Crydius — Sirens of Yharnam

#bloodborne #equestriagirls #adagiodazzle #ariablaze #sonatadusk
Published: 2017-07-02 17:01:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 7283; Favourites: 238; Downloads: 54
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Description When the scholars of Byrgenwerth, led by Sunset Shimmer, discovered the cosmic miracles and claimed them for their own, they called down the wrath of the Second Daughter upon themselves. The precious element Sunset found, and which she believed originated from the First Daughter of the Cosmos, in fact came from the Great Mother herself. Ever eager for her Mother's attention and idolizing everything associated with her the Princess of the Moon found mankind unworthy of possessing this element and was angered by the insolence of the scolars that left Byrgenwerth and founded the Church of Solaris in Yharnam, using these divine miracles as they pleased.

Cursing the city that thrived by abusing the power of the Cosmos, the Second Daughter called forth three malicious beings, cloaked and armed with weapons and magic, to deny passage to any and all who dared to try and reach the great city of Yharnam. Travelers tell tales of the three figures, arising from the mist while an enchanting tune is heard floating through the trees, luring in all those who listen for too long and leading them to their doom. No scolar nor hunter has matched these manifestations of the Moon's vengeful rage. Over time the three became known as the "sirens" of Yharnam, refering to the mysterious melody that lures in their victims. To this day no mortal may travel to the great city without risk of falling prey to the Sirens.

So, I finished the Dark Souls 3 DLC a while ago, and I was so in the zone that I couldn't help but play Bloodborne again. And you all know what happens when I do that. ^^'
For those who don't know there's a boss right before reaching Byrgenwerth called the Shadows of Yharnam, which is a fight with three cloaked figures. While fighting them I ended up thinking "if I ever do something with these in my MLP-Bloodborne AU thing they're totally gonna be the Dazzlings". The idea inspired me and, well, here we are. It gave me a good opportunity to experiment with shadows and hair. Tell me what you think.

The lore on the Shadows of Yharnam is pretty vague. They are speculated to be servants of Queen Yharnam, trying to keep you from finding Rom, but none of it is very clear. Which is a shame cause I do think they're a really cool boss. So I went a little nuts with the lore here and made them vengeful spirits send by Luna to haunt Yharnam. Though of course, if you think you can think up better Bloodborne lore than me suggestions are always welcome,

Here are my previous pieces on this MLP-Bloodborne crossover:
Tales of Old: Twilight's Daughters: crydius.deviantart.com/art/Tal…
Sunset, the First Vicar : crydius.deviantart.com/art/Sun…
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Comments: 63

symbiote12345 [2019-07-02 19:18:19 +0000 UTC]

Hay... do you think it's possible that Sonada mite be reformed?

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Crydius In reply to symbiote12345 [2019-07-03 11:12:03 +0000 UTC]

Maybe. They've brought the Dazzlings back in recent clips and they seem to be kinda good now.
In my world I have plans for them though, so whatever the canon does I'll probably be doing my own thing.

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symbiote12345 In reply to Crydius [2019-07-03 14:45:58 +0000 UTC]


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Myst1kat [2018-10-27 22:20:20 +0000 UTC]

This image gave me inspiration for my new song thank you!!

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Crydius In reply to Myst1kat [2018-10-29 10:52:59 +0000 UTC]

Glad to be of help. ^^

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Krashface [2018-03-23 19:43:06 +0000 UTC]

I'm a simple guy.
I see a Bloodborne reference and immediately must fall in love with it.

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Crydius In reply to Krashface [2018-03-23 20:32:17 +0000 UTC]

You and I understand eachother my man.

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Krashface In reply to Crydius [2018-03-23 21:17:54 +0000 UTC]

come at me, bro !

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flawlessl3eat [2018-03-20 19:46:00 +0000 UTC]

The only game I got platinum in.

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MercenaryX [2018-03-06 20:56:52 +0000 UTC]

Taco Thuesday anyone?

