bl4ckr41nb0w — Shingeki no Kyojin: Testing

Published: 2014-06-02 06:38:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 3688; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 24
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Description ... and since it was mostly complete, here's a wearing test for scale and to prove that, yes, it is wearable...
Also, for those curious, the final weight for the completed motor unit is three pounds, twelve ounces.
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Comments: 29

Melodramatic-Kiwi [2014-06-16 07:07:54 +0000 UTC]

I hate to ask. . . . . but would you ever commission these?

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to Melodramatic-Kiwi [2014-06-16 14:23:01 +0000 UTC]

I do plan on starting to take commissions in the future, though not necessarily for 3dmg. As of right now, making a set of these is incredibly time-consuming, and difficult to do in a timely manner with my work schedule. Once I have all the pieces worked out (the sheathes, gas tanks, support arms and harness system are still in the works), the plan is to make one final set that will be up for grabs.
If I ever work out a way to really streamline the process (like moulding large portions of it in resin, for instance), I may someday attempt to do them on commission, but at the moment I'm going to stick with the original four.

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Melodramatic-Kiwi In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-07-18 07:07:13 +0000 UTC]

Awww, okay. See I am having insane trouble trying to find someone to commission this. I am very desperate and willing to pay quite a bit to have someone make it. I see and I bet. Of course. Oh, yay. I would not be needing it until December, but I am searching around haha. Ohhhhh gotcha. If you every sell any, let me know. <3

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to Melodramatic-Kiwi [2014-07-28 13:37:49 +0000 UTC]

Well, I've seen a few people selling them on Etsy and eBay... Maybe not detailed to the extent that mine is, but they're pretty good representations, regardless.
In the mean time, I'll continue to streamline where I can and hopefully I can make them in a more timely manner someday.

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Melodramatic-Kiwi In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-08-01 17:41:25 +0000 UTC]

Yes! I found a commissioner. The set was a bit pricey but I found one.

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ShineTheCuteEevee [2014-06-05 02:57:26 +0000 UTC]

does it work?

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to ShineTheCuteEevee [2014-06-05 04:05:48 +0000 UTC]

As a prop? Yes. As a means to kill titans? Sadly, no.

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ShineTheCuteEevee In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-05 04:19:22 +0000 UTC]

like can it shoot the wires?

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to ShineTheCuteEevee [2014-06-05 06:21:23 +0000 UTC]

No, they're just for looks, I'm afraid.

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ShineTheCuteEevee In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-05 21:30:16 +0000 UTC]


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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to ShineTheCuteEevee [2014-06-06 02:28:55 +0000 UTC]

I know, I know... I would love to make it functional, but I'm on a sort of limited time frame >.>

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ShineTheCuteEevee In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-06 03:10:01 +0000 UTC]

you should try to kake it work when you have tim. it would be worth a lot

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to ShineTheCuteEevee [2014-06-07 01:20:28 +0000 UTC]

It would be cool to try, and I'd like to at some point. Shooting harpoons aren't very con-friendly, and I'd have to make it out of something else to make it functional.

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ShineTheCuteEevee In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-07 03:22:07 +0000 UTC]

true true. im going to my first con soon. can you help me out and what to expect

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to ShineTheCuteEevee [2014-06-12 05:06:53 +0000 UTC]

It differs depending on the size of the con, really. But the one constant tends to be a lot of people who want to high-five and/or hug you, lots of people in costumes (some of it you'll recognize, some of it you won't). There's also typically a rave (or two), dancing and random music everywhere... it's kind of just a way of overwhelming your senses.
That's how I view them, anyway.

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ShineTheCuteEevee In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-12 18:37:46 +0000 UTC]


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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to ShineTheCuteEevee [2014-06-12 22:45:00 +0000 UTC]

Mostly, just have fun; that's what they're for.

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ShineTheCuteEevee In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-13 11:51:03 +0000 UTC]


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Tyrannosaur87 [2014-06-02 06:41:48 +0000 UTC]

Impressive weight, looks heavier than it is. Glad to see that it's wearable and sacrifices weren't made in terms of detail. Absolutely awesome work so far

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to Tyrannosaur87 [2014-06-02 14:02:29 +0000 UTC]

It still FEELS heavier than it is >.< It'll sit better once I do away with that tacky waist belt and have the actual narness rigged up, but it's definitely wearable at the moment.

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Tyrannosaur87 In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-03 06:44:10 +0000 UTC]

It definitely looks fantastic so far. Once you have the correct harness set up it'll look like it came right from the anime

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to Tyrannosaur87 [2014-06-03 16:42:40 +0000 UTC]

That is the hope, anyway xD

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Tyrannosaur87 In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-04 18:11:51 +0000 UTC]

Only one way to find out

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to Tyrannosaur87 [2014-06-05 13:15:08 +0000 UTC]

Quite so.

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Tyrannosaur87 In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-05 17:22:41 +0000 UTC]

Never realized how complicated the straps are

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to Tyrannosaur87 [2014-06-05 19:52:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh, they're definitely a task in them self... But it's quit a bit more support for the gear than the waist belt presently provides.

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Tyrannosaur87 In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-06 20:04:27 +0000 UTC]

Most likely

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bl4ckr41nb0w In reply to Tyrannosaur87 [2014-06-07 01:16:19 +0000 UTC]

Most definitely

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Tyrannosaur87 In reply to bl4ckr41nb0w [2014-06-08 19:44:42 +0000 UTC]


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