Comments: 12
gdpr-1510289 [2006-09-03 02:15:01 +0000 UTC]
Groovy job hun I love their expressions n___n
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hiroshiparadox [2006-07-16 03:32:26 +0000 UTC]
Here he comes, rougher than da rest of 'em! XD
Knuckles' pose looks pretty kickin. I like the way you did multiple rows of his dreadlocks...Usually I don't like it so much when you see multiple rows of them, or of Sonic's quills, but doing simple shadowy forms of them instead of drawing them outright works pretty well.
The girl's pose looks a little odd, mostly cause of her foot. It looks like she's really small cause the foot doesn't look very foreshortened, and so her leg seems really flat and stuff.
Still, very cool. ^^
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MechaNeko In reply to hiroshiparadox [2006-07-19 05:59:18 +0000 UTC]
usually, I don't put Multi quils on Sonic "unless" the position of his head or body. But Knuckles since he out numbers Sonic's hairs by far, sometimes it is needed. ^^ Thanks man.
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deeamn [2006-07-12 09:32:41 +0000 UTC]
maybe i should get a robotic arm too. make my punches hurt some more
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deeamn In reply to MechaNeko [2006-07-13 08:18:18 +0000 UTC]
aw, i don't want to kill you because i won't have a live punching bag then. muhahaha
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Davina44 [2006-07-12 07:55:03 +0000 UTC]
omg knuckles looks amazin ^^ well done n this must have taken ages ^^
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Davina44 In reply to MechaNeko [2006-07-12 18:20:27 +0000 UTC]
yw ^^ hehe kewl
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