Comments: 40
Yakra In reply to leinef [2008-01-31 10:10:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! ^___^
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EvilTelephone [2008-01-22 23:57:08 +0000 UTC]
Gyah I been lazy and have several of your work to comment to sorry T_T;
I like this guy and the fact that his name includes yours must mean he either rocks, important, is your fav, or all +_+
Seriously he looks like a smart guy and power magic user or such! XD But now he looks like a fatherly/grandpa figure ready to read story time to his kids XDXD
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feildicefly In reply to Yakra [2008-02-01 09:58:33 +0000 UTC]
oh and read both pages of comments plllllzzzzzzzzz tell us what you think
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Yakra In reply to feildicefly [2008-02-01 13:11:59 +0000 UTC]
Oh yesh! I read that! I was meandering through your page, trying to kick meself to stop being a bum and start commenting when I spied this work in your favs! ...And I started reading. (And never commented! XD)
Oh I see you've added more! Lemme read that too, then I'll comment!
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Yakra In reply to Turtlekie [2008-01-26 10:21:41 +0000 UTC]
...late reply...
But anyways, thank you incredibly! ^____^
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Yakra In reply to Zhaana [2008-01-18 12:14:15 +0000 UTC]
I'm a major sucker for sepia! XD Thank you very much! ^___^ Ehem... I'm glad you liked the inking. I felt it might seem a wee bit messed up as some lines got thicker as I tried to cover up the mysterious blue spreading. X'
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just-joey [2008-01-18 01:18:28 +0000 UTC]
Ooh..I can see the resemblance between the two pics. ^_^
Otherwise, I wouldn't know much about blenders...totally not a marker person myself...but either way I still love the shading on this and all the different tones that show up in this. Good job too on the lines...and I love his robe just in general. XD
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just-joey In reply to Yakra [2008-01-19 04:55:58 +0000 UTC]
Nah...Denny's the one who's a genius with markers. I've used most traditional mediums at some point in the past, but watercolor and colored pencil are the only things i'm not completely out of practice with anymore.
And is fun to see characters age...though for whatever reason, mine never seem to. I think I have an obsession with characters that are near-immortal and thousands of years old and still look like kids...or at least never seem to age much past some point or other. But I do have quite a lot of respect for anybody who can draw a character's changes and such over the passing of time. ^^
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Yakra In reply to just-joey [2008-01-26 10:46:15 +0000 UTC]
Yep, Denny is the genius with markers! But you have used markers at some point haven't you? Because I remember getting totally awestruck by your amazingly, non-liney marker works! X'D
Actually I'm guilty of having lots of immortal/near-immortal (Yakra! Gaius! Lularum!) non-aging charries too! ^____^' I think poor Fenrir is the only fav charrie who's death I keep charting out and not allowing to live beyond 60!
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just-joey In reply to Yakra [2008-01-26 22:58:05 +0000 UTC]
......*hugs Fenrir* T__T
Actually...i gave one of my favorite near-immortal characters a tragic story and only 40 or so more years to live....but then Eth made me give him a that canceled that idea. Oh well. >_>;;
And well....i suppose i have used markers like...super infrequently...but i think the only marker piece i have up on devart is from like...four or five years ago or something...and I don't know that I ever really developed a knack for them. I'm flattered that you think of me that way though. XP
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Yakra In reply to just-joey [2008-01-31 10:36:45 +0000 UTC]
One's muses/characters tend to do that to dying characters don't they?! (Oghma: 'Let me revive Fenrir! Let him liiiiive!' Me: 'Nu! Go away!' )
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just-joey In reply to Yakra [2008-01-31 12:33:14 +0000 UTC]
*whispers to Oghma* I'll distract long do you need? >_>
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xFullMetalxX [2008-01-17 19:52:29 +0000 UTC]
Very nice result for what I'm assuming is your first attempt with markers(?)!! Markers are really fun to work with. Congratulations on acquiring some!
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KonekoD [2008-01-17 19:42:42 +0000 UTC]
Blenders, as I've seen from other artists, blend colors together. I can't remember if it's to help smooth edges or make new colors altogether. [link] mentions blending, but I haven't seen much else.
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KonekoD In reply to KonekoD [2008-01-17 19:46:39 +0000 UTC]
Wait, here is another one: [link]
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tenko72 [2008-01-17 13:52:51 +0000 UTC]
Is that where your username is from?
I don't use markers or pens that blend, but I do use pencils. The blender pencil is for helping one color value to blend into another. Like, if I drew a potato and made some parts brown, others yellow, and still others green, I could go over those parts with the blender pencil and they'd all blend together. I don't know if the same for markers.
With pens, it depends on the pen. Do you know what the pens and markers are based on? If they both use the same base, then when you go over one of them with the other, it'll make it separate. I've had this happen where black pens would turn blue and others purple and with markers, I'd have oranges turn red and yellow. I normally use pencils on ink lineart, now, so that hasn't happen in a long time.
Did you use the blender? TBH I can't tell by looking at this. If you didn't, then wow, you're really good at getting colors to go one into another! The color scheme reminds me of an old photo and I like how his braid and parts of his outfit spill out of the frame like that. I like the designs on his outfit too.
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tenko72 In reply to Yakra [2008-01-18 17:18:09 +0000 UTC]
I've never used a cotton ball or anything like that for pencils, though, I've seen others do it. The reason I haven't is because my art teacher wouldn't let anyone class do that, except for contest and stuff like that. Her reasoning was that if you can blend without that, then you should be even to blend even better-er XD with it.
It does look blended, especially the shading on the folds in the curtains.
That is true about pencil on inked lines. I like that, though. I ink, so I can better see what I'm coloring since my sketches are really, really sketchy. The whites of the eyes blend together white the eye, lids, wrinkles, and lashes. (@-@) I normally don't do it the other way around. I end up with ink floating and rolling off the where I colored with the pencils.
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merriya In reply to merriya [2008-01-17 12:51:01 +0000 UTC]
Argh, all the typoes! And I love all the motifs, details astronomical instrument thingies and the braid! Other than brushes, what do you ink with?
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