Yakra — Ain Yakra

Published: 2008-01-17 10:54:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 1436; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 14
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Description My first actual painting/drawing of the year! (Last one doesn't count. It was made around christmas time and then I was too lazy to upload it. X'D)

I just recently got me hands on Prisma markers and squeeeeeee! This be the result of me overexcited testing. ^___^

Medium: Markers and pen on parchment
Time: 1 and a half day?

Oh mi... I'm in love with these markers! No strokes! But it was a bit hard to get used to since they spread so much. DX I also noticed something funny - it turned the lines of certain fineliner pens to a blobby blue (in particular the Steadler ones)? Does this usually happen?

[and aside from everything, I've also realized, inking with a brush is far less painful and less time consuming]

But I'm wondering, could someone please enlighten me what these 'blenders' are for? How exactly am I supposed to use them? What are they for?

Person in the pic: That be Ain Yakra Ionot - Lularum's grandfather (great (add lots of greats)-granduncle to be exact), the previous shield bearer, and one of the seals that keeps the gods... er... sealed. (He also be the the person to the far-furthest left in this pic ---> [link] ). After a long and hard life of hero-ing away, he's found himself raising five bratty kids.
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Comments: 40

leinef [2008-01-24 14:16:54 +0000 UTC]

you have a nice style and also your coloring is amazing!

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Yakra In reply to leinef [2008-01-31 10:10:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^___^

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EvilTelephone [2008-01-22 23:57:08 +0000 UTC]

Gyah I been lazy and have several of your work to comment to sorry T_T;

I like this guy and the fact that his name includes yours must mean he either rocks, important, is your fav, or all +_+

Seriously he looks like a smart guy and power magic user or such! XD But now he looks like a fatherly/grandpa figure ready to read story time to his kids XDXD

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Yakra In reply to EvilTelephone [2008-01-26 10:12:25 +0000 UTC]

And I'm even lazier in replying! D: So I mind not! ^___^

Anyways, thank you incredibly! Yip, he is actually one of me favs (or atleast one of the most important ones who pops up in almost every story) and so ended up being given the first name of Yakra! (Though... the poor guy doesn't share any characteristics with his namesake! XD)

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feildicefly [2008-01-22 15:31:07 +0000 UTC]

hurrah!!! for Prisma Markers
(I know I just used a WWI term but who cares)
Reminds me of the amazing contrast I have with my parents
the curtain is so transparent
very well done
the motifs and the line the high contrast reminds me of your portfolio bag
so serious.........yep thats a grandad many greats ago
whats the object next to the lamp????
and congratulations on your first of the year

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Yakra In reply to feildicefly [2008-01-26 10:20:28 +0000 UTC]

Yip! Hurrah for Prismas! (er... and hurrah for WWI terms too! XD)

Thank you! And now you have reminded me I need to make a new portfolio bag as this old one is in tatters. D:

Object next to the lamp is a... er... random magical astronomical fate-future finder by bla blah following the path of the stars! X'D *is amazing at descriptions!*

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feildicefly In reply to Yakra [2008-01-28 11:10:49 +0000 UTC]

Cool name XD
give me a name for an object will you????? pleaseeeee??
well I'll tell you anyway......*forces*
in a certain land there exists a magical map, which shows the location of any ship, which might be anywhere, on the waters of the seven sea's,...... so........ the name of the object in question, lies on a ship, or is perhaps worn by a certain princess around her neck, is an amulet or whatever stolen from the mapmaker, which protects her and her fellows from the map...............

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Yakra In reply to feildicefly [2008-01-31 10:32:03 +0000 UTC]

Hu hu... you'd actually ask me for a name after that display of extreme eloquence?! XDDD Well then..! *uses all her brain cells to put her rubbish naming skills to work*

Erm... Ze magical ship-map-finder!

