KurvyKate — The Game, day one, afternoon. [NSFW]
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Description As they say in the movies, this is based on a true story.  In fact the truth is compromised only by my fictional part in it, necessary in order to tell the tale from a literary point of view. This IS a true story. This is a real game, played by real people and their correspondence is left unedited where possible.  It was played with real dice, rolled for real and the results of those rolls are the actual scores returned during the game.  Their consequences too are real and Alison suffered them with perfect integrity.

The names have been changed of course, to protect the guilty, because guilty they certainly are!  Intrigued?  I hope you will be………..

Alison sat me down sat her kitchen table, made us both a cup of coffee then sat down opposite me.  I could tell she had something to tell me from how she kept moving the coffee jar, couldn’t decide where to put the sugar and had to hold my mug with both hands to avoid spilling coffee as she handed it to me.  “Are you OK?” I had to ask, of course she wasn’t.

“Someone’s offered to write a game for me to play” she said.  I assumed she meant some sort of digital game.  “What on your computer?” I asked.  It was, and that was why she wasn’t OK.  The problem with it was “I want to!” she said, as if doing that was a wild adventure.  She had that expression of excited desperation on her face which I’ve learned to interpret as reckless irresponsibility and always erotic in context.  

She told me the game would be based on her kinky fantasies and the someone she’d met on line just happened to be a professional coder.  Writing an entire game just for her sounded like an awful lot of work to me but Alison was convinced it wasn’t if you knew what you were doing, which apparently he did.  “Does he know how nuts you are?” I asked.  “Not yet.” she laughed.

“I’ve no idea what he’s going to do.” she admitted but told me she’d feel bad about starting something she couldn’t finish, if he’d tried hard but it wasn’t what she wanted.  She didn’t want to let him down.  “You mean once you start the game you’re committed to playing it?”  That was exactly how she felt.  “I sort of want that bit.” she said, adding “I think he can build that into the game.”

“You remember when I played dice with Emily?” she asked.  I did.  She thought it might be a good idea to play it again to show her new friend how the game worked, to give him an insight into her kinky brain workings by reporting how it was going. However Emily wasn’t available and wouldn’t want her part in a game with Alison shared with a third party anyway.  “Can I play with you?” she said.

With Emily they’d used an on line dice roller to send results to both their email accounts while they bet kinky challenges against each other, meaning neither of them could cheat.  There was another layer to this in that Alison wanted to feel forced to prove she hadn’t cheated by the game, as if that was one of the game’s rules.  If Emily had really cared she could have checked incoming emails from the dice roller against the time.  I’d need to do that all day, for days if I wanted to help that badly.  Those games sometimes did last days!  “Why don’t you play against the dice and I’ll watch?”  I suggested.  I knew about the sort of ordeals Alison and Emily put each other through and actually being there would be loads more fun, if Alison lost!

For a while she fiddled with the handle of her coffee mug, biting her lip as if deep in concentration.  “OK, lets do it.” she said eventually, and we scrambled up the stairs like a couple of naughty kids intent on mischief to her little office to message her digital mate Max.  Alison sat down at her desk, logged on to DA and sent………

Hello Max,

I've been thinking about playing your game, even though I'm not sure what you have in mind.  Not knowing is actually something of a thrill because however we try to accommodate each other's fantasies, we don't know exactly how it will turn out.

I have the worry in the back of my mind that you might make it more difficult for me than I can cope with.  That threat is undeniably exciting!

Lovely Jake (her husband) is away helping his parents for a few days so I'm going to play a dice game against the dice themselves and write it down blow by blow to give you some idea of how what I have been doing works.

I'm not playing with my friend Emily this time so I'm going to try to make myself pretty much entirely dice controlled, as far as I can at least.

Ali xx

Not long later Max sent back ………..

Hi Alison,

I am happy that you have been thinking about playing the game, I think it will be fun. I am very intrigued as to what the dice have in store for you today, and a link to how it goes will be very much appreciated and very helpful in putting the game together. I am very intrigued and looking forward to the link. I can put some tasks in that you suggest, and of course, slip in a few that you don't know about.


We agreed some explanation would be necessary in order to make sense of what would otherwise look like a chaotic mess of random dice results, so Alison began to fill in the background in what she intended would be the story of her demonstration game………….

When I was playing with Emily we created the rule that if one of us felt like it, that is if we suffered a wicked thought and felt our genitals respond, that would be the trigger to start a game and we would be obliged to do so.  That way our own dirty minds would betray us and dump us in it.

The first roll of the dice would be to answer “Do the dice want me?”  But, it wasn’t up to us to set our own odds and to make that dice controlled the associated question would be “How many numbers mean yes?”

