IForgotWhoIam — Sick of Being Sick

Published: 2008-11-16 22:05:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 2760; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 14
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Description update 8/09/10 I found out I have chronic lyme disease -> more info check out my website-> [link]
...may be it's because it's really hard for me to let people in...
...i pretend to be happy all the time....because I don't want people to feel bad or pity me... yet when I do say I feel sick or tried, people just think I'm a complainer....
... i'm always in pain...feel sick and tried...

...i've been sick for the years... I have chronic fatigue syndrome, which is like having Mono, everyday of my life...

I'm also always in pain because as well i have fibromyalgia, which is a disorder classified by the presence of chronic widespread pain and a heightened and painful response to gentle touch
- because of both of these the doctor told me I'm not allowed to lift weights and run, which means I can't participate in gym class most of the time...

a lot of times i end up droping out of stuff because my body can't physically keep up...and they i get sick, not like the flu or anything...but i feel dead, tried, and in pain...a lot of pain...
-last year I had to quite softball, which I've been playing for 7 years- i wasn't really that sad about it because I was too tried and in too much pain to play... and before that I quit field hockey and ski club...
-but i need to listen to my body and cut back on activities when i start feeling bad.... like most recently when i had to drop out of set crew for the fall play at my school......

there is no crue for either Fibromyalgia or Chronic fatigue syndrome... and there isn't really a treatmment for them...
the doctors want me to go on an anti-depressant...(but i'm scare to take one... i've read to many bad things about them.)... so right now I'm on a mediecine to help me sleep at night... because it's really hard for me to sleep, even though i so tired i feel dead, because the pain in my body hurts to much....
-as well i get really light-headed and have severe mental and physical exhaustion- i have a lot of mental fog and can't think striaght- because of all this it's hard enought for me to drag myself to school and my job...which i have to cut back to working only 2 days a week because else wise i'd be too tried to go to school...


If you have any questions send me a note or message me... for more information go to;
Fibromyalgia: [link]
Chronic fatigue syndrome : [link]
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Comments: 351

Gamingpup321 [2015-04-12 07:01:45 +0000 UTC]

HELP!! Check out my thing in the description i say all details do you know what i have? CHECK PLZ!

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HalcyonNoctem [2014-08-07 17:26:46 +0000 UTC]

*gentle fist bump* Right there with you sweetie. 

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IndigoOfTheHeavens [2013-06-23 21:39:43 +0000 UTC]

Damn I get you 100% there. I don't have the constant pain which (sorry for saying this) I see as a blessing. But I have the CFS which is depressing and hard to deal with as it is. And its progressing sloooooowly worse so I look to the future with a slight fear/anxiety of not knowing how bad it'll be in 5 to 10 or 20 years time. If I'd ever need to have hospitalization...

Thank you for putting into words what I feel though. And putting it into a picture that is easily understood. And thank you (if this counts) for being someone else who can understand.

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Shaun-shau [2013-04-23 21:32:42 +0000 UTC]

there there.....

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maddiemcbride55 [2013-04-10 10:22:09 +0000 UTC]

I relate 100% I've been sick with lymes for 7 years now but wasn't diagnosed until 6th grade by that time I had been sick for over 3 years with no actual answers. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY... and best of luck to everyone.

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DoodlebertDesigns [2012-12-07 13:34:28 +0000 UTC]

Bravo! All I have to say at the moment, but every single one of you - bravo!

Oh, and my husband found that the anti-depressants gave him depression. PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT anti-medication, I have to take anti-depressants and mood stabilizers every day. My husband did not have depression however, the idea was to prevent it becoming a problem given the terrible illness... Well, you don't need me to tell you.

Wow, guess I did have a bit more to say

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TheFragileBlueRose [2011-07-12 04:44:06 +0000 UTC]

I have fibro also and psutotumer cerebri. Its hard everyday. Its nice to know Im not the only one becuz sometimes it feels like that.

