Comments: 15
tisk-task [2011-05-15 01:41:28 +0000 UTC]
lol. Him looking like a child is actually a good thing. "And a child shall lead them"
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TheWatcherAyame [2009-07-23 04:43:53 +0000 UTC]
Why does this page make me sad. O.o
You getting better with your drawing!
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cursed-sight In reply to TheWatcherAyame [2009-07-23 21:22:41 +0000 UTC]
It should! It is sad! I'm just glad it worked out. This was not an easy scene to plan.
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TheWatcherAyame In reply to cursed-sight [2009-07-27 04:11:30 +0000 UTC]
I can see why. One always wants scenes like that to come out just right.
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calenlily [2009-07-20 06:19:46 +0000 UTC]
*"Aww"s forever at Zarinth in the last panel*
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KayaKimura [2009-07-20 05:56:12 +0000 UTC]
Weyrling Masters in your comics are always so much cooler than the ones I get to role play. D=
The epicness. You have it. I do not. -praises comic-
And I like that K'mlar looks "younger" in the last panel. It shows how I imagine he feels. "Me...? Lead them? ... [I can't/I'm too young/I'm not ready for this/I'll never be ready for this/etc.]"
So I like it.
The one crit I have is just to watch your positioning on the mouths. I know it's your style to have the lip shapes off to the side of the "mouth" opening, and that's fine. Just make sure the top of the mouth and the bottom of the top lip line up. ^^
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RyderCrymson [2009-07-20 01:45:31 +0000 UTC]
wow... i love where its going. btw... pgs 3 and 8 dont have "next page" links
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Flat-Line [2009-07-20 00:30:26 +0000 UTC]
All the suspense... and it crumbles. Poor K'mlar. D:
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