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L-MASTER [2017-11-24 06:09:12 +0000 UTC]

cool and doom

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Kim-cat3120 [2017-07-16 03:19:23 +0000 UTC]


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Fraterna25 [2017-07-09 01:43:13 +0000 UTC]


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bumbarash17 [2017-07-06 20:25:37 +0000 UTC]

Dark Mistresses...

Bye, see you in next three weeks (going on vacation).  

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Crydius In reply to bumbarash17 [2017-07-06 20:56:08 +0000 UTC]

Have a good time Bumbarash. ^^

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KorenCZ11 [2017-07-03 17:09:21 +0000 UTC]

Looks left.
Looks right


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Crydius In reply to KorenCZ11 [2017-07-03 19:13:53 +0000 UTC]

You're lucky, the Shadows of Yharnam got snakes IN THEIR BODY.

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KorenCZ11 In reply to Crydius [2017-07-03 23:20:33 +0000 UTC]

[](/ranonono) No, no, I'm pretty sure those snakes are all in bloody chunks on the ground after my beast blood pellet and Whirlygig tore through them. See, with the Maradas whistle... The snake is in my boot.

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tigreanpony [2017-07-03 11:45:03 +0000 UTC]

Oh very cool, nicely done.

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MalMasque [2017-07-03 03:00:55 +0000 UTC]

Good lord, the designs on the Sirens are INCREDIBLE! Blown outta the water on this one, Cry, especially with the combination of lore and, odd thing to note on, the hair. Love the hair. Keep up the great work, and keep dazzling us with these incredible Bloodborne AUs.

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Crydius In reply to MalMasque [2017-07-03 13:29:39 +0000 UTC]

Thanks IDA. ^^
The hair was indeed one of the things I was experimenting with on this one. The other being shadows. I have always drawn hair very manga-ish, with straight outlines and such. This is the first time I went with this messy line-less style. I'd say it works quite well.

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X-Force02ranger [2017-07-03 02:45:59 +0000 UTC]


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FutureHope21 [2017-07-03 01:31:53 +0000 UTC]


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Crydius In reply to FutureHope21 [2017-07-03 13:30:12 +0000 UTC]


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FutureHope21 In reply to Crydius [2017-07-03 16:41:46 +0000 UTC]


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CouldveBeenKing [2017-07-03 00:26:57 +0000 UTC]

Just getting back into Bloodborne myself - playing through it with my girlfriend. We just are about to hit Lady Maria, fyi.

As for this, love seeing you mix these sweet Ponies with the dark and misery of the Souls series. I do agree the Shadows have far too little lore, especially with how often they appear in game - knowing what the Hell these things are would be very nice. And very happy to see the Sirens reappearing - I do not watch the show, but I miss them so.

I am rather curious - with how you have set up the Lords/Gods in this world, which poor unfortunate soul will find his/her guiding Moonlight?

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Crydius In reply to CouldveBeenKing [2017-07-03 13:34:28 +0000 UTC]

Well good luck then. If you make it past Maria (my personal favourite character in the game) you'll have to make through one of the deadliest areas and fight what is considered to be the hardest boss in the Souls series. Have fun.

Glad you liked it. And I miss them too.

Good question. I hadn't thought about Ludwig yet. There's not really an MLP character that suits him. Maybe Shining Armor but I've already set him up as Gherman. Hm... Definitely something to think about...

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CouldveBeenKing In reply to Crydius [2017-07-04 23:21:11 +0000 UTC]

I worry more about the boss before her rather than Maria herself - managed to beat her on my first try with my initial character. The Hamlet will be challenging though....hmm.

Well, I wish you luck with the moonlight, and nice choice with Shining.

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Crydius In reply to CouldveBeenKing [2017-07-05 12:46:56 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, Maria's not hard if you've got a good quality build. I just love everything about her. Her lore, design, fighting style, personality. That's why she's my favourite, not because she's challenging, cause compared to most of the other DLC bosses she really isn't.
The one before her... the Living Failures? I wouldn't worry about them, they're the easiest boss in the DLC. You just gotta space well and hide behind the sunflowers when they cast Meteor.
Unless you meant Ludwig in which case, yeah, you should be worried. That boss is brutal.

