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IEatTacosForDinner [12299919] [2009-12-03 01:36:58 +0000 UTC] "Let's Just All Take A Nap." (United States)

# Statistics

Favourites: 1710; Deviations: 1; Watchers: 33

Watching: 139; Pageviews: 9784; Comments Made: 5399; Friends: 139

# Interests

Favorite movies: Anything that's FBI-type classified, classic, or classy
Favorite writers: I can't get past everything being spelled in BrE
Favorite games: Pokemon/Majora's Mask
Other Interests: Video gaming, gossip, TV countdowns

# About me

You can call me whatever you want, I don't mind nicknames - or even insults, at least you're paying attention to me (': - but my usual handles are Ray or Tacos.

"The colour that boogers and vomit and shit and pie and meat and skin and blood and hair and fur and elastic and Pepsi and Coke and juice and cordial and wasabi and yellow dye and more shit and piss and water and saliva and chicken and feathers and chips and potatoes and mashed potatoes and asses make when all mixed together and vomited on, pissed on, farted on, burped on, cried on, shitted on and slept on for eternity, then put into a paper making machine and made into paper.

The worlds shittiest colour, known as BEIGE."

I'm lame.

Current Residence: Tampa, FL
Favourite genre of music: Not a genre, but I really hit on the sixties and seventies
Favourite cartoon character: Winnie the Pooh
Personal Quote: Tent sex. :{D <-- Keeping this. Just because.

# Comments

Comments: 1611

katiejuby [2013-01-03 09:19:40 +0000 UTC]

thankies for the favourite. c:

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Hanna-Pirita [2012-11-01 15:07:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the watch <3<3<3<3

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to Hanna-Pirita [2012-11-02 05:22:03 +0000 UTC]

I found you through irl-ilu on SmackJeeves, actually.

Glad I followed the link, your stuff looks great (:

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Hanna-Pirita In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-11-02 09:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Haha thank you. I'm really happy you like my stuff. I try my best with my art. <3

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lizziebear1 [2012-10-26 22:35:35 +0000 UTC]


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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-28 06:00:18 +0000 UTC]

Hi (:

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-28 08:22:50 +0000 UTC]

Aww yiss, got an answer. How are you?

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-29 00:14:35 +0000 UTC]

I've been doing fantastically. Yourself?

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-29 02:57:34 +0000 UTC]

Pretty well, all in all. Thinking about people, thought what the hell. Trying to reconnect and all that.

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-29 03:20:17 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I've been there before. Reconnecting with old buddies just makes you feel more whole somehow. How's school been treating you, dude? (:

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-29 03:32:43 +0000 UTC]

Whacky as shit, my god. Awesome, though, ngl. What have you been up to since we last talked? It's been, what, over a year?

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-29 04:58:16 +0000 UTC]

High school sounds... Interesting, to say the least. I still live separately from my Mom, I'm still a homeschool student... Only real difference is my social life. Oh, and I have a job now. How about you, anything new to report? Also, yeah, it's been a little over a year-I don't even remember why, honestly. Did we argue or something?

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-29 06:37:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh!! I know other things. My hair got to my lower back, so I got it all cut off for Locks of Love. I figured out what I want to do for a career and I adopted another shelter kitten. Learned to drive, learned to quilt. Which is fun as shit, I've spent my four-day break on a quilting spree.

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-30 05:51:21 +0000 UTC]

I chopped mine off too. I have a pixie cut running now, it's so low maintenance (: Oh no, did you just mention a kitten? I need all details STAT. Does the career you're looking into have to do with quilting? (I am being sarcastic, please don't think I've delved into complete retardation... Unless you are going to quilt for a career. Which would be fucking fantastic.)

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-29 05:24:43 +0000 UTC]

Nah, we just... Stopped. Idk, I thought you were mad at me, so I pussied out a lot. Where do you work? o:
Also, idk. A lot and not a lot? I joined the full-time train to homoville, that's p great. Uhh... College stuff, life stuff. My grandmother moved in with us, idk if I ever told you about her, though.
Dickball grandfather is still alive and kicking, yeahhh.

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-30 05:48:36 +0000 UTC]

I was never mad, you goofball. Anger is hard for me to manage nowadays, anyway d: I work with a local cleaning business, it's actually pretty fun. I know how to sweep properly now! Also, it took me reading that three times to understand what the hell you meant-pretty funny because I've moved to asexuality. College, dude? You overachieving bastard!

