Feyrah β€” Sculpture tutorial for beginners | Sculpting

Published: 2012-03-08 22:45:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 120737; Favourites: 5233; Downloads: 1473
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Description There we go, like I promised. This took quite a while.
hope it helps. Any questions? Feel free to ask!

More Tutorials by other artists:

General: kurokono.deviantart.com/art/Sc… and fav.me/d4rvfxx
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Tips and Tricks: fav.me/d4a734e
Armature and Stand: fav.me/dwuafn
Base: fav.me/d4ce974

WARNING FOR SANDING: Don't breathe in the dust!
Either moisten the sandpaper or wear protection gear.
A bandana properly covering your nose and mouth should do.
The dust can be dangerous for your lungs.


Edit: Sorry, I can't find the time to work on part 2. Simple version:

1. Either paint the sculpture white or spray it with white acrylic spray paint. Don't breathe it in!
2. let the base coat dry.
3. Start painting it using acrylic paints. Start with bigger areas.
4. For really small details, use a fairly small brush.
5. Seal it with spray finish or paint-on finish after it dried.
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Comments: 373

sunziana [2016-01-29 15:39:16 +0000 UTC]

Great tutorial! Thank you very much!

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Tuck-Tail-and-Run [2015-07-30 04:37:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Looking at doing some bigger sculpts than I have before, this will help a lot!!Β 

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Dredorida [2015-07-29 19:11:25 +0000 UTC]

What grain of sandpaper? I've been using 220 and it seems to work REASONABLE well...Β 

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Feyrah In reply to Dredorida [2015-07-29 20:10:27 +0000 UTC]

i switched from rougher ones to smoother ones if that helps?

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Dredorida In reply to Feyrah [2015-07-30 00:45:23 +0000 UTC]

yes, thank you

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Dredorida [2015-07-29 01:24:33 +0000 UTC]

Wow! This worked for me when no other tutorials did Β 


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pngpetra [2015-03-15 17:03:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for this awesome tutorial!

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Feyrah In reply to pngpetra [2015-03-24 12:36:33 +0000 UTC]

Glad it helped!

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Sellesion [2015-03-05 23:07:15 +0000 UTC]

I have some sculpting experience, but this is still a really great Tutorial. Something I'm still working on is getting things as smooth as I want them.
What grain of sandpaper do you use?

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Feyrah In reply to Sellesion [2015-03-06 07:20:39 +0000 UTC]

I usually start out with a bigger grain to get it started and then change to a finer grain

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Sellesion In reply to Feyrah [2015-03-06 08:04:24 +0000 UTC]

I'll keep that in mind. Thank you! ^^

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missuny [2015-02-15 20:47:52 +0000 UTC]

Where can I get crepe tape? Is it expensive?

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Feyrah In reply to missuny [2015-02-15 21:06:11 +0000 UTC]

It's also named masking tape and it's not expensive at all! You should be able to get it in crafting stores etc

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missuny In reply to Feyrah [2015-02-16 00:09:27 +0000 UTC]

Oh cool! I actually have masking tape, but I didn't know it went by another name. Thank you so much!

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kittysmash [2014-09-07 08:20:32 +0000 UTC]

what kind of clay is that?

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phforever [2014-07-04 05:09:10 +0000 UTC]

This is awesome! I've been wanting to try sculpting,but I'm afraid to try because this stuff is pricey and everything I try fails Β miserably. But I feel kinds reassured with and in-depth tutorial like this,tht shows you how to do what your doing instead of saying "Now add the mane". I hope I can try and do this sometime!

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NegativeFade [2014-03-13 23:49:33 +0000 UTC]

This is awesome!

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WyrmsRoost [2013-10-25 06:16:59 +0000 UTC]

Totally awesome tutorial! This will help me actually finish a sculpture for once...

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Loveless-Yokai [2013-08-20 15:37:09 +0000 UTC]

My little pony my little pony!

Love it^^

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explodingHeath [2013-04-28 10:23:53 +0000 UTC]

ah this is just magnificent! i'm gonna try sculpture soon!

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JOCKPRIEST [2013-04-16 01:15:14 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I'm so excited to begin! This is really helpful, thank you!

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MughalRox [2013-04-07 05:26:19 +0000 UTC]


BTW, dangerous for your *lungs* :3

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sasyn [2013-03-05 17:27:00 +0000 UTC]

Excellent and reassuring information. I had completely overlooked the hazard of inhaling the dust from sanding. Thank you.

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PHarold [2013-01-26 08:21:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for this. I'm a newbie and I want to try my hand at this!

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Feyrah In reply to PHarold [2013-02-18 09:05:52 +0000 UTC]

Good luck!

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kkfreak [2013-01-26 04:50:56 +0000 UTC]

part 2 never came.

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Feyrah In reply to kkfreak [2013-01-26 11:06:51 +0000 UTC]

White acrylic spraypaint, acrylics, paintbrushes. Spray varnish. Done.

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NightEphemeral [2013-01-04 13:48:14 +0000 UTC]

thank you for sharing this. Iv been wanting to try sculpting.

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Blackalphadragon96 [2012-12-31 01:32:56 +0000 UTC]

How do i ger my clay not to dry wilhe im sculptig ????
Do i need to have water on or something ?

And how do i get It like a smooth surifes on my sculpture ???