Okie... more seriously though.... er.... Clymene's amulet? Map of Seas? *fails*

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feildicefly In reply to Yakra [2008-02-01 09:58:33 +0000 UTC]

oh and read both pages of comments plllllzzzzzzzzz tell us what you think

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feildicefly In reply to Yakra [2008-02-01 09:56:35 +0000 UTC]

I like clymene' amulet.................. a map maker/ alchemist invents this amazing sea chart for his king but he also knows that the evil king is going to kill him so he makes this amulet in order to protect himself and his daughter but .............the unfortunate alchemist doesnot make it however his daughter, who was his student, is saved by the amulet and reaches dryland, makes port on the continent of Gylia, near the forest of Ezue (named after random elfin sage) and hides it in a secret grotto...............from where the Princess "bride" has to rescue it..............oh and if you want to read this story its here [link] not complete yet, but getting there, this part hasn't even been written....sooooooo.....still a long way to go
and thankyou thankyou so much

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Yakra In reply to feildicefly [2008-02-01 13:11:59 +0000 UTC]

Oh yesh! I read that! I was meandering through your page, trying to kick meself to stop being a bum and start commenting when I spied this work in your favs! ...And I started reading. (And never commented! XD)

Oh I see you've added more! Lemme read that too, then I'll comment!

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Turtlekie [2008-01-18 16:54:48 +0000 UTC]

I really like this!!! (Congrats on the new markers!!!) I like all the shapes, and how you manipulate the shades.

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Yakra In reply to Turtlekie [2008-01-26 10:21:41 +0000 UTC]

...late reply...

But anyways, thank you incredibly! ^____^

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Turtlekie In reply to Yakra [2008-01-26 21:07:24 +0000 UTC]

...quick response...

You're super welcome!!!!

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Zhaana [2008-01-18 10:57:38 +0000 UTC]

I love your inking way, and this kind of sepia tones, yeah I'm a fan of sepia
I've never touched to markers so can't help you.

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Yakra In reply to Zhaana [2008-01-18 12:14:15 +0000 UTC]

I'm a major sucker for sepia! XD Thank you very much! ^___^ Ehem... I'm glad you liked the inking. I felt it might seem a wee bit messed up as some lines got thicker as I tried to cover up the mysterious blue spreading. X'

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Dadrick [2008-01-18 01:42:56 +0000 UTC]

That came out looking great. I couldn't tell on first glance that it had been done using pens and markers. The only thing that seemed a bit off to me was the streaks of white in his hair. Perhaps they should be a bit thinner if possible. But otherwise it was very well done.

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Yakra In reply to Dadrick [2008-01-18 11:55:35 +0000 UTC]

White streaks in his hair = the silly little attempt at the shine or the tiny streaks that form near the bottom, near his neck? But anyways, yip, I kind of agree, especially if you were referring to the streaks near the neck! I'd felt some of them were seeming a bit off so I actually added a few more with a white gel pen. While it looks ok in the original, I'm not terribly fond of the cool white color that is sticking out oh-so-shockingly amongst all the other warm grey-browns.

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just-joey [2008-01-18 01:18:28 +0000 UTC]

Ooh..I can see the resemblance between the two pics. ^_^

Otherwise, I wouldn't know much about blenders...totally not a marker person myself...but either way I still love the shading on this and all the different tones that show up in this. Good job too on the lines...and I love his robe just in general. XD

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Yakra In reply to just-joey [2008-01-18 11:38:08 +0000 UTC]

Why did I always think you were..? I always had this weird notion that you were a marker maestro...?

Anyways, thank you! ^____^ I'm glad some resemblence is there! Methinks I really love thinking about how one's charries age and change with time! XD

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just-joey In reply to Yakra [2008-01-19 04:55:58 +0000 UTC]

Nah...Denny's the one who's a genius with markers. I've used most traditional mediums at some point in the past, but watercolor and colored pencil are the only things i'm not completely out of practice with anymore.

And yeah...it is fun to see characters age...though for whatever reason, mine never seem to. I think I have an obsession with characters that are near-immortal and thousands of years old and still look like kids...or at least never seem to age much past some point or other. But I do have quite a lot of respect for anybody who can draw a character's changes and such over the passing of time. ^^

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Yakra In reply to just-joey [2008-01-26 10:46:15 +0000 UTC]

Yep, Denny is the genius with markers! But you have used markers at some point haven't you? Because I remember getting totally awestruck by your amazingly, non-liney marker works! X'D

Actually I'm guilty of having lots of immortal/near-immortal (Yakra! Gaius! Lularum!) non-aging charries too! ^____^' I think poor Fenrir is the only fav charrie who's death I keep charting out and not allowing to live beyond 60!

