cursed-sight — Ch4Pg9 - The Gold Rider

Published: 2009-06-28 16:00:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 2599; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 11
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Description So next week is Anime Expo, so there won't be a new page posted until the weekend after.

I was reading Anne's collection of short stories that she brought out a couple years ago and I found some more contradictions. In the guide it clearly says that dragons have two claws in the front, one thumb-like claw, but in the short story a dragon moves something using 'five clawed fingers'.

Also, she mentions that only Brown and Bronze riders can aspire to be wingseconds. Is a wingsecond the leader of a wing, or the second in command of a wing, as I'd earlier assumed. They make to mention of a wingleader.

These are little details I'd just like to get straight. When I get back I'll be posting a couple pages that will reveal a bunch of fun stuff, so stay tuned!

All comments welcome. Shonen-ai warning.

Dragonriders of Pern is copyrighted by Anne & Todd McCaffrey
The characters and situations are my own

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Comments: 20

BloodyMoonLady [2010-08-27 04:51:37 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, Dragons were Metasynthed along with some of the Firelizards to give them five clawed "Pentadactl" hands. A Wingleader is the Leader of a wing, under the Weyrleader (Who is also the Wingleader of his own wing) Wingseconds are the seconds in command of each wing.

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tisk-task [2010-05-30 14:15:07 +0000 UTC]

why is he surprized? master weaver hello?

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warriorjames999 [2009-07-06 14:55:43 +0000 UTC]

I LOVE this series!!

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Jigzag [2009-07-05 10:47:16 +0000 UTC]

Seems this page's update on your comic site isn't working properly. I thought I'd let you know. ^_^

Love the close up on the eyes! It is so funny that he continues to get angry for the littlest things!!

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cursed-sight In reply to Jigzag [2009-07-07 15:29:54 +0000 UTC]

What do you mean it isn't working properly?

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Jigzag In reply to cursed-sight [2009-07-09 13:49:01 +0000 UTC]


Says "Image Not Available" on Smackjeeves. Sorry I guess I should have specified more clearly which site I was talking about. But I know your readers are looking forward to it so I wanted to let you know.

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cursed-sight In reply to Jigzag [2009-07-09 15:40:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh! I'll have to fix that later. I can never remember my log in. ^^

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NineTailsChaosFox [2009-07-04 03:53:37 +0000 UTC]

Well, the nets are a type of weavings, right?

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calenlily [2009-07-04 00:59:21 +0000 UTC]

Another great page!

The guide is notoriously full of errors; anything in the books is considered to trump the guide, considering the guide wasn't actually written by Anne. Although, annoyingly enough, the books themselves have quite a few inconsistencies.

Wingseconds are second in commands. They can be bronze or brown riders, and there are two of them in each wing. I'm pretty sure wingleaders are only bronze riders.

(If you ever have any more canon stuff you want help with, feel free to ask me. I know the books pretty much backwards and forwards, and I enjoy sharing.)

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cursed-sight In reply to calenlily [2009-07-07 03:44:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for that! I'll definitely consider giving my questions to you in the future. ^^

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calenlily In reply to cursed-sight [2009-07-14 06:14:54 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure!

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SGDragon [2009-06-29 06:33:04 +0000 UTC]

In regards to the "hands"; in my guide, it says that the firelizards had the 3 clawed hands, and that the dragons and the firelizards that were enhanced with "meta-synth" were given 5 fingered hands. My guide is the second edition, so maybe you have the first edition.

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cursed-sight In reply to SGDragon [2009-06-29 15:00:23 +0000 UTC]

hm, thanks for the clarification. I think I may stick with three fingers and a thumb claw because its just easier to draw.

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squanpie [2009-06-28 20:42:18 +0000 UTC]

hehe, the advantages of being a weaver

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Kynamh [2009-06-28 17:09:29 +0000 UTC]

Yes, wingseconds serve as lieutenants to the wingleaders. Anne's books are of course full of contradictions, it's up to the reader to make sense of it all.

And SilverTwilight05 is correct about the dragon/firelizard hands.

As for proportion problems, he-who-is-not-K'mlar has arms that are way too big and his legs a bit too short compared to the small torso. (Yeah, I totally blanked on his name lol). K'mlar is a little better proportioned.

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cursed-sight In reply to Kynamh [2009-06-29 15:03:57 +0000 UTC]

Yeeeah, it was a failed attempt a bit of perspective actually. I wanted him leaning in, so his torso should have looked a little shortened, but its not an easy pose to make work.

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SilverTwilight05 [2009-06-28 16:55:42 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, the proportions seem slightly off. I can't really tell you how, maybe the length of the arms. Otherwise nicely done.

About the # of dragon digits: In Dragonsdawn, the genetics of the firelizards were tinkered with, so they went from a 3-clawed hand to a 5-fingered one. I think this was to make a small step between tinkering with the firelizards and engineering the dragons. I think the 5-fingered firelizards ended up thriving (being kept as pets by the settlers) and the old 3-fingered model died out.

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cursed-sight In reply to SilverTwilight05 [2009-06-29 15:02:54 +0000 UTC]

Oh! That's good to know. I said this in an earlier comic, but I think I'll stick with three fingers and a thumb, just because with the claws and all five fingers looks a little like overkill.

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Yuri-pad [2009-06-28 16:03:41 +0000 UTC]

nice comic! those eyes are gorgeous o.o

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cursed-sight In reply to Yuri-pad [2009-06-28 16:08:33 +0000 UTC]


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