even want to see the amount of late fees I have! lol
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The-Poison-Study [2008-11-20 04:37:36 +0000 UTC]
Duuuuuude we haven't talked in forever ;A;! I started another thread in F@nboy$. I figured I might as well, I've improved... sorta, I'm not quite sure how much but it's something... sorta xD;; you should check out my stuff and give me crit... I miss crit lol You were the only person that ever really criticised my work >.>;;
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Armonis In reply to The-Poison-Study [2008-11-20 17:22:15 +0000 UTC]
I try to make people feel bad about themselves when I can. Sorry, I haven't been on DA or Fanboys much lately, as they have been cracking down on that sort of thing at my work place. Plus, I feel like it's all sort of pointless, to a degree. At least for me. I've been watching your work, you're getting a lot better, keep it up. I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to comment on anything, but I thought you should know I have been looking, just not as much.
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The-Poison-Study In reply to Armonis [2008-11-20 23:57:14 +0000 UTC]
aaaah that sounds... not fun xD lol. I'd say I can understand... but I don't work >.>;;; tho they have cracked down HARD on us at school. You can't dowload ANYTHING from your email anymore. Or use flash drives on the computers. Cuz some idiot made a virus that almost killed our entire school's system last year xD;;;
And you're right, I suppose--in the end-- it is slightly pointless. Unless you are getting good constructive crit from people who know how to draw (as opposed to the idiots in my class that say a cartoon chicken I drew is like the next big thing >_O )
And woo improvement! xD I've been practicing with males a lot more of late, though the anatomy still throws me off, so does some stuff with females... but hey they don't ALL have ginormous racks anymore *cheers* xD;;
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shortynme [2008-10-07 17:31:44 +0000 UTC]
Ok, so you need to help me add all that junk. And then you MUST read it and be all "Ah, Taleah, you are fabulous!" lol And, you need to help me find a picture for this thing. . . I can't find any links that fit! lol
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The-Poison-Study [2008-09-27 15:09:18 +0000 UTC]
OKAY so I would totally comment on your journal but DA is being retarded and not letting me view it in a way that would let me make a post D:<
But anyways: Good luck! The comic (espescially the last panel) looks great dude
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asunnyspirit [2008-09-17 21:01:45 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the comment, your Pikasnake made me laugh ^__^
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Wayman [2008-08-03 15:21:54 +0000 UTC]
Thank you kindly for the [link] It is much appreciated!!
Looking at your gallery now
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heavilymedicated [2008-06-21 05:45:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the myriad of comments on a variety of my works.
By the by, you have a great expression in your deviantID.
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Armonis In reply to heavilymedicated [2008-06-21 21:39:03 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, it was a pleasure to comment. I hope to comment more. I thought I kinda looked like a crazy druggy, but that's cool.
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OhSoNaive In reply to Armonis [2008-06-24 02:44:02 +0000 UTC]
Crazy druggy is actually what I would have guessed, so DON'T WORRY NATHAN, YOU AREN'T ALONE.
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OhSoNaive [2008-06-15 19:35:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for saying hi and running away, jerk.
(I can run faster than you.)
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feircedeity [2007-05-18 05:28:34 +0000 UTC]
I saw your signature... the first thought was: "MUST COMPEL!" So I did.
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kozispoon [2007-04-26 01:34:53 +0000 UTC]
Ahoy hoy! Thanks for the Dev-watch! Swing on by anytime
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