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just-joey In reply to Yakra [2008-01-26 22:58:05 +0000 UTC]

......*hugs Fenrir* T__T

Actually...i gave one of my favorite near-immortal characters a tragic story and only 40 or so more years to live....but then Eth made me give him a reprieve...so that canceled that idea. Oh well. >_>;;

And well....i suppose i have used markers like...super infrequently...but i think the only marker piece i have up on devart is from like...four or five years ago or something...and I don't know that I ever really developed a knack for them. I'm flattered that you think of me that way though. XP

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Yakra In reply to just-joey [2008-01-31 10:36:45 +0000 UTC]

One's muses/characters tend to do that to dying characters don't they?! (Oghma: 'Let me revive Fenrir! Let him liiiiive!' Me: 'Nu! Go away!' )

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just-joey In reply to Yakra [2008-01-31 12:33:14 +0000 UTC]

*whispers to Oghma* I'll distract her...how long do you need? >_>

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xFullMetalxX [2008-01-17 19:52:29 +0000 UTC]

Very nice result for what I'm assuming is your first attempt with markers(?)!! Markers are really fun to work with. Congratulations on acquiring some!

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Yakra In reply to xFullMetalxX [2008-01-18 11:43:18 +0000 UTC]

I did use markers before, but I never had Prismas. I never knew one could get such a smooth effect with markers of all the things so easily! :'D

Thank you very much! ^__^ I know I'll be fussing around with them for quite a while now! X'D They are fun!

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xFullMetalxX In reply to Yakra [2008-01-18 16:51:42 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see! It is really neat how nicely a seemingly simple tool can come out to be

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KonekoD [2008-01-17 19:42:42 +0000 UTC]

Blenders, as I've seen from other artists, well..help blend colors together. I can't remember if it's to help smooth edges or make new colors altogether. [link] mentions blending, but I haven't seen much else.

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KonekoD In reply to KonekoD [2008-01-17 19:46:39 +0000 UTC]

Wait, here is another one: [link]

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Yakra In reply to KonekoD [2008-01-18 11:32:56 +0000 UTC]

Wow... thank you! Thank you! *saves all the tutorials!* ^_________^

I'm going to try the blender on my next attempt now!

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tenko72 [2008-01-17 13:52:51 +0000 UTC]

Is that where your username is from?

I don't use markers or pens that blend, but I do use pencils. The blender pencil is for helping one color value to blend into another. Like, if I drew a potato and made some parts brown, others yellow, and still others green, I could go over those parts with the blender pencil and they'd all blend together. I don't know if the same for markers.

With pens, it depends on the pen. Do you know what the pens and markers are based on? If they both use the same base, then when you go over one of them with the other, it'll make it separate. I've had this happen where black pens would turn blue and others purple and with markers, I'd have oranges turn red and yellow. I normally use pencils on ink lineart, now, so that hasn't happen in a long time.

Did you use the blender? TBH I can't tell by looking at this. If you didn't, then wow, you're really good at getting colors to go one into another! The color scheme reminds me of an old photo and I like how his braid and parts of his outfit spill out of the frame like that. I like the designs on his outfit too.

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Yakra In reply to tenko72 [2008-01-18 11:30:07 +0000 UTC]

Pencils have blenders? I never knew!! Er... actually, I never imagined there could be a pencil blender! (Ehem... me idea of pencil blender - a cotton ball! )

But no, I didn't use a blender on this. You think this is actually looking blended? :'D Thank you!!! ^_____^ I don't think I deserve much credit though since all I did was use the French Greys...

I'm assuming all the pens were er... waterbased or something like that. None were the waterproof, permenant ones. But only the Steadler ones acted weirdly as you described. I used pencils on ink lineart sometimes, as you mentioned, but don't pencils on a pre-inked drawing made the lines a bit... softer, toned down? Before, I also used to first color, then ink. *did things the wrong way round! X'D)

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tenko72 In reply to Yakra [2008-01-18 17:18:09 +0000 UTC]

I've never used a cotton ball or anything like that for pencils, though, I've seen others do it. The reason I haven't is because my art teacher wouldn't let anyone class do that, except for contest and stuff like that. Her reasoning was that if you can blend without that, then you should be even to blend even better-er XD with it.