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DearestSamantha [2011-06-03 13:41:52 +0000 UTC]

Holy poop. This picture sums up my life. I HATE pity, but no one ever seems to understand. I have chronic Lyme disease too. It sucks man. :/

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mluco [2011-05-28 20:09:45 +0000 UTC]

I`m not the only one it heped me hope it helps you

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stealth49 [2011-04-04 12:28:35 +0000 UTC]

I have fibro and that picture is me 100%

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The-Lonely-Sock [2010-09-21 04:34:12 +0000 UTC]

Wow! There ARE others who know what I'm going through!

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to The-Lonely-Sock [2010-09-27 16:49:14 +0000 UTC]

you are not alone

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Nwaffles [2010-08-28 02:05:17 +0000 UTC]

I'm exactly where you are. Chronic fatigue, the whole shebang. Lyme for over 6 years now.

Keep fighting. You're not alone..

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to Nwaffles [2010-09-27 16:49:37 +0000 UTC]


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CharlieDunning [2010-08-18 16:36:05 +0000 UTC]


I UNDERSTAND you. I have M.E. (form of CFS), Hypermobility Syndrome, Hypermobility Pain Syndrome and Chronic Pain Syndrome, and I've had all of them for 16 years now, and I KNOW how you feel.

None of my family believe me, (other than my Mum and sister), so I've almost become disowned in away for having all these disorders. If you ever need to have a rant about it, please send me a note, and always understand, and never question how you feel

I just got anti-depressents for my M.E., but I'm scared of taking them too, because my friend is on them and she can't come off them because she'll get too ill from the side effects.

That little dog is so cute in your picture by the way, reminds me of my little doggie

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to CharlieDunning [2010-08-19 02:37:12 +0000 UTC]

thanks its nice to hear from people who can relate
ok, thanks and same for you, if you ever need someone to rant to please note me

I pray for you to find answers and never give up hope
good luck to you

lol aw thanks

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BellaLunaWolf [2010-06-08 04:10:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh man... I remember far too well the pain of fibromyalgia. First of all I had suffered a "chronic depression" my 8th grade school year, and bam. Suddenly I start feeling these never-ending pains all over. Constant fatigue and that 'out of it' feeling known as the "fibro fog" It was horrible... I missed many days of school because just getting out of bed was a real chore. >_<; When I was diagnosed, they gave me medication, "Lyrica", for the fibro... I still had to spend my freshman year in high school home-schooled. But by the time I reached 10th grade, I was finally stable and healthy. However, even to this day, I can still have mild pains. Especially since the muscle tension often triggered by stress. :S

There were of course many misunderstandings along the way. Idiots claimed I just complained too much.
My mother and her husband did not seems to understand. I hated people always saying I looked "tired" =< There were some good people who sympathized, but most cannot comprehend the unique pain of the syndrome unless THEY ACTUALLY EXPERIENCE IT THEMSELVES. Amirite?

Ugh... I remember being in my gym class... full of doofus boys (why the hell was I in a boy's gym class? x'<) 9th grade. We were playing soccer. I always have loved being athletic. I wanted to give it my all to be strong, despite my condition. I was... fighting it, I suppose. I did fairly well... I was lithe and had a pretty mean kick. Suddenly, one day, I got hit by the ball smack in the face. The pressure I was putting on myself... the reality of the pain I was in. No, the ball did not hurt. I was hurt by the frustration of having fibromyalgia. I wanted to overcome it so badly. I was standing there in the field. I suppose I finally broke. Tears fell from my eyes. OH GOD WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE AT SCHOOL? Why couldn't it have been with my closer friends... Those idiot boys had to see me break. One boy that was 'in our group', who I had this class... he was LAUGHING AT ME. The tension, frustration, and now anger because of this boy just fueled the pain. I was shaking. I was sick of this fool. Class was over at least, and I tromped off to the girls dressing room, defeated by my own struggles.

