blazing-eyes — HP: Hero Complex

Published: 2011-07-20 19:51:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 1306; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 14
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Description "If we die for them, Harry, I'll kill you!"
~Ron Weasley

....Even when it's schoolboy rival Draco Malfoy in trouble, Harry Potter just HAS to be the hero....

(and I'd say about to die in magical dragon-beast fire is pretty high on the trouble scale)

Title is wholly unimaginative. XD

....You know how I once said if I ever did Harry Potter fanart I would have to do it complete justice?
Justice served. This took HOURS, and is probably the very, very best I could do. I'm very proud of this.


...Originally this was totally just going to be a sketch for my bezzie to cheer her up. (She likes Harry x Draco, though of course this is a canon scene and not slashy in the LEAST....hurr) Then it sort of took hold and became a full on painting.

lol I totally failed at painting a fire-dragon-beast-thing.

...I had so much fun making them all dirty and scraped up. Too much fun. I'm too used to painting flawless, un-grazed skin. I should draw action scenes more. Eh heh.

I may put up some detail shots later. Harry's face, I think, needs the detail shots. This isn't the full-res, you see, since the file is BEASTLY.

Harry and Draco belong to Ms Rowling. Art to me
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Comments: 11

Mermaidstars [2011-10-25 19:00:55 +0000 UTC]

Very thought-provoking, I must say. Harry saved Draco's life becuause, quite unlike Draco, Harry feels sorry even for his enemies. And even though Draco tried to kill Harry and his friends, Harry still saved Draco's life. Harry is indeed a hero in a great many regards. I like this a lot. Excellently done.

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blazing-eyes In reply to Mermaidstars [2011-10-25 22:10:47 +0000 UTC]

What I love about Harry is his compassion. Sure, he has a hell of a temper and can get a little carried away when he's angry...but he genuinely wants to save everyone.
Even Draco!!


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ssceles [2011-07-23 07:05:59 +0000 UTC]

Amazing. I agree with you - Harry's face is the best part. And probably your best yet. (I also like Draco's middle two fingernails. Those look quite nice.) And I totally see the fire dragon thing. I actually wondered if you'd do something like that so I looked and there it was. <3

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blazing-eyes In reply to ssceles [2011-07-23 15:59:38 +0000 UTC]

I really love that you picked out such a small part to comment on - I always struggle with fingers and fingernails so it's good to know I'm getting a little better

FFF I love Harry's face. .w.
Mostly because I didn't base it on the actors, and it still came ou decent and Harry-like. X'D

I'M SO GLAD YOU SEE THE DRAGON. It was SO hard fitting it into the limited bg space and still have it look anything other than laughably tiny....

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revolution-16 [2011-07-21 17:45:44 +0000 UTC]

you all ready know how much I absolutely love this painting, darling!! ^^ I absolutely love everything about it. (and I heart Draco's tears vair much, indeed. and the detail on the broom handle. and the dirt and the blood. and... and... and...)

you have SO MUCH to be proud of with this!!! XDDD

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blazing-eyes In reply to revolution-16 [2011-07-23 16:00:08 +0000 UTC]

You WOULD love Draco's tears. X'D
And trust you to pick out details like the broom make


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Krazy-Kira-Lynn [2011-07-21 03:21:47 +0000 UTC]

LOL such a cute scene! poor draco! ^_^

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blazing-eyes In reply to Krazy-Kira-Lynn [2011-07-21 16:09:56 +0000 UTC]

Never really felt too sorry for him to be honest XD
He's a bit of a wimp! But I do love him anyway....!!

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Krazy-Kira-Lynn In reply to blazing-eyes [2011-07-22 23:55:35 +0000 UTC]

Lol I agree! ^_^

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Manah-Angel-Eyes [2011-07-20 20:23:07 +0000 UTC]

That looks amaziiiing! Harry looks total smex and you did a fine job on the magic fire dragon thing~ ^^

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blazing-eyes In reply to Manah-Angel-Eyes [2011-07-20 20:27:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I have to say I think Harry's face is my favourite part of this~~

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