Nate-Zeman β€” Balance

Published: 2009-05-15 01:46:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 13311; Favourites: 726; Downloads: 0
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Although this may be a somewhat disturbing scene to some. It's a scene that represents wild animals doing what they need to do to survive. Sometimes animals are given exaggerated reputations. In the case of the wolf their reputations seem to be overblown on both sides of the fence. Some are overly negative portraying them as bloodthirsty monsters that kill for fun and offer great threats to humans. Others in my opinion are overly-idealistic making wolves out to be these mystical creatures that prance through the forest that wouldn't harm another creature. To me wolves are just animals trying to make their way in the world. They kill to survive and in turn allow the survival of countless other animals that feed on their kills. They keep populations of other animals in check. They are an extremely important part of the ecosystem Keeping things in balance. Anyways, I just like this photo because I feel like it portrays a pretty realistic look at the wolf.

Grey Wolves - Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Please visit my website for more photos @ www.natezeman.com

All images are Β©copyright Nate Zeman. You may NOT use, replicate, manipulate, or modify this image without my permission. All Rights Reserved.
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Comments: 153

T-equio [2013-08-15 02:42:13 +0000 UTC]

utterly real.
(and not only on wolven terms.)

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Kjerya-Copenhapen [2012-04-22 13:42:03 +0000 UTC]

I think wolves have had very misunderstood and twisted reputations from both their fans and their haters. I don't see wolves as demonic monsters that should be exterminated, nor do I see them as a perfect creature that would never hurt anyone. They're beautiful by no doubt on the outside, and have admirable qualities, but like humans and other meat-eaters, they need to kill to survive. I think that every organism has an important function in the ecosystem - and this photo really makes it clear that even nature has a dark side. Animals are beautiful, and the natural universe is beautiful, but unfortunately, not even nature is all rainbows and bunnies. Even though nature should be respected, it must not be glorified as being perfect. Not even humans are perfect. I think that by seeing this the so-called 'wolfaboos' may begin to acknowledge that the animal world can be savage as well as beautiful. I think seeing wolves doing what is natural for them really broadens the minds of people.

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Veiled-Bride In reply to Kjerya-Copenhapen [2012-12-04 22:57:39 +0000 UTC]

I totally agree! They're not savages at all, they're lovely, elegant and intelligent animals. Humans are far more destructive and savage compared to humans, we're greedy, and we take more resources from nature than we actually need, all for money. One day, I bet our world is going to be an ugly hole with nothing but pollution e.e

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TeslatheDog In reply to Veiled-Bride [2017-11-03 11:42:57 +0000 UTC]

I hope not. I know that sounds so sickly good spirited, but it shouldn’t happen!

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ArcticIceWolf [2012-01-05 02:14:50 +0000 UTC]

YouΒ΄re so lucky to shoot photos like this one!
*is jealous*

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Nate-Zeman In reply to ArcticIceWolf [2012-02-24 02:32:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Not trying to spam you but if you'd like to keep up with my photography and travels you should follow me on Facebook, I update it much more often than DA these days [link]

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ArcticIceWolf In reply to Nate-Zeman [2012-02-24 11:57:11 +0000 UTC]

thank you! But I donΒ΄t have a FB account..

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batugraphy [2011-12-06 10:34:49 +0000 UTC]

Very good title, i can't imagine a better one

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Nate-Zeman In reply to batugraphy [2012-02-24 02:44:03 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Not trying to spam you but if you'd like to keep up with my photography and travels you should follow me on Facebook, I update it much more often than DA these days [link]

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EXITmuzic [2011-11-25 04:27:41 +0000 UTC]

I love the way you surprise the moments in your photographs. simply amazing!
keep it up , Nate!
Cheers mate!

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suskunnefer [2011-11-01 08:23:55 +0000 UTC]

hello nice gallery and nice photo. my very best wolf photo

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Nate-Zeman In reply to suskunnefer [2011-11-07 09:39:06 +0000 UTC]

thanks so much!

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kanegame [2011-03-21 06:51:26 +0000 UTC]

That's how I like my wolves portrayed : real ^^

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doglate [2011-02-04 00:15:51 +0000 UTC]

"...Anyways, I just like this photo because I feel like it portrays a pretty realistic look at the wolf."

... AND, you can see the insode of the carcass! XD Lovely angle And to me, wolves are fascinating and awesome creatures, that are powerful and majestic.

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Meadowknight [2010-12-19 10:55:20 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for typos..I'm on a new keyboard and this monitor is defective making it hard to see my text properly XD.

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Meadowknight [2010-12-19 10:52:57 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful shot indeed...and I don't find it disturbing at all, though I'm a bit biased as steak and venison are my favorite foods, lol.

And yes, it is a good description you wrote up. People do take things to the extreme with wolves, due to the cultural history circling them. You have allot of negativity pinned to them for being used as a metaphor for evil in the Bible, and then you have the Native Americans who respected them so highly for they outstanding methods of hunting, family life and survival. It's sad too, I'm a Christian myself but I know the difference between fact and metaphor. They're one of God's most beautiful creatures and there is nothing evil about them, sadly with so much superstician attached to beliefs in the past, it's aided in giving them a bad rep.

As for the whole mystical "prancing" perspective, lol..yeah people do take it too far, but I have to admit there's something they stir in you unlike any other animal, at least that's how I feel. I've visited a wolf reserve here in southern CA, several times...where they allow you to interact with the wolves. Full blooded wolves that have been rescued from the film industry, and idiots who thought it would be "cool" to havbe a "pet wolf", lol. And they also breed them, so some wolves have been there since birth. It's been an amazing experience going there...I've been pawed at, had two sorta rough house right over my legs while sitting on a stump, have bene licked on the face as a greeting (that's how they greet other wolves). On top of this, I've had dreams with wolves appearing in them my whole life, so I can see how people can attach mystical elements to these animals...they're quite amazing, and their social structure can mirror our own in so many ways. As an artist they've inspired me for allot of spirtual/emotional/positive metaphorical pieces. But of course a balance in perspective has to be found, they're wild animals, and behave very similar to most other predators.