So the first roll then was a for a single result.  We used www.pbegames.com to email results to us.  These went to us both so we couldn’t cheat.  I’ll roll it as if I was playing then………

At that point Alison opened the PBE Games website and rolled her dice to demonstrate………

At the moment I’m waiting for the result and as you can imagine, I’m feeling quite excited because the game could lead me into all sorts of trouble.  Of course I’ll be disappointed if the dice don’t want me.  That means I can’t play.  Denial is of course erotically powerful too!

She faithfully reported………..

The result is 1.  Remember this is for how many numbers mean yes, so now I have to pick a number to mean I get to play.  I’ll choose 6 and roll again…………..

Obviously the chances that I’ll play are the worst they could be and I’m hoping hard my luck’s in, feeling the cruelty in the likely denial.

It’s 1 again.  So I can’t play.  I mean not at all.  Our rules meant that’s it, don’t touch, calm down and go do something useful instead.  We resolved to always accept the will of the dice!  

Obviously, although the threat of denial couldn’t be an empty one to feel good, Alison’s demonstration of her game had fallen at the first hurdle.  “Are you going to cheat?” I asked, grinning at her.  “I’m only showing him.” she said and continued to type…………

However, for the purposes of demonstrating how the game works, I need to pretend I got my 6 and I’m now under dice control.

The first thing I’d do is give them some method of controlling me so I’d put a cable tie round my neck, fixing it on the first click. These are big thick ones about 45cm long and I’m sure you know they only get tighter.  Somewhere around a hundred clicks in fact, before they start to cause me significant discomfort.  Once the tie was on I’d offer it to the dice to tighten.  

Before I start rolling to find out how they’d like to do that I’ll tell you about the other rule Emily subjected me to.  She called it my Whore’s Uniform.  She would allow me my fleece, socks and knickers, the first two being a concession to cold weather. Even though I’d be on my own I’d feel suitably vulnerable partially stripped like this.  I would not be allowed to dress properly until the dice let me, trapping me in the game.  

I’d found a chair too and I was sitting with her, reading over her shoulder.  I urged “Well go on then, dress properly.”  I pointed out she’d already rolled the dice and pretended she was now in the game, so she was, right?  Until they let her go?  She was serious about a real demonstration wasn’t she?  “When does that start then?” I asked.  I lifted her hand off her mouse so I could scroll up to Max’s message.  I wiggled the cursor over “in store for you today”.  “Look” I said, “he said today, you’re playing!”

“What actually do it, now?” she asked as if it was up to me.  I thought that’s what she was doing anyway.  While I had a grip on her mouse I highlighted her use of tenses.  “I’d put a cable tie round my neck”?  She meant “I’ll” didn’t she?  I gave her permission to override the dice.  “This will be the first and last time I ever cheat, OK?” she said gravely.  OK but this was about Max’s game and therefore I felt the single indiscretion was necessary, wasn’t it?  I could tell she wanted it to be, a lot!

“Look in the front of the top drawer.” she asked, nodding at the nearby filling cabinet.  She told me she’d be back in a minute and got up to go into her bedroom.  Would you believe Alison really does keep big, 45cm cable ties in a filling cabinet in her office!  I slipped one out of its packet and waited for her return.  I know she’s crazy and helplessly lost, but she still amazes me.  When she came back her jeans, her jumper and her T shirt had gone and she was wearing her fleece.  It doesn’t have a zip, it pulls over her head and she looked all woolly fluff and long bare legs.  Before she sat down again she showed me she was naked under it, except for her precious knickers.  Oh Ali!

I put the cable tie round her neck for her after she'd taken her place at her desk, as loose as I could.  The tie wasn’t why she said “God I can hardly breathe.” Then she typed…………..

I am now dressed to play.  I can feel my nipples touching the inside of my fleece as I move and my toes won’t get cold in my socks.  I know you know what exposed knickers feels like!

From now on I’ll (notice I‘ll as in will!) roll for sets of four results.  The first result will be me, the second would have been Emily but today it’s going to be the dice themselves, the third will be the number of neck cable tie clicks tighter and the fourth will be a multiplication factor.  The multiplication factor is necessary to make the game a bit more pacy.

We need to offer the dice possibilities to act as tie breaks.  The first offer is if my number is higher than the dice I win, if not, I lose.  Obviously this gives the dice an advantage because even scores will be my loss.  Losing means I must tighten my tie according to the last two scores.  I’ll feel as if I’ve been treated unfairly if this happens, something I enjoy!  How many numbers will mean yes for the decision making roll……..

