CubanacanWarmbloods — A Handful of Sugar - DONSTRUPPER AUCTION BID

#mare #harpg #donstrupper #canadiandonstrupper
Published: 2022-12-04 06:31:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 779; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 1
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Description I have had it in my head for Al to somehow in someway end up crossing paths with Chris to torture him and here and this pretty girl seemed like a small step on the path of having another woman pick on him.
Story coming soon.... why did I leave this till last minute when I know I'm busy lol

Clinic season was upon the CUC team and although Skye felt that their stable was large enough as it was. She understood Chris wanting to try his own horses and build his own small team. With Catharsis under his cap as his future eventer, and Savvy and him as an eventing team, Skye was confident he needed a horse of structure to give him a better dressage base. With those words slipping her lips, Chris began to scout horses and breeds he may want to venture into. Of course Skye had plenty of dressage kids to go around, but as mentioned, Chris wanted his own little team.

The Canadian Donstrupper Auction was one ad that caught Chris' eye. He had seen the spotted warmbloods at the shows he had attended and their frames were exactly what he was looking for. A quick trip into quebec wouldn't harm them… right? Besides the clinic was at Mercury Stables and Alexa would be present and leading parts of the clinic. Chris had found the Italian woman to be incredible in the ring when he saw her in Tuscany and thought you could only get better under her instruction.
"Oh so I'm not enough now??" Skye laughed looking up from her oat latte on the couch.
"You know that's not why" Chris groaned.
Skye laughed and enjoyed giving him a hard time for idolizing Alexa. She knew full well Chris just wanted to better himself by all instruction and it was true enough. Skye was just coming back into the competitive world where Alexa had it pinned under her thumb. Chris did need her though Skye wasn't sure he was ready for it.

Mercury Stables was covered in fall colour as the pair walked along the stalls to check out the auction horses. Chris has one in mind from the catalog though it never hurt to look. As he approached the stall of the red mare his heart slammed against his ribs. He was absolutely taken by this mare.
The wild bay's head perked up as he approached her stall. She was very much a "respect my bubble" mare but Chris has no desire to go into her bubble without permission. Her ears flicked back and forth from forward to slightly pinned. Though once the rattle of the sugar cubes in his palm caught her attention she was quite attentive and pushed forward into Chris personal space. Surely the sugar was an invite. He brought them in hopes of sweetening her up before trying her as a dressage mount and was ever thankful for the auction catalog having brief descriptions of the horses. He wanted her to ask to be in his space and approach him.

Once the clinic started Chris felt immediately overwhelmed. It was a sea of spots, quite honestly. He did his best to give the mare her own room and space from others in the large outdoor ring. Her ears pinned when another horse got slightly too close but she remained soft in Chris' hand. She was honestly trying her best for the man with the sugar cubes, and he did his best to navigate the whole outdoor ring.
He crossed over center on the mare and by Alexa with her crop in hand.
"More forward." Her voice rang and Chris felt frozen.
Chris did his best but as ever student has experienced, more forward felt easier to say than to do.
He moved the mare in a trot around the far end of the ring past where Skye stood watching. She gave an encouraging look while recording him on her phone.
Chris approached Alexa again, the mare felt more forward with the contact but alas…
"Again, but actually do it this time." Chris felt ice in his veins but he moved the mare again in a circle. Keeping her steady and forward. She was a strong horse and it kept Chris working. He continued the circlr and approached Alexa once more. The brunette with eyes of blue ice called out once again.
"Open those shoulders, you look like Quasimodo"
Chirs immediately pushed his chest forward and felt like his own mom had slapped him upside the head. When his eyes found Skye again she was trying to contain her laughter. Of course she was.
Though he really had his shoulders rounded in and once he corrected himself, he could feel Red Lights movement a lot easier. Her impulsion in her forward movement was smooth and graceful as they found a rhythm together. He really liked this mare. He felt instride with her even if he had much to improve for his dressage riding. She may have seemed like a mare who wouldn't suit their stables but there was room and time to find her a pasture buddy she enjoyed and if that didn't work an individual turn out could be arranged. Chris couldn't help but think about what nickname to give her and how and when he could start working with her. He also knew that they had a lot of youngsters coming into next show season and it was something he considered. Skye had given him the go ahead because at the end of the day. His success and wants mattered to her.

Alexa finished the clinic with telling everyone they did a good job and although Chris doubted it, he knew that the critic was honest and needed. Now if he could bring home the red dontrupper mare and continue on with her, that would be a dream.
He leaned forward in the saddle to offer the mare his last 2 sugar cubes which he had hidden in his breeches. Red Lights was not in love with how close this bay leopard was getting to them, turned her attention to Chris's palm to snatch the sugar and just as she had earlier. Her ears pricked forward adorably to nibble her reward.
"A handful of sugar never hurt, did it darlin" he spoke softly to the spotted mare and thanked her for being patient. He had his fingers crossed for the auction.

HORSE BID : M148 Red Lights

Alexa (c) Emii-M
Chris (c) CubanacanWarmbloods
Earl & Raina (c) Lexelott

Thank you to Emii-M for providing quotes for Alexa during the clinic and her facial redline.
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Comments: 5

CubanacanWarmbloods [2023-02-06 14:25:55 +0000 UTC]

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MilkSergeant [2022-12-04 07:14:24 +0000 UTC]

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CubanacanWarmbloods In reply to MilkSergeant [2022-12-04 07:33:37 +0000 UTC]

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PantoffelXII [2022-12-04 06:42:30 +0000 UTC]

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CubanacanWarmbloods In reply to PantoffelXII [2022-12-04 07:33:19 +0000 UTC]

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