Ethereal-Mind — Every cloud.....

Published: 2005-04-10 05:54:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 2703; Favourites: 44; Downloads: 449
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Description This was done in two days, and although its a bit of my rush work im still proud of it (duh why else would i post it then?)

This is for Paul Dallas's's media class, the assignment was to pick a proverb, and illustrate it. Mines was:
"every cloud has a silver lining."
but personally, I think the image is too linear and not delivering its message. although i got mixed critiques from diffrent people.

The people are done with marker and the buildings and sky are all photoshop, and inky lineart.
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Comments: 25

dorky-bubbletush [2008-01-16 20:48:36 +0000 UTC]

I'll put it up when I'm done, not sure how it's gonna turn out because we're not really allowed to use much imagery, tricky.

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dorky-bubbletush [2008-01-15 20:59:13 +0000 UTC]

Ha, funny - I'm doing the exact same thing at college but with typography. This was my proverb too.

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Ethereal-Mind In reply to dorky-bubbletush [2008-01-16 03:53:47 +0000 UTC]

we got the same project despite being at different schools and everything. i wonder what that says about the state of education...

anyways, i wanna see what you came up with!
i did this project in second year so it was too literal and not enough concept.

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wolviesgirl [2005-06-05 22:09:30 +0000 UTC]

i really really really really really really really really like this one!!!!!!!

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LesserKnownGalFriday [2005-05-11 03:00:14 +0000 UTC]

"Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile, and here I am, the only living boy in New York..."

The fact that a Simon and Garfunkel song was brought to my mind makes this most awesome art EVAR. I love the colour job mostest.

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lemontea [2005-04-28 02:16:10 +0000 UTC]

Well in my eyes, I think you fulfilled the project in an abstract, but incredibly effective way. Very clean, very focused. Perfect use of an angle and the minmal subject to show sizes and reflect the general idea. Nice work.

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mayshing [2005-04-27 19:57:52 +0000 UTC]

Cool use of perspective.

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floriane [2005-04-27 17:56:30 +0000 UTC]

great job!!
i like the angle and the expressions of your guy!!

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dj-dk [2005-04-27 12:37:36 +0000 UTC]

pwerspective cuel
and the peeples r good too
i like it the colours r a good selection

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BBCVersus [2005-04-27 10:14:17 +0000 UTC]

Fantstic....the ppl...the style you have reminds me of the last episode from Animatrix...remember?... A boy Story?......but there is a difference between those drawings and yours....YOURS a far more ARTISTIC!!!..... ...wow....cool...awesome........I will have to see more of your works......

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RawrKijett [2005-04-14 21:04:16 +0000 UTC]

ohh I love the perspective of it, very cool. :]

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starchild247 [2005-04-13 14:26:25 +0000 UTC]

the composition is cool!! The way u drew the people reminds me of this polictical cartoonist in my newspaper

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Ethereal-Mind [2005-04-11 12:04:23 +0000 UTC]

No, michael.
you totally misintepreted my ART here and now im so insulted i quit the art "business" and has become a performance artist, or public mime.

"silver lining" refeers to the light rays at the edge of a cloud that the sun shines on when its covered, but it also refeers to the hopeless old saying:

"every cloud has a silver lining"

which is supposed to be a metaphor for: "when things are bad theres always something to hope for"
or "everything gets better if you sit on your ass and wait and do nothing to improve your current situation."

im glad to have been able to point that out to you since i recon with your "questions" that fat people need help having things constantly explained to them just as they need to have things constantly crammed into their mouths so they dont get bored and accidentally chew off their own hands.

sooo....how's by you?

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A-Spec In reply to Ethereal-Mind [2005-04-13 02:23:18 +0000 UTC]

ROFLMAO ^_^ love the last bit about fat people getting bored anyway, a note on the actual piece itself, the main dude at the front of the crowd looks awesome - love his hair, and his face looks great too. perspective is great too...in fact, its all great - nice work ^_^

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pureghetto [2005-04-11 04:00:41 +0000 UTC]

By 'silver lining' you mean the skyscrapers, right?

If so, I like.

If not...I don't know..um...*flee*

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Moomoomoomoo [2005-04-11 01:32:04 +0000 UTC]

i think it looks nice >u<
everything's simple and nice >u<
there's so little clouds tho xDDDDDDDDDDDD;;
and ... i are back......... =u=u= xDD;;

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Ethereal-Mind In reply to Moomoomoomoo [2005-04-11 02:15:49 +0000 UTC]

welcome back!!!!

heck i think you've been gone longer than I have!

thanks for the commens, i dunno i didnt feel much like making lotsa clouds just the rays of light shining through, and yes i should add some more windows on the plain buildings.

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ArtDoge [2005-04-10 19:10:42 +0000 UTC]

lol Ray, they're looking at the sky as Cain and Able have just landed on their planets and about to destroy all of it's inhabitants XD Anyways this is alsome! I cant get my copic markers to draw that like... smooth, and your colouring just blends altogether so nicely, and I like the perspective too!

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MincedNiku [2005-04-10 16:58:36 +0000 UTC]

Great angle and expressions. They almost look hopeful, like that 'silver lining' will save them from their dark city.

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FlawedNoOne [2005-04-10 15:10:13 +0000 UTC]

It's probably been stated already; however, the detail seems imbalanced. The picture may possibly look more visually stimulating with more detail set in the sky and building tops.

Excellent angle, by the way.

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cutegirl [2005-04-10 14:33:53 +0000 UTC]

this is good, I love the drawing, good job.

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phlezk [2005-04-10 08:00:02 +0000 UTC]

perfect job! love the crazy perspective

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antares520 [2005-04-10 06:59:05 +0000 UTC]

This looks really good, the angle is neat and the people are done well - as usual
I think that maybe it needs a little more in the top portion of the image. The buildings, since their coloured differently, have less texture and less detail than the people. I imagine that if there was a little more detail in the sky (eg more clouds, bigger colour variation/gradient) it might fill that space a bit. I dunno, thats just my opinion. I really like this, particularly the concept of it.

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mezzzmorized [2005-04-10 05:56:45 +0000 UTC]


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gsan [2005-04-10 05:55:27 +0000 UTC]

Very nice job.

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