I remember the grandfather being mentioned before, but not so much about the grandmother. How do you feel about her being there?

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-30 11:23:58 +0000 UTC]

I am just. Super duper awesome. Yep.
Sorry, heh, my terminology has kind of gotten overdrawn.
That's cool, though! I'm trying to find a job, but with roughly 800 kids looking for jobs at the same time, there's not much.
Also, not actually going. I just keep getting summer offers. Like the thing I was doing when we first met? And college info. I think I have it narrowed down to six.

She's awesome, she's the one with pink hair and tattoos. Except she just. Cleans everything. It's insane.

My hair is in a bob now, heh. I love it. It hasn't been short since like 6th grade, it's kind of whacky. It fits my personality, though, I think.
Also, yes, a kitten! Her name is S'mores and she's eight or nine months, but she just. She's so dumb. Princess was super calm and quiet and this kitten is everywhere and she's so LOUD.
And her purring sounds like a car. I love her.
Nah, no quilting, but I'm totally going to do that for fun. I want to be a child/adolescent psychiatrist. Preferably in a hospital.
Have you figured out what you want to do?

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-30 21:50:47 +0000 UTC]

I thought for a moment that you meant you were literally on a train headed for Homoville (a neighboring town of mine is Homosassa, so... xD). I got the job by offering to do any side work, but got upgraded overtime, lucky me What colleges are you looking at?

FUCKING BADASS GRANDMA. I dig when old people totally break all expectations for seniors. Rebel elders, man.

Wait... What happened to Princess? ): I'm settled on psychology, too! But more on the psych-analysis side of the field; my Mom got me way too interesting in the subject through years of being analyzed myself. What got you into psych, anyway?

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-30 22:15:58 +0000 UTC]

K-state is my first choice, but MU and KU are on there. So is SDSU and NYU. Not sure about New York now, though. Maybe Colorado.

Also yeah, my grandma is great. Gotta love her.

She's just fat and lazy. We still have her, of course, but she fights with S'mores and they play and stuff. No blood yet, so we're all good.

Y'know, idk. I like helping people and I got into reading a lot of literature about psychology and such. I was always interested in it, but I was told that I couldn't save everyone, so I wasn't expressing much interest in it until it was... Three years and I still wanted to do this.

Analyzing psychology, huh? What would that entail?

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-31 02:20:58 +0000 UTC]

Are you talking about San Diego South, or would SDSU stand for something in South Dakota?

Sounds like she has a great sense of life. (:

Okay, good. You used 'was' when describing her and I nearly had a heart attack.

It's literally called psychoanalysis. To be frank, it's one of those people who sits opposite a patient (usually found lying down or sitting comfortably), asking them shit like, "What do you think about your childhood?" A fancy psychologist who best deals with personality disorders, haha. Saving everyone isn't your job, but getting paid to try sounds great, right?

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-31 03:21:12 +0000 UTC]

San Diego, yes.

Also, I really hope she would, she's had a rough one.

Ahaha, no, I'd be. Really upset. My cats are my fat, fussy babies

Oh! That sounds fun, although, I think I like to have the liberty of a medical degree. And this probably sounds dumb, but I'd really try even if I wasn't being payed. I joined the GSA at school and I've kind of been the one organizing everything and communicating with other schools and people in the administration, despite not holding an office in the club.

I love the tiring craziness c':

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-31 05:04:24 +0000 UTC]

My brother went there. Weird, anyway, relocating away from your family doesn't bother you?

My cat is skinny and weird looking. She's half Siamese, and her meow is the most tortuous meow I've ever heard.

With the credits I'll need to be a psychologist, there's no way in shit that I will ever consider going back for a medical degree. I thought about dealing with neurology, too, actually, but I've still got two years before I have to make a concrete decision. You would seriously deal with completely insane people for no pay? o.o

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-31 11:22:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh man, that is weird. Nah, I've got the soul to travel, always have. A friend and I are going to go on a road trip after senior year and I have this list of places I want to go, ha.

I bet you could do it! There's never been any way I could call you stupid, really, and they have scholarships pretty readily available for both med school and normal college.

And yeah, I would. I mean, no one deserves to hurt just because they can't pay, right?

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-31 19:24:07 +0000 UTC]

Remember, I'm originally from San Diego (: It's all too beautiful there, so make sure it's on that list.

