NoelDwyer — Holmes and Moriarty

Published: 2006-11-13 02:13:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 3247; Favourites: 51; Downloads: 32
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Oh, I am proud of this one. I drew it yesterday and this morning entirely by mouse in openCanvas.

The scene is, of course, Holmes and Moriarty beside the (here mysteriously invisible as per stylistic choice) Reichenbach Falls in Switzerland, while Holmes writes a quick goodbye to Watson.

This was inspired by the fantastic radio version of "The Final Problem" with Sir John Gielgud as Holmes, and Orson Welles as what has to be the best Moriarty in the history of ever. He's absolutely perfect, to the degree that I may just stop criticizing actors playing Moriarty, because no one is ever going to manage it that well again. Gielgud is an excellent Holmes, and the interchanges between them are as wonderful as I always hoped somebody would do someday.

(If this interests you at all, I recommend you head over to Archive.org forthwith. I haven't checked the copyright status of this program myself, and so cannot vouch for it being public domain, although its presence on that website brings me to assume so. It is under "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes : OTR Era Episodes" which is a large selection of old Sherlock Holmes radio programs, many of which are also quite good and worth a listen. This particular file is called "-SH_1954-12-21 The Final Probl")

Oh, and quite a bit of the style of this owes to me suddenly remembering how much I like Aubrey Beardsley. Didn't know I could draw without scribbling, didja? (I must say, I was surprised.)

[Edit: I am only sporadically a perfectionist, but the hand was bothering me at this resolution in ways that it hadn't been full size.]
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Comments: 21

KaiDarknight [2012-06-19 01:20:07 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

berrigan [2012-01-10 14:51:01 +0000 UTC]

Very simple and very beautiful.

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saruholmes [2011-09-21 18:10:27 +0000 UTC]

It's so nice!! *www*

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amdowns [2011-05-03 15:22:58 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful! Like a Japanese ink drawing with such excellent negative space. It makes the drama even more precarious. Yay!

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Fury-From-Above [2008-08-14 10:53:25 +0000 UTC]

I find it intriguing how the lack of the waterfall gives the picture impact. A sense of drama from the distance and emptiness ahead, and about to come.

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KaizokuShojo [2007-12-16 07:51:19 +0000 UTC]

Ah, what a lovely little pic. It's so....well, I'm somewhat at a loss for words for it. xD
It's visually intriguing, and conveys a really nice sense of the story. ^^

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rincewindmog [2007-07-06 19:26:49 +0000 UTC]

I've never read a Sherlock Holmes story in my life, but this sort of makes me want to. I love how far above the figures that one line of the background extends.

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NoelDwyer In reply to rincewindmog [2007-07-06 21:25:31 +0000 UTC]

Read, read!

Really, they're a lot of fun.
It's almost odd to hear that you haven't, in some sense... so much of my sense of late Victorian aesthetic (though more casual and bohemian than most of the rest of it--pleasantly so) is tied up in those stories and the world and atmosphere they hint at, that running into someone with that aesthetic sense *without* the stories is vaguely surprising.

Also, Holmes is wonderful, Watson is one of the coolest people in the history of ever, the adventures are great fun, and Sherlockian "scholarship" may be the awesomest exercise in excessively erudite dorkiness I've ever come across. (It's generally a lot of old, stuffy-sounding people writing meticulously-researched essays and engaging in very serious arguments, all while earnestly pretending that Holmes and Watson were real people. ...I love Sherlockians almost more than the stories themselves.)

Also, thanks. ; )

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ZiulEdaj [2006-11-27 09:45:18 +0000 UTC]

most excellent. I just love the stark feeling. And thanks for posting the site. I will definitely visit. Fave from me!

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NoelDwyer In reply to ZiulEdaj [2006-11-27 22:43:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

I'm sure I recognize your username. From fanfiction.net perhaps? But spelled slightly differently... was that you? A search of that site is coming up with absolutely nothing, but I know I've seen it somewhere. ...This is going to drive me crazy.

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ZiulEdaj In reply to NoelDwyer [2006-11-28 07:05:06 +0000 UTC]

heh, I commented on the speckled band pic a while back, and I think I watch you... or what ever you call it on fanfic... under ProfessorL. You wrote a lovely comment on a fic that I never had the motivation or creativity to comple satsfactorily a long time ago.

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NoelDwyer In reply to ZiulEdaj [2006-11-28 10:40:26 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I thought there was something like that. Was your name similar then to what you are using here?

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ZiulEdaj In reply to NoelDwyer [2006-11-29 03:23:23 +0000 UTC]

hmmm, I don't think so, maybe just because of my last comment on one of your pictures? I'm not sure.

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NoelDwyer In reply to ZiulEdaj [2006-11-29 05:59:45 +0000 UTC]

Hm. Well, that's completely bizarre. I suppose I could be thinking of a completely different person with a similar name... Ah well.

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onewinged-bumblefish [2006-11-15 23:23:24 +0000 UTC]

This is absolutely wonderful! I love how you've achieved a real sense of their precarious (and windy!) place on the edge of the cliff with such economy of lines. And Holmes and Moriarty are just perfect, especially their poses - although they're subtle, they are so expressive.

(Also: John Gielgud as Holmes and Orson Welles as Holmes and Moriarty??? Eee! How could I not have listened to that yet? Thankyou very much for posting the link! )

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NoelDwyer In reply to onewinged-bumblefish [2006-11-16 08:24:43 +0000 UTC]


(And go have a listen! It's wonderful!)

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PowderedVinegar [2006-11-13 23:41:37 +0000 UTC]

mmmmmmm I'm in love with this.
I demand more.

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NoelDwyer In reply to PowderedVinegar [2006-12-01 21:21:48 +0000 UTC]

More is now provided. Check my gallery.

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TheMuffalow [2006-11-13 18:38:08 +0000 UTC]

Oooh, very nice. I love your style, it's really unique and generally awesome. ^_^

Nice perspective.

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elina-elsu [2006-11-13 06:57:29 +0000 UTC]

I love it! How dramatic..
I especially like their clothes and the look on Holmes' face.

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HabitualFlippancy [2006-11-13 02:32:04 +0000 UTC]

Wow that is great, I wish I could give a advanced critique but I can't. It's intriging and visually stunning.

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