After she rolled to dice she sat back to wait and watched me reading what she’d written. It reminded me of how the psychoses of the most profoundly mad are often the most well thought out.  A minute later we had the result and Alison resumed………..

1:  I’ll chose 6 to mean this becomes this game’s rule.  If it doesn’t I’ll try needing to roll again as a tie break option. Against the odds it’s...........

6:  I lose on even scores.  I would have tried other options until the dice accepted one.  

During the game any decisions which need to be made will be determined by the same pair of “How many numbers mean yes?” and then the roll itself, so I’m as dice controlled as I can be.  The first decision to be made is how often to the roll the dice?  But the dice need to choose the question.  So our first offer can be “Could the numbers mean tens of minutes?”  This is how that goes, I’m really going to roll it……….

5:  This means 5 numbers mean yes.  I’ll chose anything but 1 to mean the numbers of the decision making roll will mean tens of minutes…….

5:  Good, that’s sensible.  I would have needed to offer something else if I’d been denied.  Now I’ll roll to find out how many tens of minutes between each cable tie tightening roll……….

3:  I’ll roll every half an hour then.  The cable tie is round my neck, here goes………

Please be assured the idea is NOT to throttle me, I’m not going to go that far!  The point of the tie is it allows the game to close in on me.  There will be a time when the game will force me to make some risky decisions and while it’s building up to that, I’m enjoying the inevitability of having to face them soon. At some point in my future, trapped in the game, I’ll have risk punishment if I don’t want to tighten the tie further.  I know this punishment will be dice controlled too.  You’ll see.

If Max had no idea how nuts Alison was beforehand, he'd be certain of it after he'd read that!  She explained the first roll for him……….

3,3,2,1:  My number, the first, is the same as the dice, the second, so that’s my loss, so I tighten my neck strap 2x1, 2 clicks then.  That’s hardly a problem, I won’t be trembling in fear just yet!

But she was, I could feel it.  She asked me to tighten her tie the two clicks because she said, it felt scary pretending that my hands were the hands of the dice.  She rolled her head out of my way as I lifted her cascade of fiery curls to do it.  She let me do it as if that meant something to her.

Half an hour later………

1,5,1,5:  I’ve lost this roll too and must add 1x5 clicks to my cable tie to 7 in total.  The time is 13.15pm by the way.

Alison recorded her thoughts between the rolls as we talked about how it felt to be such a raging frootloop……….

The point of this game is to make me feel subjugated by it and I do. I can’t go out in my knickers with a cable tie round my neck in broad daylight.  Well I can but I don’t think I will!  If I win the game I’ll be released from its rules but if I don’t I’ll need to bet my way out of it by offering all sorts of horrors.  By then I can expect the game to have been punishing me for some time.  

The killer thrill is that the whole game and any consequent punishment I face will be a consequence of the initial wicked thought which made me play it.  That’s beautiful isn’t it?  At rolls every half hour it could be days before I’m in real trouble. All I can do until then is think about it.

13.45pm, the next set of results is 3,3,4,3:  Another loss for me and it costs me 4x3 clicks.  I’m on 19 now, the dice are still 0.  I really am rolling these!  Sometimes it seems as if impossible luck runs one way or the other but things always average out at some point.

I made a sandwich for lunch and more coffee as Alison sat at her Mac thinking of pitfalls and inconsistencies in the rules of her demonstration solo game.  For example she realised she had no idea of how she would escape…………

How are we going to decide when I win, the whole game that is?  I’m thinking that because the dice don’t actually have a cable tie round their virtual neck, I’m going to use my experience for them.  That is at the number of clicks I’m too scared to tighten my tie further, I’ll assume it’s the same for them.  I’ll roll to find out if they want to give up at that point. Will that be a rule?  How many numbers mean yes?

6:  OK, no point rolling further, it’s yes.  If it hadn’t been I would have needed to offer another option.  Perhaps I could have offered a number of clicks higher, to make me play longer, suffering more punishments before the dice achieved their end number?

However, because I’m at the disadvantage of the tie break rule I should reach panic point before the dice.  This should give them several chances to punish me before they get there too. Of course if they don’t give up, neither can I!  That thought is making my knickers damp.

“Will he be interested in info like that?” I asked.  “Oh yes!” she replied.

I’m doing other stuff on line while I play this game but I’m keeping an anxious eye on the clock, so I know when to roll again.  It feels like being under constant threat.  It’s hard to concentrate on the other stuff.

14.15pm, 6,3,6,5: Oooooooh a bad one for the dice!  They’re a lovely 30 clicks tighter.  

