ToothyBeastie — Sketching with Gryphons

Published: 2011-04-20 01:09:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 550; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 13
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Description June 15, 1932.
Lovely weather today. Mummy and Daddy took a bit of an unplanned trip down to the village, so I was left on my own, how delicious! I took the opportunity and gathered up my pencils and paper and satchel and went for an expedition. Found the grey gryphon again, fishing for salmon in the loch this time. I gave him one of my sandwiches and he let me do a sketch, saying that (and I do quote) 'common goblins might let you draw them for free, but I, being a more civilized personage, would not hold for such nonsense'. Vain creature!
...Bother! Is that mummy? Best tuck this away for now...
-From the journal of Amelia Cottage, archived under 'Civilian encounters with the paranormal'.
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Comments: 5

SoldierToger [2012-01-29 13:26:44 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I really like your gryphon style. Very cool. Funny description, too, hehe.

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ToothyBeastie In reply to SoldierToger [2012-01-29 22:02:09 +0000 UTC]

I was going for a feathered dinosaur look with them, to get away from the sort of clunky beaked chibi eagle design that most gryphons seem to have these days. And thank you!

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SoldierToger In reply to ToothyBeastie [2012-01-31 01:11:27 +0000 UTC]

Definitely looks cool! You're welcome.

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ilTassista [2012-01-29 07:34:07 +0000 UTC]


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ToothyBeastie In reply to ilTassista [2012-01-29 21:59:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!

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