Of course, I know I'm at least of average intelligence, but my will power cripples me lol. Are you taking any language courses, by the way?

No, they don't deserve to suffer because of their monetary issues, but it takes a damn good person to deal with people like that without consolation. And I am not one of those good people, you see. In fact, I'm a super-villain. *lightning strikes*

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-10-31 21:39:42 +0000 UTC]

Spanish in high school, yes. I'm on my second year, but it's not exactly learning from a native, hah.

Also, aww, no maniacal laughing? You're getting rusty, Rachel.

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-10-31 22:50:37 +0000 UTC]

I'm going to be learning from my friend's Cuban parents, and then my Mom's helping me with the differences in Mexican Spanish. It's fun, isn't it? :{D <-- That mustache is there for cheap, racial humor.

I'm a silent warrior. One of the creepy muthafuckaz, man.

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-11-01 00:59:12 +0000 UTC]

Man, they don't even teach us conversational things. Furniture, clothing. I can tell you the weather tch. I'm at the point that I keep replacing "and" with "y" in my head and it's mildly irritating.

Omfg I forgot how much of a giant dork you are.

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-11-01 06:15:17 +0000 UTC]

LOL I do that too, and I'm not even learning Spanish yet, so don't be irritated at it (: The romance languages flow so much more fluently than English does, after all.

Dude how could you forget that. I introduce myself in Smurf voices, for God's sake. xD

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-11-01 11:14:49 +0000 UTC]

Uff they do. I go through stores and name things off until my mom yells at me.

Idk! It was kind of an awkward and bad time for me, I don't remember much, pft..

Also, how was your Halloween?

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-11-04 08:30:14 +0000 UTC]

Why would your Mom yell at you for that? xD My second Mom just gives me the face when I do anything similar.

I will remind you very quickly of how dorky I am: I was Wario for Halloween. That's right; the mustard motherfucker. Mine was awesome though, went to 3 parties in one week. Yours?

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-11-04 11:56:47 +0000 UTC]

My family is very vocal, heh. We scream and sing randomly and just. Talk and make noises a lot. I don't even get my family omg but it's great.

We're just really goofy in general, like. I don't notice it until I go to my friend's house and it's very calm and quiet. It's so hard to sleep, I can't hear the highway there like I can from my house. But my grandma also watches this really excitable black preacher?? Like in the morning when I'm getting ready for school. I'm always terrified he's going to hurt himself.

(Although, I kind of got the religion shoved onto me because I thought I was going to die, so I just kind of embraced it.)

I took my little brother trick or treating. That was really it, ngl, but it was cold and he chickened out. Hoo hoo, the lesbians on the next road over were giving out little bags of chips and I got so much candy I can't even eat because of my braces buh. I have it hoarded away behind my bed until I can eat it in January.

(Fun fact: I had no idea who yellow dude was.)

Now I'm just hanging out until my 16th because I found out there's a good chance I'm getting a tattoo c':

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-11-06 00:58:56 +0000 UTC]

Yelling makes everything better. Especially when sitting right across from each other at public restaurants. xD

That sounds beyond fucking hilarious. What a great thing to wake up to, man. Go to school pumped with the power of the Laaaawwwd. When did you think that...? Good to hear you've found a faith, though (:

Braces are anything but good around the candy driven holidays, huh, dude? I'm one of those lucky pricks who doesn't need them so I just feel like shit around people who have them lol.

Oooooooh! What will you be getting? Tattoos have become one of my obsessions recently, ok.

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-11-06 02:44:15 +0000 UTC]

Hell yes it does.

I'm still incredibly liberal, but... I'm terrified of bad weather in general, but once, a while ago, there was a tornado and we were driving and WOW RADIO WAY TO SAY COUNTIES RATHER THAN CITIES SIGHS. And it was like. These really weird as shit walls of wind? Fuck, idk, and the point at which I snapped was when the sky looked really odd and we get stopped at a red light with a few other cars. And all we can hear is a god damn train. And idk how much you know about tornadoes living in hurricane-land, but that's one of the things you hear from a tornado.

And it's a god damn old truck next to us. I swear to god, i almost pissed my pants and i lost it and started bawling. And my grandma was over there praying and I just kind of joined in? Eh.