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insanecatlady [2010-12-04 01:10:29 +0000 UTC]

I agree with both yourself and anjougoth. I must admit id like to see them back here but i know that will never happen it will help to keep our deer in good check and stop them from starving them selves into trouble here.
Amazing shot you are so lucky to witness these wonderful creatures in their natural habbitat were they belong doing what they do

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joseyjou [2010-11-25 10:52:22 +0000 UTC]

this is the wolf and that is their nature, so glad we recognized this before they became extinct, or stuck in some zoo. i know they do great work, but your photo shows exactly where these animals should be!!!

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wolfxgrrl [2010-10-18 00:47:10 +0000 UTC]

gorgeous, healthy looking wolf at a meal
what an opportunity

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Nate-Zeman In reply to wolfxgrrl [2010-10-19 06:33:39 +0000 UTC]

thank you! one of my highlights of my time in the field

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Midiesis [2010-09-10 20:51:14 +0000 UTC]

What did they do then , when they saw you? I'm just curious, because the one in the left seems to look exactly into the camera.

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Nordica93 [2010-08-06 13:37:49 +0000 UTC]

An absolutely true statement about wolves. They're not monsters, but they're not angels either. They're just animals that can be capable of both immense cruelty and tenderness. This beautiful shot really does do the animal justice.

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HopeAndFreedom [2010-07-27 11:32:09 +0000 UTC]


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viisi [2009-12-28 16:05:53 +0000 UTC]

i hope you had amour lol

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TalaStalkingWolf [2009-12-22 19:43:21 +0000 UTC]

Agreed! Well said and a wonderful shot!

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Lecktmich [2009-11-16 10:39:07 +0000 UTC]

Well... they are meat-eating animals.
But this 'corpse' really lookes finished off.
What was this thing before the mortal combat began? xD

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fatherofanartist [2009-10-16 07:57:27 +0000 UTC]


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wolfkART [2009-09-30 14:58:49 +0000 UTC]


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ogiedomane [2009-08-31 02:35:45 +0000 UTC]

featured [link]

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Guard-of-the-Citadel [2009-08-30 13:59:36 +0000 UTC]

This is an AWESOME shot! To be the one to view these gorgeous creatures in their natural environment would have been so awesome! Your comments show a very realistic and balanced view. All creatures eat. If you look at my gallery, you will see that I've had close interaction with these magnificent creatures, and I truly appreciate exactly what they are! And I love them for exactly what they are!

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szymom [2009-08-16 20:52:30 +0000 UTC]

they look like they want to eat you

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Kon-Rei-and-Kai [2009-08-10 21:02:55 +0000 UTC]

That's an awesome picture there. I love wolves! They're such beautiful animals.

I'm currently going to try take a Vet Assistant Course and try get my education and all done to try work or start my own Wild Life Rehabilitation Center. :3

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Akiroo [2009-08-04 15:15:10 +0000 UTC]

Ah yeah, i soo agree with your comment on this. and also a wonderful shot.

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Rutieh [2009-08-02 03:28:56 +0000 UTC]

...o-o amazing

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Sierramoon21 [2009-07-28 00:02:38 +0000 UTC]

wow that is an awesome pic! u kno wats funny? my family and i just got back from wyoming! AND yellowstone! so i saw this and was like "DANG"

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indarknessangelscome [2009-07-27 14:51:25 +0000 UTC]

beautifull bloody feeding wolves

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ronald007 [2009-07-27 14:18:17 +0000 UTC]

pure nature

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TurnUpTheJuice [2009-07-19 18:42:13 +0000 UTC]

Nice shot

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bantastic [2009-06-30 17:29:32 +0000 UTC]

the wolf is cute but eww the dead animal soo creepy and bloody

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Saint-Akatosh [2009-06-29 12:12:32 +0000 UTC]

"Some are overly negative portraying them as bloodthirsty monsters that kill for fun and offer great threats to humans."

That is what wolves think of humans, because we actually do kill for fun. Just change the last word to wolves.

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DrewHopper [2009-06-22 07:23:39 +0000 UTC]

Nice shot and great description

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Mogrianne [2009-06-14 14:28:42 +0000 UTC]

Love it - I think we need to see the realism of natural survival. Beautiful composition and color. It is exciting to be that close to a kill as viewer.

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danUK86 [2009-05-19 14:20:29 +0000 UTC]

fantastic capture

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AirGuardWolf [2009-05-19 03:05:54 +0000 UTC]

This makes me hungery

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queenwoofy [2009-05-18 05:17:33 +0000 UTC]

awesome pic, and i think that youre totally right!

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drkelement [2009-05-17 21:45:14 +0000 UTC]

That's intense

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valleyofthewind [2009-05-17 21:27:24 +0000 UTC]

I mean, if your going to cry over this, good luck with that because it happens every second in the wild. The title is so perfect for this picture, good job!

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StJamesInfirmary [2009-05-17 14:45:30 +0000 UTC]

great shot!!!

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Taseevo [2009-05-17 14:39:12 +0000 UTC]

Nice capture, excellent words.

Thanks for posting this

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Ianpiersonjdavis [2009-05-16 23:21:49 +0000 UTC]

Man, now this is making ME hungry. I wish I had a damn pizza...

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