GangstaGurl0125 [2011-02-26 08:19:39 +0000 UTC]
hey captain cool-looking dudei always love cockatoos
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
andrew-black In reply to GangstaGurl0125 [2011-02-28 09:16:10 +0000 UTC]
Haha yeah he's a pretty cool Cockatoo, have hung out with him quite a bit, smarter than a lot of people I have met
GangstaGurl0125 In reply to andrew-black [2011-03-03 06:25:51 +0000 UTC]
do u own this cockatoo or?
andrew-black In reply to GangstaGurl0125 [2011-03-03 06:50:10 +0000 UTC]
Nah he lives at the Auckland Zoo, I'm just there a lot
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