ThisBirdTooHasFlown — Nedry

Published: 2014-07-03 17:13:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 2008; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Description Alternate title: Dennis and the Dinosaur. 

I wanted to draw Dennis Nedry, as I imagined him in the book.  I love the Wayne Knight portrayal, of course, but the character is actually quite different in the book.  He’s a lot more sympathetic.  He’s been slighted, overworked, and left out of the loop.  He takes an opportunity to get back at them, but he fully intends to fix everything before any real damage is done.  You feel for the guy.

If only that storm hadn't hit.

So, anyway, here's Mr. Nedry about to have a very nasty encounter with a dinosaur.
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Comments: 12

Gloverman23 [2015-11-29 13:29:43 +0000 UTC]

book Nedry wasn't wearing glasses. so this makes sense.

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figooza990 [2014-07-19 22:34:12 +0000 UTC]

Beutiful lighting! I wish you hadn't told me what happened next... *cringe*

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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to figooza990 [2014-07-28 00:58:51 +0000 UTC]

Sorry.  >

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March90 [2014-07-18 10:47:01 +0000 UTC]

I agree, he never wanted anyone to get hurt, but...oh well

Where's the spitter by the way?

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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to March90 [2014-07-28 00:59:26 +0000 UTC]

It was a fatally honest mistake.  :\

Oh, lurking nearby, I'm sure!

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SarcasticLeaves [2014-07-04 01:09:56 +0000 UTC]

The lighting on this is amazing! And his expression is perfect! I really wish I knew more about these books/movies. The only remember two parts from these movies, and neither of them are very pretty.

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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to SarcasticLeaves [2014-07-05 17:03:38 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!
It's a very good story, but it does get rather violent.  :\  There's parts of the book that still make me cringe.  Like this scene, actually!  Poor Nedry.

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SarcasticLeaves In reply to ThisBirdTooHasFlown [2014-07-06 06:05:18 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome! =^_^=
Actually, the parts I remember aren't that bad. One was the guy getting eaten off the toilet, the other was when the dog got eaten. Very weird random parts to remember. But I know it's been almost twenty years since I've seen the first movie, and I only saw it once.

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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to SarcasticLeaves [2014-07-06 07:05:05 +0000 UTC]

I actually don't remember a dog getting eaten, but it's been a while since I've watched the movie!  And the book was a bit different, in terms of who died when.  So that's the iteration of the story that's the freshest in my mind! 
But yeah, I know what you mean - funny things stick with you.  There's movies that I haven't seen in years, and I remember the weirdest things about them.  Like the new-ish Alice in Wonderland movie.  I saw it once in theaters, and now all I really remember is a scene where she's crossing a moat on stones that look like faces.  :\

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SarcasticLeaves In reply to ThisBirdTooHasFlown [2014-07-06 19:48:52 +0000 UTC]

I believe the dog getting eaten was in the second or third one? I'm not sure though. I imagine it would be. And I don't blame you one bit, I'd be the same way.
Oh my gosh! I know exactly what you mean! That's the part that tends to stick out most in my mind as well, and I've only seen it once as well.

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ThisBirdTooHasFlown In reply to SarcasticLeaves [2014-07-10 02:07:27 +0000 UTC]

That a possibility - I never actually saw the other two!  ^^

I guess that was a very memorable scene....   Odd movie, that one.

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SarcasticLeaves In reply to ThisBirdTooHasFlown [2014-07-10 03:31:40 +0000 UTC]

No worries. To be honest I'm not entirely sure I've seen any of the movies all the way through. Considering how little I remember. It's "Back to the Future" all over again. Hee hee.

It's pretty hard to get out of your mind, that's for sure.

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