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Feyrah In reply to Blackalphadragon96 [2012-12-31 02:31:26 +0000 UTC]

I use oven bake clay that doesn't air dry. If you use air-dry clay, yes, you should have water.
How to get smooth surfaces is explained in the tutorial. Sanding.

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chasmyn [2012-12-30 03:38:09 +0000 UTC]

Lovely, thank you!

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flamelover1 [2012-12-28 19:30:06 +0000 UTC]

can you do flutershy? and can i buy one of these?

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Feyrah In reply to flamelover1 [2013-01-07 10:01:02 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, I don't make these at the moment.

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flamelover1 In reply to Feyrah [2013-01-08 21:40:36 +0000 UTC]

ohh thanks anyway...

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Geri-Fillot [2012-12-05 15:25:58 +0000 UTC]

Very very cool!!!!

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KinesisBoomer [2012-11-11 16:21:48 +0000 UTC]

Love the tutorial, but I have a few questions.
First, is the sandpaper necessary?
I don't quite understand why it should be used, unless it's to make painting the sculpture easier.
Also, baking, why is that important to do every so often?

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shocka123 In reply to KinesisBoomer [2012-12-04 01:28:47 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is late, but when using polymer clay you must bake it so that it can get hard. If you don't gonna stay mushy for a long time and then it crumbles

Sanding helps smoothing things out and it actaully makes the finished product a lot better. Makes it smooth and once varnished, even better looking!

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Feyrah In reply to KinesisBoomer [2012-11-12 18:27:03 +0000 UTC]

Sometimes, you keep getting fingerprints on the figure or rounded surfaces aren't exactly as smooth as they could. It's almost impossible to smooth out everything perfectly by hand. It is optional, but I recommend it.

I believe I explained why I bake multiple times. Lets say I sculpt the body, and want to put on the head - I usually have to hold onto the figure to be able to do so, or else i would get my fingerprints all over the sculpture. I learned that the hard way.

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CaptainWilder In reply to KinesisBoomer [2012-11-12 12:30:44 +0000 UTC]

Just passing through, but can say that I bake every sculpture two or three times to save the progress and not spoil already done part while doing next. Usually sanding is used for smoothing, but I'm trying not to use sandpaper at all, smoothing sculpture with turpentine before baking. So, yes it may not be necessary.

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KinesisBoomer In reply to CaptainWilder [2012-11-12 15:07:58 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see. Thank you for your help!

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Canvascope In reply to KinesisBoomer [2012-12-10 16:57:55 +0000 UTC]

in addition to this: for smoothing the sculpture after baking you should use very fine-grained sandpaper - 220 grid is the best. but above all it's a pure patience thing, because if you want a very smooth and nice looking surface you have to put alot of time in this part - it depends on how big and detailed the sculpture is but it's not uncommonly that it takes 2 - 3 hours.

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LittleWhiteRabbitB [2012-10-18 18:40:28 +0000 UTC]

This is so helpful! Thank you^^
If I could just ask what the best type of wire would be to use. I went to the arts store (before reading this...) but they had so many different kinds! I didn't know which one to pick..

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Feyrah In reply to LittleWhiteRabbitB [2012-10-23 17:54:14 +0000 UTC]

I used one that was easy to bend but not too easy so the figure would be sturdy.

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LittleWhiteRabbitB In reply to Feyrah [2012-10-24 01:20:40 +0000 UTC]

Hmm. Alright, I'll have a look then. Thanks^^

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Punchpupper [2012-08-15 05:07:15 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic Tutorial I really learned alot doing it but I have some questions.

I ended up using mostly super sculpey and then when I got to the head Premo Sculpey mixed with super. I am about finished sanding it and fine tuning it then I was going to go straight to painting it.

Now I know NOTHING about sculpting. Never took a class, never did ceramics, NOTHING so if this question sounds stupid then.....forgive my newbiness ^_^;;

My plan was that after I finished sanding it I was going to spray paint it white with white primer then go ahead and use acrylics to paint my pony how I pleased. It dawned on me that I need Spray Finish. My question is that is there a kind that has no gloss? Also I was looking online for finish but I also read about people putting on sealer first then painting.

So whats my next step? sealer then primer? spray finish? do I need a finish? any advice is greatly appreciated!

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Feyrah In reply to Punchpupper [2012-08-15 10:00:54 +0000 UTC]

I usually spray it white very lightly and the paint more white over it because my spraypaint was weird. xD

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Punchpupper In reply to Feyrah [2012-08-15 17:46:56 +0000 UTC]

So you dont use any soray finish or sealent? XD because my plan was to bascecoat white and use acrylics to paint over the basecoat. But i also heard it takes multiple layers ( less so when you sand it bur i have sanded the heck out of it xD)

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Feyrah In reply to Punchpupper [2012-08-20 23:25:46 +0000 UTC]

I do use sprayfinish after painting the figure, of course.

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Punchpupper In reply to Feyrah [2012-08-20 23:30:54 +0000 UTC]

thanks ^_^ what kind of acrylics do you use? I got some as part of a gift........they are terribad -_-. What brand do you use mostly?

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Feyrah In reply to Punchpupper [2012-08-20 23:38:11 +0000 UTC]

I can't recall, I just took the cheapest ones I coud find and they work fine. I think it sais what brand it is in the tutorial.

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