Oh! I can eat really any candy I want, so long as I kind of... Work it with my tongue, rather than chew on it? Oh my god that sounds weird as shit. BUT I get them off in about three months! Probably less! c:

And so long as my father doesn't freak out over it (doubt he will), I can go get it on my birthday. Friend might be coming with me, heh. But yeah, on the inside of my right wrist, in all black ink, I want to get "Love" tattooed, with a bit of space between the letters. Then, under it, a peace sign, a heart, and a smiley face.

Uhhg it would make a lot more sense if I could actually show you!

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-11-12 10:19:49 +0000 UTC]

Hurricanes sound similar to a drive-thru car wash, haha. Tornadoes, at least, from what I've heard, seem to be the scariest things on the planet. What else happened, was everyone okay? ): Getting me worried over here and shit, man, lol.

I got some teeth-work done a few months ago (God help me, it was one of the worst experiences of my entire life), so I know what you mean about using your tongue. It's good you got them early, at least your teeth will be perfect for Senior pictures, right? d:

Heh, I have a good idea of it, but do you have a picture of the design on your phone or something? You can send it to me if you want.

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-11-12 12:18:59 +0000 UTC]

I think if I was in a hurricane, I'd piss my pants. But yeah, we were fine, I just ended up bawling.

Oh man, teeth work. I could never be a dentist uhg! But yeah, I hope. I just got my teeth shaved away and while that hurt (liars!!), it was okay. Next thing to fret about: Wisdom teeth.

Also guess who freaked out?? So. That's great. At least I know what I'm doing for my 18th and not telling them c':

But yes, I do (four actually because each part was separate)! How would you like me to send them??

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-11-13 04:13:11 +0000 UTC]

Hurricanes are lame. It's hot, muggy and windy even during the eye of the storm .-. It's good that everyone was okay, though.

DENTISTS ALWAYS LIE. "You're going to feel a small pinch" oh fuck you, you are so full of shit your eyes should be brown. I find myself worrying about wisdom teeth way too often haha.

I'm getting one on my 16th-both of my Moms approve (lucky me!).

Do you want me to send you a pm with my number? c:

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lizziebear1 In reply to IEatTacosForDinner [2012-11-13 16:03:53 +0000 UTC]

Uhg that sounds terrible. Bad weather around here just makes you nervous because they can't track tornados like hurricanes. It's like you're sitting outside and it gets dark. "Is it going to rain?" "Oh look, a funnel cloud."

Lying fuckers omfg. I'm just worried because I'm afraid I'll let something slip while doped up. "Oh I like vaginas yiss."

Oh, do tell! Also, yes, your number would be great haha.

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to lizziebear1 [2012-11-14 03:56:54 +0000 UTC]

Earlier in the year, there were multiples tornadoes in the counties surrounding us. There was a funnel cloud here and everybody in the neighborhood got together at the office's lobby and sang "It's the End of the World As We Know It" by REM. By the gracious Gods, we were spared LOL.

Omfg I totally just lost all comprehension of breathing. Thanks a lot, Liz xD

It's going to be a pair of braided flip flops with a sunflower for my Mom, with "We've got no troubles, life is the bubbles" on the opposite side. Rib tattoos are hot as fuck so that's my location of choice haha. (:

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Shoumon [2012-05-30 22:01:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the fave~!

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IEatTacosForDinner In reply to Shoumon [2012-05-30 22:11:43 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome kind Miss~ c:

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FlashyFashionFraud [2011-12-11 20:09:56 +0000 UTC]


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spazztastickid [2011-09-05 00:31:43 +0000 UTC]

We haven't spoken in forever!!

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Meepalso [2011-07-29 18:51:24 +0000 UTC]


i miss you bb ;v;!

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Yumikarp [2011-05-23 08:47:56 +0000 UTC]

Happy happy happy biiiiirffffdaaaaayyyy♥!

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Shoumon [2010-12-06 20:26:39 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the watch and fave~!

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spazztastickid [2010-11-27 03:45:33 +0000 UTC]

happy birthday to you (in six days)! happy birthday to you (in six days)! Happy birthday dear TACOS~~~ Happy birthday to you (in six days)!

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deedlebug123 [2010-11-10 21:12:09 +0000 UTC]

I love your username

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Dramenier [2010-11-01 06:04:42 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav ^^

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WhitestKid [2010-10-31 21:04:45 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav!

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catilakblues [2010-10-31 13:39:25 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the fave!

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