Comments: 44
1408k [2012-03-03 17:10:11 +0000 UTC]
how did u make it ????
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YellerCrakka In reply to ThePalmTopTigerTaiga [2012-01-05 04:44:58 +0000 UTC]
I only make this type by special order, but if you're ever interested in ordering one, feel free to send me an e-mail at anytime for details!
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YellerCrakka In reply to AlexXe666 [2011-06-07 03:39:20 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a bunch! I use polymer clay for all my charms, I am not brand specific, but it's just Sculpey, Fimo, Premo, ect.
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YellerCrakka In reply to AlexXe666 [2011-06-11 02:11:13 +0000 UTC]
Just the regular kind, I think it's Sculpey III, plain white, then I paint it with acrylic paints. As for tools, I only use my hands for the most part and then a dried out ball point pen for pressing in the line. I don't have a tutorial or anything, it's pretty much the way you'd think, just roll a ball of clay in your hands until it is perfectly spherical, then "draw" the line on with the pen, then bake and paint. ^_^
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d0ggypaws [2011-05-24 20:41:38 +0000 UTC]
how do you make such amazingly tiny charms. they are all so beautiful!
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YellerCrakka In reply to d0ggypaws [2011-06-07 02:46:33 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I used to sculpt big, full sized busts and sculptures, then I just kept making them smaller and smaller until I could use them for charms, hehe.
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Lita4Makoto [2011-04-29 03:13:50 +0000 UTC]
I've noticed looking threw your pokeball charms that you must pay close attention to each type of pokeball, and that amazes me, ^.^
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Lita4Makoto In reply to YellerCrakka [2011-05-31 03:25:17 +0000 UTC]
There isn't anything wrong with obsessing over your art lol Its was makes you as best like you are ^.^ I adore your detail, I recently made a Dive Pokeball, I don't have such a steady hand lol or a camera that will actually show what it actually looks like lol
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ima-max [2011-03-14 09:34:21 +0000 UTC]
do you still make these/ how much?
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YellerCrakka In reply to ima-max [2011-03-25 22:25:50 +0000 UTC]
I do indeed, if you're ever interested in ordering one (or an art trade ^_~) feel free to send me an e-mail at for details!
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hypothesize [2010-02-09 20:02:09 +0000 UTC]
it's lovely. ^^
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strawberripanda [2009-08-15 00:47:44 +0000 UTC]
Aww it looks exactly like a pokeball I made to attach to my DS :3
How did you keep your white clay so white? o:
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YellerCrakka In reply to strawberripanda [2009-08-22 06:53:40 +0000 UTC]
=^_^= DS twins!
And I don't use white clay, all my clay starts out gray and I paint it after it's sculpted, then I just don't ever touch them, hehe.
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strawberripanda In reply to YellerCrakka [2009-08-22 13:17:41 +0000 UTC]
YAY! ^__^
Oh~ That's a good idea : D
I've tried the whole wash your hands every second trick and that still didn't work o;
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gothpanda14 [2009-06-24 22:32:47 +0000 UTC]
adorable! can u make me one? im such a big fan of pokemon :]
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YellerCrakka In reply to gothpanda14 [2009-07-08 08:28:28 +0000 UTC]
I could certainly make you one, you can send me a Note anytime for commission details. ^_^
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YellerCrakka In reply to gothpanda14 [2009-07-09 04:50:38 +0000 UTC]
I sent you a note with further details, thanks!
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Avalon-Avallo [2009-03-28 22:37:09 +0000 UTC]
i want it for my cellphone XD!!!
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YellerCrakka In reply to DarkFireRaven [2009-03-14 23:42:17 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I know! I always feel so old when I remember back to things like this. ;_;
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YellerCrakka In reply to KaidaTheDragon [2009-03-14 23:41:42 +0000 UTC]
I just saw that episode recently on TV, really takes ya back! @_@
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Sweet-Chibi [2009-03-08 21:48:14 +0000 UTC]
Really nice! ^^
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Kadajo [2009-03-08 14:32:41 +0000 UTC]
Wow! This is lovely !!!!!!!! And sooo small !!!!!! O__O
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YellerCrakka In reply to Kadajo [2009-03-09 08:34:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I do my best to make things as small as possible, but still super detailed. ^_^
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Flemmliplush [2009-03-08 02:34:05 +0000 UTC]
Oh cool! I remembered that!
The lighting bold pokeball!
It's pretty~
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YellerCrakka In reply to Flemmliplush [2009-03-09 08:19:22 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I think they only show it that one time in the first episode, but its pretty hard to forget, it's quite cool. ^_^
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