pitbulllady — Okeetee Corn

Published: 2005-05-31 04:32:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 286; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 13
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Description I found this little girl in my driveway earlier tonight. Each year I find several Corns on the road and in my driveway, usually after it rains, but this is the first one I've found alive this year. She is very gravid("pregnant" with eggs), although she isn't very big; probably this is her first clutch of eggs ever. I can never get tired of finding these, or tired of looking at them!

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Comments: 11

Mistique7 [2009-12-19 04:11:35 +0000 UTC]

A few months ago I found two baby black rat snakes in the garage at my lake cabin in the same day, and the day after I found a baby garter snake, but we couldn't keep her
The rat snakes are still only about a foot long, but absolutely adorable!
Your corn snake is beautiful, by the way.

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pitbulllady In reply to Mistique7 [2009-12-19 15:21:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Even with all the captive-produced breeds(and yes, some DO qualify now as breeds, complete with a written standard and a registry, the North American Corn Snake Breeders Association)out there, it's still hard to beat a wild-caught SC Low Country Corn for looks!
I'm curious as to why you didn't keep the little Garter, though-did she not eat, or what? Garters and Water Snakes are easier to care for than Corns, in my experience, since you can buy their food at the local supermarket.


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Mistique7 In reply to pitbulllady [2009-12-19 18:30:46 +0000 UTC]

Well, we took the snakes to a wildlife center to see what kind they were, and the people there said that garters were hard to keep because they get scared easily and won't eat. I would of loved to keep her, though. She was very pretty.

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pitbulllady In reply to Mistique7 [2009-12-20 03:34:49 +0000 UTC]

Gees, sounds like someone at the wildlife center is either horribly misinformed, or else they are one of those "animal rights" nuts who don't believe in keeping any animals, certainly not wild-caught ones. Garters normally settle down very well, and I've yet to meet one that wasn't a voracious feeder! They don't normally eat mice, though, so perhaps someone at the wildlife center was ignorant enough to try to feed rodents to a Garter without scenting it first with a fish or frog, and just figured that Garters won't eat in captivity because the snake refused to eat a rodent. I feed mine pieces of cut fresh Tilapia or salmon from the supermarket or local fish market, and they gobble it down like nobody's business! Babies will take small pieces of fish off of tweezers, or will eat small earthworms. Garters have long been one of the most popular first-time pet snakes because they are normally very gentle and they are easy to care for. Next time you find one, forget this wildlife center and Google "Garter Snake care sheet" or try [link] or Google "Scott Felzer"; he is one of the country's largest breeders of captive-produced Garters.


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Mistique7 In reply to pitbulllady [2009-12-20 04:03:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh, no! If I do find another one, I'll make sure to look at that care sheet.
But now I'm worried because both of my rat snakes suddenly stopped eating like three weeks ago...and they are getting really skinny

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SinErgy666 [2005-08-13 19:11:44 +0000 UTC]

damn she is so nice! I would be glad to have one like this!

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ToTheMoonAndBack [2005-08-05 01:39:50 +0000 UTC]

That's a beautiful corn snake. Really vivid in color...awesome markings.

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BacchusJones [2005-06-06 03:39:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, very very nice! Corns are sweet. I've only seen one in the "wild" this past year ~ and that was by a dumpster at the college! I love the variations in hue the corns can sport. I just wish I had them in my driveway! Just a slew of southern black racers... LOL...

~ bacchus.

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innervision13 [2005-06-04 18:51:27 +0000 UTC]

Awww shes beautiful! I wish I could just find snakes. I usually have to go to reptile shows and buy them.

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shojikoto [2005-05-31 07:59:40 +0000 UTC]

wish i could find snakes like that.... i live in the city, so don't see many wild things....

that's why i love going to my aunt's in teh country.... recently i cought a diamond-backed water snake, and a 6ft. black rat snake..... both great snakes.... diamond-backed water snake did try to strike at me quite a bit, but still was a nice snake

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MsJ777 [2005-05-31 04:39:40 +0000 UTC]

BEAUTIFUL snake, and great capture!

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