It does look blended, especially the shading on the folds in the curtains.

That is true about pencil on inked lines. I like that, though. I ink, so I can better see what I'm coloring since my sketches are really, really sketchy. The whites of the eyes blend together white the eye, lids, wrinkles, and lashes. (@-@) I normally don't do it the other way around. I end up with ink floating and rolling off the where I colored with the pencils.

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merriya [2008-01-17 12:27:38 +0000 UTC]

*super hurrie comment*

Ah, so this is him! Seems very unlike his descendant Personality-wise atleast. They're interests seem to be the same though. Love the composition!

Prisma's! That's awesome! Did you get them locally (I highly doubt it)?. The results are amazing! Wow, I can't tell they're markers. As far as I know, the blenders are used to umm blend. As in maybe you lay down the colors and run the blend marker over them to smooth the edges out? *is daydreaming of doing so* Okay, that didn't help. I've seen a bunch of Prisma marker tutorials around Da. Try searching for them :3.

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merriya In reply to merriya [2008-01-17 12:51:01 +0000 UTC]

Argh, all the typoes! And I love all the motifs, details astronomical instrument thingies and the braid! Other than brushes, what do you ink with?

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Yakra In reply to merriya [2008-01-18 11:17:33 +0000 UTC]

Very very unlike his descendant. The two couldn't be bigger opposites, even in interests (not counting the obsession for books)! XDD

I never imagined there would be Prisma tutorials! I figured... everyone somehow already knew how to use Prismas and to make a tutorial would be as stupid as... er.. learning how to watercolor? I'm really glad there are some though!

But ehem... I imagined blenders worked the same way you did! XD And I tried that too when I was buying them, but that wasn't too successful! X'DDDD (Me: 'Oooo! Blenders!' Friend: 'What are they for? O_o' Me: Why for blending ofcourse!' *high-and-mighty-know-it-all-mode - attempts to blend in the above mentioned method* Friend: '...didn't work' Me: 'Crappy paper! ' )

Ah... and I found the Prismas in Jordan. A very crappy selection of colors actually (minus these greys I fell in love with! XD), but crappy colors or no, I wasn't going to leave any Prisma!

Aaand, and, other than brushes I just mostly ink with markers or pens. A couple of years back though, I loved using a crowquill pen or Rapidos though.

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merriya In reply to Yakra [2008-01-18 11:48:17 +0000 UTC]

So it's unlikely he steals stuff, like books maybe? I've stolen books... (read: borrowed from cousins and never returned why am i mentioning this? )

As far as I know, there are tutorials for all sorts of media around. I like browsing them even if I don't own the media .

That is weird... What other purpose could they have? I always thought it was to blend hues etc *another miss-know-it-all 'wned' by the mysteries of the blender*

So, when are you coming to Lahore >.>... (with your markers!)

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Yakra In reply to merriya [2008-01-18 12:10:00 +0000 UTC]

Hardly! Think of him as another Aimon who be incredibly proper about stuffs (and has gotten to be more uptight-'me-noble-wise-sorcerer'-who-be-here-to-uphold-morals-of-society type with age! X'D)!

[O god! I need to return the book I borrowed from me cousin er... 2 years ago...! D: *ish not a thief! XD*]

Welp, it appears that we were both partially correct atleast, looking at the tutorials =KonekoD just referenced to above! But eh heh heh... I need to come to Lahore!! I need double sided waslis.... and metallic ones... and... and... *old up huge material shopping list* Its been a year!

I'm afraid some suicide bomber is going to blow me up though... *paranoid hermetic thoughts* X'D

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merriya In reply to Yakra [2008-01-21 05:28:21 +0000 UTC]

Metallic wasli's? Whoaaa! Those sound like something sci-fi-ish and futuristic . You didn't see this years thesis then? The miniature dept went all 'contemporary'. I don't really remember seeing anything figurative .

Eep, suicide bombers...

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