Burksaurus — Buckwheat Fuel of the Southern Pine Savannas

#bees #buckwheat #butterflies #deer #evergreen #florida #flowers #fruit #fuel #longleaf #louisiana #multiple #native #nut #ornamental #pine #shaped #southern #states #streams #swamps #tailed #trees #trunks #united #white #thickets #savannas #buckwheats
Published: 2022-09-07 01:54:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 8274; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Description Hey, this is a plant I wanted to draw since I read it online. This is a buckwheat tree also known as growing its flowers in the longleaf pine savannas of Louisiana. It's a species of titi native to the Southern United States ranging from Louisiana to Florida. They mainly live in swamps to longleaf pine savannas and grow 18 ft. tall. They are evergreen trees that are known for having multiple trunks but also having white flowers that bloom in spring. They are known to attract native bees and butterflies but also produce nut shaped fruit in the fall that resemble buckwheats but is eaten by white tailed deer. They can grow thickets when living close to streams. They are mainly used as ornamental plants and used for fuel. But tell me what do you think of it in the comments 
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Comments: 2

ItalianMacaque95 [2022-09-07 02:30:22 +0000 UTC]

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Burksaurus In reply to ItalianMacaque95 [2022-09-11 01:17:14 +0000 UTC]

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