I’ve thought of another potential problem which needs the establishment of another rule.  How do I know how the dice are coping if they’re well ahead of me when we get into the critical zone?   I mean I can’t guess can I, that’s not being under dice control.  Does that mean we must continue until the strap round my neck becomes unbearable, then I can ask the dice if they want to give up?

How could Alison factor that subtlety into her rules?  If she really wanted to be dice controlled she couldn’t be allowed to decide when the game should end.  We talked about that and she wrote the outcome of our considerations…………..

The only way I can see to work this is to determine that I must be ahead of the dice at the time.  This means I face the possibility of further punishment with each roll until the dice catch up. How many numbers will mean yes, this becomes the rule………..

This is scary, I’m waiting for the result with my heart pounding and a lump in my throat.  I want to squirm in my seat now.

5:  I’ll choose anything but 6 to set the rule.

4:  We’ll do it.  I realise now that it’s in my interests for the dice not to get too far ahead and the opportunities for punishing me diminish as the closer together our scores are.

14.45pm, 1,6,6,4: I lose and suffer a further 24 clicks taking me to 43.

I’m feeling significantly excited at this point.

Alison explained that she intended to think of her own challenges as punishments for not tightening her neck strap when the time came.  I found the whole idea of her game arousing and each time she lost a roll, tightening her cable tie for her felt glorious.  I really did hope that she’d be so scared of punishment she’d let me pull it tight enough to crush her throat but I knew she probably wouldn’t.  I wickedly suggested that I could think of her challenges, so I’d be the dice’s imagination as well as their hands.  She agreed to it!  Although anything I thought of would need to be approved by rolling. “It’s up to the dice to accept them.” she insisted.  Fine, but what if they didn’t?

To fix that she wrote…………..

If my challenge is rejected, am I obliged to escalate the severity of my punishment and try again?  How many numbers will mean yes, I have to.

3:  I’ll choose 4, 5 or 6 to mean I have to escalate my previous offer of punishment……..

"I feel filthy writing that!" she told me. Waiting for the result was erotically intense!

6: We’ll do this.  Oh my god!

It would soon be time to get creative.  We thought we’d better send Max a progress report of the game so far.

Hello Max,

I've been playing this afternoon and here's what's happened so far.....

(She copied the link to her stash here, with the game report so far in it.)

It's basically the same as game as I played with Emily but I've realised we'd need some special rules for playing against the dice, which I've sorted out by rolling for them.

So far the game is in its initial stage and all about racking up scores until we get into the punishment stage.  I'm thinking about what to offer if I have to.  When the time comes I'll have to offer punishments if I can't tighten my neck strap more, but it's up to the dice to accept them or not.  I now know I have to escalate them if they don't, until they do.

Ali xx

Hi Alison,

I am enjoying reading the game, kind of hot imagining you in your 'whores' uniform with choker around your neck! I am getting intrigued as to how far the dice are going to make you go.

I will find a suitably private place to host the game, and see what the options are for running it on your MAC. If possible then Alison, and only when you have the time, I would need (and this is the meat of the game) a list of challenges that you would like the game to present, the challenges from your friends on DA would also be appreciated, and I have a few challenges of my own I would like to slip into the game.  Also Alison, I think the game should randomly piece together you "whores" uniform, I guess sometimes it will be more modest, sometimes not so. If you could let me know what various articles of clothing you would like included in the selection, that would be a great help.

That is a lot of info I have requested, so only when you get the chance.  I am looking forward to putting the game together for you.


15,15pm, 6,5,3,6:  I win this time and the dice are tightened 18 to 48.

During the next half hour, Alison, getting hotter by the minute, sent…………..

Hello Max,

OK I'll make a list of the challenges I'd like to fear.  It excites me so much to think of them as punishments for losing the game.

You'll see as this game progresses that leaving room for escalation is a critical part off the psychology in frightening me in stages.  Knowing things are likely to get worse not only pushes my buttons but I also love the sweet relief of escaping, even if I have to promise I'll accept yet more control later.

My whore's uniform was often dice controlled too.  Emily would make me roll to find out what items go clothing I'd be allowed to wear.  If it wasn't much I would have to make a deal, offer punishment, to get more.  Sometimes I would get an allowance, for example I'd be allowed my fleece for only a few hours that day and have to save it for the times I got cold.  

I'm telling you this because I feel persecuted by having to admit things I fear you might use against me.  Please, please, please always let me have my knickers.  Emily would only take those if I really fucked up badly.