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CouldveBeenKing In reply to Crydius [2017-07-05 22:11:11 +0000 UTC]

I do love Maria too - I mainly got lucky with her, lot of gun ripostes. For the bosses of the game in general, she is one of the best, though my favorite is the good Father, out hunting and cleansing Yharnam, without his music box. I felt so bad for him and his family, I wore his set the entire time through, and I still wear it.

And yes, I meant the Failures - I hate them due to them being so multiple and hitting like freaking trucks. Not to mention I find their fight so boring compared to the other DLC bosses. They are likely the easiest, but not by much in my opinion. As for Ludwig, I bloody loved his fight - the two different stages, the weapon, and the lore behind him. He is my favorite boss in the DLC, and probably in my top 5 for the game as a whole.

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Crydius In reply to CouldveBeenKing [2017-07-06 14:38:01 +0000 UTC]

Ah, Gascoigne. The, technically, first boss of the game. He was great too. And great foreshadowing to what was to come.

I guess that just goes to show how different each player's experience is. Yeah they were tedious, and are easily the worst boss in the DLC but I beat them on my second try, after figuring out their Meteor move. Once you got that down their patterns really aren't that hard to follow, and then you focus on doing as much damage as possible.
Ludwig was great. I also loved everything you mentioned plus the soundtrack that plays when you fight him is amazing once you get to his second form. The son of a bitch was hard though, holy fuck. He was the second hardest boss in the game for me, only bested by the Orphan. Took me 2 hours. That'll teach me to play the DLC on new game plus...

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CouldveBeenKing In reply to Crydius [2017-07-08 01:58:08 +0000 UTC]

With the exception of Iudex Gundyr in DS3, I think he was the best first boss in all of the Souls series!

I never had trouble anticipating the Failures, more so just keeping them all in view; I would be tearing into one while another I could barely see smacks the back of my head and puts me into a wall. Just having to deal with 4 enemies at once, especially when they tended to cluster together on me, was aggrivating.

Ludwig, well, between both of our comments, there is not much more to be said - he is one Hell of a boss, both in perfection and difficulty. Though I personally found Laurence tougher, especially once he hit phase 2 and had that lava trail behind him - that Vicar was really hard to hurt! And you did that too? Fought it all on New Game +, I mean? I did that as well - beating the Moon Presence only after I cleared each Chalice Dungeon at least once...on all of their hardest difficulties by the end. Beyond finding a couple of Blood Rocks, I do not think it was really worth it, even though Queen Yharnam was fun. After going through all of that, including one dungeon that very nearly made me literally break my controller and actually injure myself slightly, I found New Game Plus (even the DLC) to be nothing too bad, minus the Land Whales in the Fishing Hamlet.

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Crydius In reply to CouldveBeenKing [2017-07-08 19:29:25 +0000 UTC]

Both great bosses.

I can see how that would be infuriating.

Laurence was indeed tough, though I'm not sure which of the two I thing is harder. Ludwig took me longer though I do think Laurence is technically the harder boss. I kinda got lucky on his second phase on my fourth try. His most punishable move is when he breathes lava at you and he did that quite a lot so I could do a lot of damage. And I think he did his big crawling-around-while-slamming-the-ground-like-a-madman move only twice in that fight. And that's the stuff that gets you killed.
I never did all the chalice dungeons to be honest. It just felt like padding. Which the game really didn't need. The one where your hp is halved is pure BS. I think the only one I completely finished was the one where you fight Ebreitas again. That was it.

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CouldveBeenKing In reply to Crydius [2017-07-08 21:18:57 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, Laurence did not give me too many openings, though I forget how many times I threw myself at him.

