senf-a — Eyes Like Yours

Published: 2011-03-20 19:58:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 662; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 10
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Description Scanner's finally up and running, unfortunately, it tends to totally wash out lighter lines and shading. A lower res version with more of the shading visible is available here:

Anyhow... Graphite and watercolor pencil on paper; original size 5.5"x8.5". Feedback is greatly appreciated.
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Comments: 8

LostonWallace [2012-05-03 22:32:38 +0000 UTC]

This is really great.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

senf-a In reply to LostonWallace [2012-05-04 05:25:29 +0000 UTC]


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ShinobuTomoe [2011-05-08 06:06:34 +0000 UTC]

i found it.. stunning. would you mind if i use this as my desktop background? it's bloody brilliant!
Also i have to say i like the way the scanner pulled out a bit of shading. it made it more.. River. like she's there, but not, she's stunning and visual, but still just a part of the whiteness of nothing. it really adds a dimension of personality to the picture.

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senf-a In reply to ShinobuTomoe [2011-05-08 06:14:03 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad that you like it so much, and of course you can use it as a desktop. I'm flattered!

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cubicdemigod [2011-05-04 19:51:39 +0000 UTC]

So first, I wanna say I can appreciate the simplicity of this deviation. It kind of still has a bit of "work-in-progress" feeling to it, but I think the chosen technique was wise, even if I think you chose to ignore some relevant shadows. I also think, judging from the perspective, that you distorted the furthest eye a bit, so as to better translate your notion of eye. It often happens in drawings, and I say this because the side of the face on that part seems to alter when it reaches the side of the eye.

It is a very clean deviation, the theme itself is not some kind of novelty, but I think you have taken this a bit more like an exercice. My advice for heads (as any other body part) is to sketch LOADS of positions, till you can start drawing different perspectives by heart (that's what my teacher told me anyway). That's also good because harder positions tend to call the attention to people (that and popular themes)

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senf-a In reply to cubicdemigod [2011-05-04 19:58:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for the critique. I think some of the issue with the shadows and the shape of her face was due to the scan (my scanner washes things out very badly, the line defining the far side of her face got totally lost).
A webcam photo of it is available here - I don't know if that's what you mean, as far as perspective goes? I'm asking in all seriousness, because looking at the actual drawing, it doesn't look especially distorted, but I'm pretty sure I see what you mean based on that scan.

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cubicdemigod In reply to senf-a [2011-05-04 20:16:02 +0000 UTC]

Ah, yes, there you show the perspective is actually correct ^^ Scanners can be bitches, maybe you can try editting the brightness and contrast output once it's scanned? My scanner allows me that...

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senf-a In reply to cubicdemigod [2011-05-04 20:56:22 +0000 UTC]

I've tried toying with those settings a bit; I'm pretty sure the scanner just doesn't pick up the data at all - it also tends to do strange things to blues and greens.

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