The problem is, as I get deeper into the game I find myself willing to take risks.  I feel pretty deep now and I know I'll reveal too much.  Did we ever mention how I discovered I could be controlled enough to make me want to do things I didn't want to?  

Emily used to ask "What does SHE think?"  It meant never mind how scared you are of the threat, how badly does it turn you on?  SHE was my clit and she'd often betray me.   "Honestly!" Emily would demand.  I'd think "Oh fuck!" and tell her.

You need to understand what this is doing to me.  I'm vulnerable, I'm not thinking straight, I'm soaked in sex.  

"Don't make the game too scary, please!" she says, driven by wanting the horror to be there, threatening, wanting to dread it.

Maybe I'd better shut up now.

God I feel soooo dirty.

Ali xx

Within minutes…………

Hi Alison

I look forward to the list Alison, and, as well as putting in a few of my own punishments, I may even have the game spin a few variations of those that you supply.

The code will assemble your outfit for you, it may even allow bonus items, or timed items, we will have to see.  As for your knickers, the code will treat them as a high value item, only to be denied or taken in very high odds.

Emily sounds very devious, I love the "What does She think" and the fact that your own desires can betray you and lead you into all sorts of trouble, maybe, the game may think that "she" is being too naughty, and use extra punishment for her as a bargaining chip, we will have to see! I don't think you ever mentioned that you could be controlled enough to do things you didn't want to do, that is pretty hot, as is the fact that you are soaked right now and She is calling all the shots.

What type of challenges would she like to do now that in the cold light of day, you would not under more measured thoughts, want to do?

I don't think you should shut up Alison, in fact, I am all ears!


“This is fantastic!” I said, reading it too.  I asked Alison how she felt and she showed me how impossible it was to hold her hands still.  “I feel sick!” she admitted.

“We’d better start thinking about punishments.” she said.  We had several options which basically boiled down to restraint, discomfort or risk of public humiliation.

Restraint could mean more cable ties, either restricting her movement or trapping her if she was tied to something. Discomfort was a universe of possibilities, from suffering exposure to the cold in the weather by taking her clothing, putting things in it to irritate her or making her use one of a number of instruments from her toy box to inflict some level of pain on her.  

Risk of public humiliation of course meant going out, cable tied in knickers and although that sounded fun, she was obliged to be at her desk rolling every half hour.  I elected to break out her toy box first, which is a DIY self torturer’s delight!

Our first offer, I suggested, should be what she calls her “Tack pad”.  This is a piece of neoprene rubber sheet shaped to fit between her legs.  It has 20 drawing pins (thumb tacks) glued through it.  When she’s told to she puts it in her knickers points inwards, so they stab her in the genitals.  Obviously loose fitting underwear is usual for this and the idea is the pad makes her struggle to sit down properly and forces her to think carefully before trying to move.  I thought the game could make her suffer it for specified time periods.  Before asking the dice for approval however, the next half hour was up.

15.45pm, 5,5,6,6: Bloody hell!  Even results and therefore my loss.  I have to add another 36 clicks to my neck strap, full maximum tightening it to 79.  

There was still plenty of room in it and I could get most of my hand in between the tie and her slender neck, but I could feel it closing in on her.  I’m sure she could too.  I loved easing it tighter and tighter while she sat there letting me do it, 30 clicks!  "Are you counting these too" I asked.  "No, I'm trusting you!

The Game, day one, evening.  Next.
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Comments: 6

AsapTenebrae [2020-05-08 08:39:46 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KurvyKate In reply to AsapTenebrae [2020-05-08 11:43:50 +0000 UTC]

Yes it does.   Did you have to go back and read parts again because you were confused?   Did that spoil the flow of the story for you?

The trouble with reading your own writing is it's hard to see mistakes because you read what you know it's supposed to say and not what it actually does!

Other people tell it like it is, please.

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

AsapTenebrae In reply to KurvyKate [2020-05-10 14:19:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jennova21 [2020-05-05 13:32:04 +0000 UTC]

As for the truth, my lips are sealed

Just wanted to say though Kate, thank you for letting me collaborate on this, it was a lot of fun and quite the ride. I think LairdTam summed it up quite nicely. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LairdTam [2020-05-04 18:52:13 +0000 UTC]

It certainly makes sense to me, sexy Kate. I will work my way through these instalments. I must say that the flame of your unique and astonishing erotic imagination burns brightly here. What a brilliant writer and a remarkable woman you truly are, playmate!

                    Tam xxx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KurvyKate In reply to LairdTam [2020-05-05 07:11:22 +0000 UTC]

It's OK, you can soak me in praise Tam, I can cope!

Kate XXX

👍: 1 ⏩: 0