The dungeons were not but padding. Finding better versions of runes was nice, but they could have just put that into New Game + like the rest of the games. Not to mention the variations on the weapons I found pointless - I get the different Blood Gems had different effects, but none of them seemed really worth diving into dungeons for. And I hate how in the harder dungeons the Bell-ringing Women appear and can summon nearly endless hordes of enemies. In one, two of them were in a room and each of them could summon 4 phantom spiders at a time. They took 3 hits from my best weapon to kill, but they had equal reach on me, took off a quarter of my health per hit, and they noticed me from 4 rooms away - the aggro range was insane! It was like they had X-ray vision! I spent nearly 2 hours trying to kill them and get to their summoners, before I gave up and had them follow me through the first half of the dungeon, get them stuck on some stairs, and then run through the now empty rooms to kill their summoners - which also involved opening a shortcut and killing a tough werewolf.
Not to mention too many of the "new" bosses the dungeons add are repeated far too often, with too many being just normal enemies turned into bosses and the few really new ones are so annoying to fight! I watched my friend play a relatively low-level dungeon, and he had died to the boss, an Undead Giant. He ran through the dungeon again, just walked through the fog door...only to be killed the second he stepped through it. Apparently the boss noticed him entering, locked on, and started his jump attack (which is a sure kill with its damage) before my friend was even able to see the boss. So, with no way to dodge or anticipate it, he lost about 3 hours worth of Blood Echoes.

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Crydius In reply to CouldveBeenKing [2017-07-09 12:47:24 +0000 UTC]

Yup, that's what happens. For something that wasn't even really part of the main game the dungeons were NOT worth the trouble.

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CouldveBeenKing In reply to Crydius [2017-07-11 02:03:09 +0000 UTC]

I could not agree more.

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Defianent [2017-07-02 21:59:30 +0000 UTC]

I don't even know if they have faces, but either way I'd be afraid to see them.

Fun fact: In game, its highly recommended to take out the swordsman first.

In this case you take out their leader first instead of saving her for last.

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Crydius In reply to Defianent [2017-07-03 13:35:25 +0000 UTC]

Indeed. The swordsman has the most health and is the most annoying the longer you leave him alive. So it makes sense that one would be Adagio. ^^

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OddEyesDragoon [2017-07-02 20:05:39 +0000 UTC]

I love how absolutely ghoulish this looks.   

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Crydius In reply to OddEyesDragoon [2017-07-03 13:35:47 +0000 UTC]

Than I've done a good job. Glad you liked it Dragoon. ^^

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Sanyo2100 [2017-07-02 19:57:02 +0000 UTC]

Dear god.... that is simply amazing, it gave me shivers down the spine

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Crydius In reply to Sanyo2100 [2017-07-03 13:36:01 +0000 UTC]

Glad you liked it Sanyo.

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Sanyo2100 In reply to Crydius [2017-07-03 14:25:44 +0000 UTC]

Keep being awesome my friend X3

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ArtisanScribe [2017-07-02 19:04:58 +0000 UTC]

I've never played nor seen Bloodborne, but this is awesome!

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Crydius In reply to ArtisanScribe [2017-07-03 13:36:54 +0000 UTC]

You should check it out, if you're into Gothic and Lovecraftian horror, or any of the Souls series games. It's great.

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FutureHope21 [2017-07-02 18:58:40 +0000 UTC]


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Crydius In reply to FutureHope21 [2017-07-03 13:37:02 +0000 UTC]


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FutureHope21 In reply to Crydius [2017-07-03 16:41:40 +0000 UTC]


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KingXanaduu [2017-07-02 18:52:41 +0000 UTC]

I haven't really played Bloodborne or any of the Dark Souls games (I just got a PS4, and I'm more of a "Final Fantasy" kind of guy ^_^, but DAMN, the Dazzlings now look *@&#ing SCARY now.

Whelp, time to bring out my Katana.  Been leveling as a SAMURAI.  

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Crydius In reply to KingXanaduu [2017-07-03 13:40:36 +0000 UTC]

It's not an easy series to get into, but once you love one you love them all. Bloodborne however is considered by many to be the best out of them all. And since it's a stand-alone, unlike Dark Souls which has 3 games now, it's a great place to start, should you ever consider it.

Good luck. The Chikage (the only katana in Bloodborne) is a bloodtinge weapon and pretty crappy if you haven't leveled that stat to at least 20. Prepare to die.

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