Hahaha... I somewhat bad memories of this boy, Jeremy, as he was a jackass at first and so conveniently appeared out of nowhere because of an obsessive crush on one of my good friends. Heh, to this day, despite all the rejections, he still claims he 'loves her'. Four years now. During my struggles, he called me "emo" (Mind you, I WAS NOT SAD ON PURPOSE. I WAS DEALING WITH MORE THAN HE COULD EVER KNOW) Said I should quit complaining so much. He would nag everyone about Maria. He was always putting everyone down. I did not like his bullshit. But I have tried forgetting, and forgiving all that I had pain with. For I cannot afford to have any unnecessary stress. v_v To this day, I tolerate many people that come out of nowhere, for that friend of mine, Maria, has become quite a social butterfly and people magnet. Some of these people just do not take the time to know me and just do not like me for whatever reason. I try to respect them, but many times it seems they just give me none. Oh high school, sometimes it seemed like a prison of a freak show. I have no time for idiots(Thank god it's Summer now!) x'D But how I miss the days before my depression...Middle school... back when I made art and played music like there was no tomorrow... Just me, Maddie, Katie, and Maria.
Maddie was like a blessing. Katie invited her to spend time with us, and the moment I met her it was instant friendship... She stayed by my side during the depression and fibro. Understood the conditions... Through all the 5 years I've known her, we had so many wonderful times. Dances, Orchestra concerts, drawing together, Seaworld, countless sleepovers and movies. Fiesta Texas, fireworks, sharing and enjoying anime, manga, and video games together. Enjoying life with her friendship. She was so giving, a great organizer, and looked out for and cared for us all. How I love her so...
Tenth grade, she attended a different school... and she said that in the future, she may have to move...
The first day of our junior year in high school, she was to fly to Washington state. I remember feeling lethargic that morning, dragging myself to school. She visited our campus, for school in Washington begins later than in Texas. She gave us delicious sweets like she always does... I remember we all hugged her farewell...
Oh man... I have really missed her. I call her every so often and I got a Messenger to keep in contact. She had even visited us Thanksgiving and Winter breaks, which I enjoyed greatly and made the most of every day. Not a day goes by where I don't think of her. I should really call her more... I wonder when school ends for her... High school had consumed so much time, I should also finish her hand-drawn card. Oh... I wonder when she will visit this Summer.
I spent much of junior year reminiscing of fond memories, trying to befriend new people, meeting many fools along the way, too. I had a hard time, for someone like me always preferred a small group of my closest friends... >w<;
Ahaha... oh how I wished I could've seen her new home. She invited me to fly this month but alas, I have Driving School. Maybe next year.
I remember even when she attended a different school, we still all did many things on weekends... but now that she was in a different state over 2000 miles away. I anticipate when we have all graduated high-school, and she shall make her return! When she says she will do something, she does it. I have no doubt.
Ohoho... Maria and Maddie say they will be attending UTSA (University of Texas at San Antonio). University where we live... Lol... That Jeremy... he claims he will study abroad.(He has ALWAYS been a stinkin' showoff) But I'm surprised he won't go to UT in Austin, since he like the longhorns so much. I bet you anything that he will go to UTSA in the end, since Maria will be there. (oh boy. ^_^ It is probably because of Maddie's equal kindness she gives to all that I have tolerated and forgiven Jeremy all these years. Heheh... she even had a crush on him for a while. ( My GOD, how many girls have liked that boy?! And yet he refuses to give up on Maria... Maddie thought that kind of 'devotion' was a good thing, but I still think it is just an adolescent obsession I have a female friend who is quite similar. She even shares the same birthday! However she has had eight boyfriends at age 15 and currently has an online 'love'. She is a "Love-aholic", I guess. What on Earth does Jeremy think he's going to achieve? Why does he need a specific girlfriend so badly? I, for one, do not understand engaging in a romance... I haven't fallen romantically in love and perhaps I never will. I know what's important to me. As long as I have my beloved family and dearest friends, I am happy..
I am kind of jealous... I'd love to attend college with Maddie and Maria... but my parents and I have decided I shall start off with two years at San Antonio Community College. (SAC.) It is quite the smart alternative instead of rushing straight into University right away.. Oh, I wonder what the future holds. I'll probably be attending UTSA... but perhaps I may dream big.

Wow, I think I just gave you an epic vent. This has gotta be my longest comment ever. x'D Normally I am very quiet. One of the many infamous "fav-and-runners". But I had to tell you my memory...current thoughts..and how I could relate and connect with your struggle, your story.

I wish you good luck in your path to recovery and good fortune in life. <3

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to BellaLunaWolf [2010-08-09 22:43:36 +0000 UTC]

I hope you the best, and thank you for sharing your story with me
Chronic illnesses suck, but it's nice to hear from someone who can relate to you

2 years ago I actually found a out i don't have fibro but instead i have chronic lyme disease

if u want, please check out my website-> [link]

lol that was the longest comment ever but thank you
I wish you luck, and a bright future

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ecardina [2010-05-06 19:45:54 +0000 UTC]

I hope things get better

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to ecardina [2010-05-09 01:12:37 +0000 UTC]

actually I have been undergoing some treatment becuz the doc found out Lyme diease cause my fibro and chonic fatigue I went on lyme treatment and I am currently on the road to recovery

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ecardina In reply to IForgotWhoIam [2010-05-09 23:59:06 +0000 UTC]

glad to hear it (not the lyme disease, more the recovery part)

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to ecardina [2010-05-19 18:19:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks ^_^

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moofied1 [2010-03-12 16:48:05 +0000 UTC]

Featured HERE!
Will remove if you disapprove!!

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to moofied1 [2010-03-31 17:14:10 +0000 UTC]

thanks so much for the feature

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moofied1 In reply to IForgotWhoIam [2010-04-01 03:40:42 +0000 UTC]

You are ever so welcome!!
And I am sick of being sick too!!
Springs weathers swings are rough...

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to moofied1 [2010-04-08 17:37:10 +0000 UTC]

well i hope you feel better

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MorbidPrincess122 [2010-01-19 08:59:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh gawd! I was diagnosed back in 2006... and even now I still feel that way!! lol. Really sucks sometimes >.<

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to MorbidPrincess122 [2010-01-21 18:26:38 +0000 UTC]

i drew this when the doc thought CFS and Fibro was the problem, but turns out i actually have lymes dieseas i just started treatment today actually. lyme minics both those diagnosies and can be hard to find but if i were you id look into lyme

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Natayo [2009-11-12 03:01:15 +0000 UTC]

I'm in the same boat as you: CFS and FM combined to make a K.O punch. What you said is pretty much word-for-word how I (and others, it seems) feels. You don't want to act like you're sick, because you want to be normal. So you hide it and hide it, and then people think you're normal and think you're complaining when you are sick. But you don't want to say when you're in pain (Because it's pretty much all the time) because then they treat you like a glass doll...

6 years and counting with my CFS and FM. I've gotten well enough this year that I've been able to start college, and start a VERY gentle exercise routine (sometimes walking from the car to my class is enough!). I wouldn't have gotten there without these guys: [link]

They treat the symptoms as a whole and not as different problems, and they know that one person's treatment won't work for others. It can get expensive but they do a good mix of herbal and medicinal treatments! Anyone with Fibro or CFS could have some luck with these guys.

-gives a gentle hug- Hang in there. You're not alone.

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FreeSvea [2009-08-01 14:07:24 +0000 UTC]

I totally understand. I too have CFS. Have been unwell since 2001. But please don't think that tehre is no cure. The thing is what will work for one may not work for another, so Keep looking for something that will help. Please visit my blog at [link] you may find some helpful stuff there. Also if you have any questions please ask. I'm happy to help any way I can.

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to FreeSvea [2009-08-04 17:35:54 +0000 UTC]

I checked out your blog, it's very well made and very insightful. You'll be happy to know I have since found out what works for me to get better . A few months ago I found out my CFS was caused by Lyme Diease, I have been undergoing treatment for that. thanks for your concern I hope you feel better, and I'll be praying for you

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FreeSvea In reply to IForgotWhoIam [2009-08-05 02:53:47 +0000 UTC]

That's great! I mean not that you have Lymes but that you've discovered the cause of the CFS. See, just goes to show, anyone with CFS should not give up on finding a solution.

Thnks for your comments about my blog. Appreciate it!

Thanks for your well-wishes and prayers!

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moonchildofthenorth [2009-04-05 19:36:08 +0000 UTC]

Hi. I just wanted to say, I know what you mean. I have a lot of trouble with pain, and have had it for about 12 years. I dont know if its fibromyalgia, but I've just started to suspect it. No one seem to believe me though.. And I know exactly what you mean with your drawing, I dont want pity either, just some understanding..
I wish you the best. Take care of yourself! /AnnSofie

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to moonchildofthenorth [2009-04-05 19:44:42 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much, it's nice to know someone understands, and you are not going though stuff alone take care too, i hope the best for you

BTW if you having a lot of pain, I would look into getting tested for Lyme disease, but get tested by a lyme specialist because the standard test(ones given by most doctors) are 90% wrong most of the time. Lyme can mimic fibromyalgia and MS and cause a ton of pain.

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moonchildofthenorth In reply to IForgotWhoIam [2009-04-05 20:23:25 +0000 UTC]

Thank you I think Lyme is extremely unusual here, but I'll absolutely keep that in mind! Thanks for the tip

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to moonchildofthenorth [2009-04-12 19:13:19 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome I hope you find some answers and feel better

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NeverCryMoon [2009-04-03 22:13:20 +0000 UTC]

*hugs* Just keep on looking forward to the day you wake up well again.. it'll happen. One day.. *laughs* Bloody annoying waiting for it though eh? Fingers crossed then?

Feel happier soon. It is possible to have CFS and be happy.. *laughs* Sounds impossible though doesn't it? *grins*

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to NeverCryMoon [2009-04-03 23:51:38 +0000 UTC]

*hugs* thank you so much thank you for your encouragement*hug*

I hope life is good to you

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NeverCryMoon In reply to IForgotWhoIam [2009-04-04 06:06:54 +0000 UTC]

*grins* Well, we've all got to stick together haven't we?

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to NeverCryMoon [2009-04-05 19:51:19 +0000 UTC]

yes, denfinately

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swandog [2009-03-11 22:19:14 +0000 UTC]

I understand...I have them both too, plus the chronic pain, depression, insomnia and "fibro fog", and most of the other symptoms...I want to draw, and have no energy to draw, my hands cramp up, tremble and get ice cold (can't seem to get warm no matter what I do)...Every day just doing normal tasks (cooking, cleaning, raising kids) is a huge struggle; and trying to draw on top of that is often more than I can manage. Been working on the same commission for over years, when it should have taken me two months...Anyway, just wanted to say that you're not alone.

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to swandog [2009-03-12 01:53:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks it is nice to know your not alone.
Yeah I understand the wanting to create art but being too physically drained and in pain... I'll be praying for you., good luck with your commissions

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swandog In reply to swandog [2009-03-11 22:20:43 +0000 UTC]

(Addendum: "for over years" should read "for over two years".)

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SpencerMel [2009-01-26 01:25:58 +0000 UTC]

did you eat your cookie?

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to SpencerMel [2009-01-26 20:48:21 +0000 UTC]

LOL XD yup computer cookie taste good^^

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SpencerMel In reply to IForgotWhoIam [2009-01-26 22:37:06 +0000 UTC]

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to SpencerMel [2009-01-26 22:38:47 +0000 UTC]


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SpencerMel In reply to IForgotWhoIam [2009-01-26 22:39:30 +0000 UTC]

i no say you can touchy Grr.

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IForgotWhoIam In reply to SpencerMel [2009-01-26 22:43:43 +0000 UTC]

LOL XD Why not^^

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SpencerMel In reply to IForgotWhoIam [2009-01-27 01:45:31 +0000 UTC]

cus you need to blow out the candles first

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